Late Nite Meanderings III
Just got back from work, form another OT, and at least Dad picked me up back from work. I didn't wish to spend another hour plus going around half of Singapore for no apparent reason.
Work went pretty smoothly today, two guys (me and an another fella) serving three tables. Actually my partner was a newbie to everything, and the only work experience he ever had was at a chinese restaurant, so at least he could carry the small 16" round tray. The bigger, 3-foot long oval tray was trickier, and I suspect he broke a few plates when I was busy elsewhere.
Anyhow, since he was so blur about everything, I just spent about one-thirds the time teaching him stuff and giving encouragement (if you consider ordering him to 'just do it' counts as encouragement). And he was pretty much ok, just that he was slow, which is ok for first-timers.
I am so glad my dinner service didn;t cock up at all, especially since I'm very slow in service. The feeling of being ahead of others while still keeping a healthy timing for oneself is pretty encouraging, but the real test comes when I go it solo for two tables: one person, two tables, twenty hungry, greedy individuals whose sole reason they are attending this wedding is to enjoy the free food.
OT was ok, had soem fun joking with my work mates, and I knocked off at two-thrity, although the time we officially end OT was 3am.
Oh yeah, I was waiting for my dad, and I saw this numebr plate on a bus:
'PU 55 Y'
Man... no wonderthe bloddy government evaded such situations by skipping cra number plates starting with SE-something.
Actually malaysian car number plates are increasingly interesting, especially the first three letters, here are some examples:
You can imagine the rest.
oh yeah, let's not forget this number plate:
SAT 666 N
I'm really not making this up.
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