Thursday, March 09, 2006

Well That Was Easy Now...


Today's the day I guess.

As of 1am Friday morning (essentially this evening) I would be on a plane, destined for Rome, Italy. God knows how much I dread yet look forward to this trip. Here's a low-down on why I view this trip negatively:

1. The last time my family went for an overseas trip to New Zealand in 2004, we ended with more sour looks than smiles on our faces, the reason: my mum (see NZ trip back in 2004 on this blog)

2. In relation to the above, more often than not, whenever we go anywhere in Singapore alone my mum has the uncanny ability to arouse my worser nature.

3. I can't attend the Camp Eagle for the soon-to-be year 2 OGLs, and that's not very nice considering that some of them don't really know any seniors apart from me and Alvin (who btw would be away on attachment and also can't make it). And I'll miss these people.

4. I want to stay back in Singapore and do more recording work... we're incredibly behind on our follow-up album. So far it's only a tonne of demos and nothing concrete yet.

5. I've got a bad feeling about the flight. It's just in my bones.. I just feel so uncomfortable flying in a great big aluminium can wooshing around in the sky at 900km/hr, at 40,000 feet.

That said, the positive aspect of this trip is:

1. Rome. Come on.. cradle of civilisation and origination of modern-day democracy.

2. Despite the fact that Vatican city itself possesses pagan architecture, it has always been my wish to see Vatican City, and now my wish can come true! XD

3. Italy is a great centre of design and fashion... what better place to go for a designer-in-training?

4. I've also longed to go to Venice... so far it's only been my Secondary 4 Social Studies textbook LOL.

5. It's just a great opportunity to see the world.

Now I feel like I'm leaving a piece of myself behind when I board that plane. My heart is still stuck here in my comfy chair, and wishing I could still be chatting a late-night/early morning chat with my friend. You know who you are.

Anyway, it's not even lunch time... But rest assured I'll say a goodbye before I leave.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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