Violin Bow is Fixed
Finally, after glueing my violin bow seven times with epoxy glue, I have resorted to the most desperate measures so save myself 15 bucks and a trip down to Bras Basah Complex:
Fix my violin bow, non too crudely.
I first drilled two holes beneath the split area, and carved two notches above the split area to prevent my reinforcement wires from slipping.
Actually my *reinforcement* wires were just two pieces of paper clips straightened out to form one straight wire, and then they were inserted into the holes, looped, and twined together with pliers to tighten up the split.
It actually worked, owing to the strength and resilient capabilities of paper clips.
I actually wanted to name my violin bow with a pleasant name just like my other instruments:
Acoustics: Tina (out of commision), Crawldaddy(steel), Estel (classical)
Electric: Page (after Led Zeppelin's legendary guitarist, who also, incidentally uses a violin bow)
Mandolin: Jonesy (after Led Zeppelin's bass and mandolin player)
However, since my violin bow caused me so much anger and frustration (not to mention time and wasted energy trying to glue the damn thing together 7 bloody times), I decided to Christen it after the name of the International Pain In The Ass:
As you probably realise, Bush is the epitome of international violence, either causing it, or propagating it indirectly.
Therefore, naming my violin bow after him also has that twofold meaning: being a pain in the ass, and causing trouble.
Kinda kinky huh?
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