Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Mother's Love II


As an individual wearing braces (ouch yes), I tend to get alot of questions coming my way: 'when did you put them on?' is quite common, 'how long will it last?' is another, but the most frequent one is 'it's expensive yeah?'. Of course, in olden days, braces were considered a luxury, even though those braces were unwieldy contraptions that can pick up cable television.

However, hygiene issues aside, i tend to keep developing mouth ulcers, and of course the favourite response from my mother when I wince while eating is: 'Boy, are you drinking enough water?', and the classic response will be: 'yeah, but i've simply got no time'. stupid huh? That kind of response will yield an interesting form of behaviour from my mother, especially when i simply refuse to eat anything, for fear of agitating the wound in my mouth. for example, oranges have citric acid, and according to my mum, Vitamin C is good for mouth ulcers (by the way, research online shows this is pure fiction, and means that my mother still obstinately believes in). therefore: 'i'm not eating oranges today, nor the apples, I've got an ulcer' would cause 'SO? eat them, they'll solve your problem and cure your ulcer even more, it's the Vitamin C, Boy... the Vitamin C'.

Of course, anything I refuse to eat, will in my mother's eye, mean that it will help my ulcers to go away (complete bullcrap). So what can I say? Mother's love is mother's love, no matter how ignorant it becomes.



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