Monday, January 16, 2006

It's got Balls! V


I was having some makan with my jam pals at Orchard Centrepoint MacDonalds last night, and I let both Colin and Rully hear my latest song (which is also playing on this blog right now). It's great that both of them think it's alright. After all, it is blues in it's essence.

Alvin said that this song could use some 'Murphy' treatment, as in when we first wrote 'It's All Joon Kiat's Fault', we eventually changed it to 'It's all Murphy's Fault' because the usage of someone's name for a song so explicitly, might just not be such a good idea.

Well frankly I don't mind giving my latest song the 'Murphy' treatment.. question is how to do it? The song essentially says 'I hate my job', so how do I do it ever so subtly? I tend to be very straightforward in such matters, and what does it matter if I'm complainign about my present job? It's the truth, and I didn't sound anybody out in particular. I coudl if I wanted to, but I chose not to, and hence I foresee the modification of lyrics to be limited to aid in the improvement in diction.

Another part of this song in particular is the two guitar solos... the first one is kind of meant to be a 'warm-up' solo, which tells the listener that the person singing the song is feeling particularly disgruntled, and wants to get rid of his blues, his Irish Pub Job Blues.

The second solo comes after the exclamation 'Come and feel it!', which is a call for the listener to feel the dissatisfaction felt by the 'victim', whose feelings are portrayed in the much wilder, slightly sloppy and definitely much faster guitar solo.

This is one song where I truly felt that my emotion came through so clearly, and all that there is to modify might be the bass line, which is currently just following the beat of the song. This should be an improvement on our last 12-bar blues effort 'Messin' With The Blues'. Definitely. Because I got TWO guitar solos (muahahah)



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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