Sunday, March 26, 2006

The best of what I want to be


I haven't managed to be who I am recently
because it's getting tough to be the best of me
projects, issues that boggle my mind down
leaving me sprawled across the cold, dank ground

emerging from an holiday that didn't feel like one
people tell me that I deserve to have more fun
truth is, I don't feel that deserving at all
I feel like a target to be shot up on the wall

I need back the things which made me whole
so come back my friends, my precious safety fold
I may appear to be strong, but its just wrong
for me to keep depending on you for this long

I don't dare ask for your constant reliability
I don't even deserve your unflinching loyalty
all I ask is an occasional hello, when you're free
so that I can be the best of what I want to be



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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