Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Rush of warmth to the Class V (Right)


Well, the holidays are a'beckoning, and we're left with a week and one day before our holiday officially starts. There has been talk of holding a class chalet, and maybe holding it at the same place which we had a chalet the last time.

Not that I'm complaining, but having a class chalet seems like a drag, on top of all the stuff that I want to accomplish this holiday:

1. Get my finger recovered back to it's old flexibility... current rate: 30%
2. Finish recording 'Steak & Onions', and hopefully invite Gerry to play guitar and sing on some tracks. Also come up with more material for the album along the way.
3. Go to Rob's place and check out his '59 Les Paul Reissue, SRV Strat, '52 Telecaster, Rickenbacker lap steel and Martin acoustic.
4. Finish off the chair-redesign project with Alvin.
5. Buy that $168 Vox Pathfinder 15-watt.
6. Get a date.

Ok, number 6 was just a joke, because I'd never have the time nor the energy and parental consent to actually go out until past 11pm. Hopefully that will change once I turn 18 this November. Sounds juvenile. I know.

Back to the class chalet... I'm also iffy about the whole thing firstly because I realise that although I have tried very hard to be a nice guy to everyone in class, the simple fact is that this act of conformity has not been entirely reciprocated, and I'm not exactly pleased. In fact, one of the main reasons I come to school with that black look of dismay upon my face every morning is because I feel so damn pissed with some of those people.

Make no mistake, my classmates are good, self-respecting people who have friends and have no qualms about making friends. However, they may not be the most reasonable people in the world, and I'm not afraid to say it out loud that I'm not taking this sitting down. I've had enough bullshit, and it's getting a little lame when every little damn thing other people do becomes blown out of proportion.

My classmates have given me feedback from Year 1 semester 1 that I was a real son of a bitch and I tended to be a pain in the arse. Fine. I play nice the 2nd semester and I had fun during the class chalet. 2nd year comes along, I'm still playing nice but it feels like I'm starting all over again.

I've tried to be much more warmer and accomodating, I've even attempted appreciating your brand of teen-pop. To a certain degree you have accepted me and alot of people are nice to me. I'm not expecting 100%-welcome-with-open-arms, and I'd be surprised if you did so.

I feel like I'm back in Secondary Three/Four ... when I was relatively respected for my abilities in D&T. I was being used for my expertise in metal lathing and woodwork. Now it seems like people around me are doing the same: dump after use. I'm tired. Maybe I won't be going for the chalet anyway.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


At 9:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christopher Paolini at Kansas City book signing, so we're going
My son pointed out to my fluey self last evening that his current idol, the 21 author of Eragon and Eldest , Christopher Paolini , will be signing books in Kansas City, Missouri, tomorrow afternoon.
Great blog! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

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