It just Keeps Getting Better And Better V: Subway Stars!!!
I went to see John's band last night at the Blu Jaz Cafe... and their 'acoustic' set wasn't too bad: John's bass playing seemed pretty good, Joe's singing was as (almost) pitch-perfect as always, and Joanna became a percussionist (much to her dismay at her bimbo-ness... lol). I'm just joshing (joking) over here.
I had managed to find the place fairly easily, and it was a great environment... it's good to see local bands make an attempt to gain exposure at the expense of being able to earn some proper cash, but it's all in the name of musicianship, and we had a good time.
This sort of thing leads me to wonder whether getting paid for a gig is truly something I would pay most attention to when it comes to getting a gig. In actual fact, the Subway Stars are severely under-estimating their commercial value, but they still need a lot of spit and polish before they have the calibre to command a 100-buck-per-person-per-gig price tag.
I'd say, good work, and that's the spirit!!!
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