Sunday, April 16, 2006

That's it


I should probably be doing something more productive, but I'm choosing to bitch about one thing: the choice of my music.

Now I'm sick and tired of people telling me to change my musical tastes to 'suit the times' because hey, I like the stuff I've been listening to, and who the hell are you to tell me what to think or behave or choose?

Countless of people have been telling me to 'listen to more mandarin songs'. I don't want to, and I'd probably continue hating the mundaness of the stuff being churned out of Taiwan. I don't sing in chinese, and I think those who constantly bug me to sing in chinese are insulting me because I can't speak chinese well.. and I feel so uncomfortable doing something along those lines. Just don't even think about it please.

And it's one thing to insult me for my inability or shortcomings when it comes to speaking chinese.. and it's another to tick off my musical influences as passe and boring. For crying out loud.. I don't think like you do, I don't speak like you do and I certainly don't listen to the stuff that you do. It's MY music, MY influences and MY FUCKING choice.

Just be happy I don't berate YOUR music, YOUR influences and YOUR FUCKING choices.. I could have but I won't. You listen to your stuff, I listen to mine.. happy?

I'm not gonna pander to your tastes just because you think I should... who the hell are you to tell me that Pink Floyd are things of the past? I've yet to see a group which can replecate the success and influence (both culturally and musically) which was a result of Pink Floyd.

So what if I like the blues? So what if it may seem passe? I LIKE it. So kiss my ass and laugh at me, I'll be the guy who's sitting there listening to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd knowing the stuff I'm listening to would probably last longer down the line compared to everything else YOU listen to.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


At 7:46 pm, Blogger fritz said...


I'm on your side! Being a professional pianist, composer and recording artist for over 40+ years has given me exactly the ideas that you are preaching. I tell them all to take a flying leap at a rolling donut if they don't like the music I play. The only types of music I don't really like are rap and heavy metal. The rest of it has it's place and I listen to all of it from time to time.

Right now, being refugees from New Orleans where our home and all of our belongings were wiped out by Hurricane Katrina (including my Baldwin 9 foot Concert Grand) we are living in the mountains of western North Carolina and I'm listening to a lot of country music, bluegrass, rock etc. because that's what's played up here. And some of it is dynamite.

As with all artistic endeavors, if you are a music composer, everything you write is NOT great. Some of the things you write are garbage, some of it is OK, some of it is good, some of it is excellent and once in a while you get a real winner. Same goes for painting, sculpturing, writing prose or poetry. As I said, all artistic endeavors.

One of the things I learned at a very early age is that progress in your chosen musical profession is greatly influenced by how much you LISTEN. The greatest inspiration to your art is listening to others perform. You learn what not to do and what you can do. Very important.

So much for the music philosophy. I may even add it to my blog page:



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