Another one for the road II
Wow, it seems so surreal... it was like Limky walking into the com lab and then shouting out my name:
Limky: '(my name)!! you got warning letter!'
Crawldaddy: '???'
L: 'haha, just joking lah, here got a letter for you'
At this point in time I was holding my breath... and for a very good reason: Every start of semester, Limky presents the letter of invitation to the top student of the previous semester... so I got it... I made it... I'm the top student for 0401 yr2 1st semester.
Now who would have thought of it? I couldn't believe it, especially since I felt that it might have ended up anywhere except in my own two hands. The first year top students were Chu Leong and Sabrina respectively... and of all people least to attain this achievement, I did.
That said, I recall putting a lot of effort into the brushing up of my Rhino skills, my photoshop skills and my communication skills. I did get a decent grade for Graphics, and M&M was a total disaster, but as it turned out I managed to get a Distinction for my studio project (OMG!!! Like totally unexpected!!!)... must have been a fault in the school system which showed my initial results as having only a B.
I can only thank the Lord above, but also good luck and the occasional hard work being injected into the relevant areas LOL... this is considered the third cherry on top of the cake.. The first being the pyramid, the second being the Merit Award at FLIP!
Aren't I a lucky bastard? I dunno... I pretty much felt like shit throughout the most of last semester, and my financial status has not improved despite me clearing all my debts with Brother Dearest who held me at his mercy with the CD costs. I still feel that there's more to be worked upon, and like anything else.. it's a work in progress.
Oh yeah, before I forget.. I'm finally doing a gig! It's gonna be next thursday, the 24th of November starting around 8:45 at Molly Malone's Irish Pub, 56 Circular Road, Boat Quay. Just a few moments back, I helped Paul sing a couple of songs so as to improve the mood of the place... poor guy his voice was severely shot and he couldn't sing very well. I couldn't let him crash and burn, so I pulled out the staples 'Are You Ready For The Country', 'Where Did You Sleep Last Night' and 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' and left the place feeling high heaven.
I've been listening to 'Dark Side Of The Moon' by Pink Floyd lately, and I personally find it one of the best albums I have EVER heard. Considering that the recording technology during the 70's was relatively primitive my modern standards (they did have to manually cut and duplicate the tapes by hand), this record still stands as one of the biggest selling records of all time. I'm proud to own it, and I owe it to Superdel and Brother Dearest.
Ah well, tomorrow brings new challenges, and i hope I can carry on working to finish up my school assignments... I've been slacking somewhat (still in holiday mood) or maybe just burnt out. Who knows?
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