It's been raining almost non-stop since Saturday. A sign of the monsoon season in South East Asia, I suppose. I don't think the roads have been properly dry since Friday evening, and I frankly loving this cool weather because it's much better than having hot, humid, stand-still-yet-sweat-like-mad days which seem such a bother.
I managed to get myself a Levi's denim jacket (hehehe) and it's so cool. Not many people have noticed that it is a real Levi's jacket, and I'm glad because then I'm not like an open target to thieves. Not that I'm suggesting that I'm living amongst thieves, but prudence is better than having the possibility of loss.
Managed to get through the Daniel presentation, which included a five-guy dance in the middle of XiWai's presentation behind Daniel's back. Most recently, XiWai has been doing this sort of weird-arsed dance out of the blue and at any random time just for kicks. Being rather amused by this behaviour, some five guys from my class (including myself) all decided to disturb XiWai by lining up behind Daniel (whilst XiWai was still presenting) and doing the dance upon cue from Roland. Funny.
Today, I managed to gain further insight into the improvements required of my VI PDA design, which was thoroughly sparred through with me and Jeremy Sun discussing various reasons and rationales for features in the design of the product. It's really cool to actually discuss something about design with someone who is willing to do so in the most un-superior method possible.
Yesterday I met Mr Soon after passing the Chocolate Mousse recipe to Amanda (she bolted off for a leak as soon as I had made sure she could read the chef's handwriting), and I let him listen to 'To You', with which he was suitably impressed. Nice.
Tomorrow is model-making day, and then followed by my gig in the evening. I hope everything goes well and I don't screw up or accidentally break a brand new string (omg, these GHS strings are really, really, really bright and springy!!!).
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