The end of the day
Well term has 'officially' started for many NYP students.. good to see some familiar faces once more.. but of course now the canteens are chocked to the brim with people during lunch periods. I've never been fussy about where to eat, and hopefully my dough doesn't run out on me soon.. thank goodness I've started working again.
Work today was slow and laborious... I had absolutely no mood to work on my Maggi project.. instead my energies were spent on the chair project.. to the discomfort of Ms Liu, my supervisor. I mean.. I know I gotta finish it, but hey I'm frankly sick and tired of working on that damn packaging, let me just focus on something I know I can excel in right?
At least today I managed to get loads of input from 3 lecturers (Khairul, Ms Liu, Daniel) and even Mr Soon! Hur... when he saw i on my com screen he was like 'wah!'. He then gave me some great input along with some pointers from Ms Liu. I proceeded to work on it some more.
Thing about my chair is that the curves co-exist with each other very well when it comes to the head-rest, back-rest and seat areas.. but the legs tend to draw as much attraction towards as the main body.. which creates this disharmony on the overall look. I think people who do graphics understand this very well. Too many elements drawing attention to themselves.
I have to admit I'm a freak for detail.. and admittedly my chair has tonnes of elements... but it's meant to have that (somewhat) complicated look and well I might have overdid it lol. In the end.. well I didn't have time to render out the finished product, but I' hoping it will turn out alright tomorrow when I render it out and simultaneously work out my Maggi packaging.
Speaking of which, I should probably be working on it now!
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