Cycling in the wrong lane.....
Everyday I cycle to my nearby bus stop to take a bus to school and the trip from home to the bus stop would usually require 5 minutes. If i walked, it would take about ten minutes to fifteen minutes, the road to the bus stop is just two lanes: one for each direction.
When cycling, I come across several situations along the way every morning. As this particular road also leads to a school, there would be many cars in the early morning, filled with school girls being chauffered by their parents to school (it's a girl's school). So what do I encounter? Since the country i am living in is rather small, and the opposition party governs this area, there isn't much room for a cyclist to ride in peace. Instead, I would often be harried by drivers who wish to pass, and they often do not have the guts even though the opposite lane is free of traffic. So while their bumper is just a few inches from my rear wheel, I decide to outstrip this obnoxious driver, and let him gain some speed.
Believe me, sometimes i can outstrip a car, especially when the driver decides that he wants to drive slowly and hold traffic down. This time was no exception.
Another situation I come across is the problem with people who sometimes believe that riding in the wrong lane is actually a cool thing to do. This morning, I came across a cyclist riding in the same lane as i am, but in the opposite direction!!! I realised that this person needs a very loud wake-up call, so I cycled very fast towards him, and I could see his eyes widen as i hurled down the road towards him.
I do believe he woke up at last as he quickly moved to the correct lane at last, and received a look from me which said: 'GOOD THING YOU'VE FINALLY WOKEN UP YOU MORON!!!!'
So if you ever cycle in the wrong lane, believe me, it's the stupidest thing to do as you'd be hitting a car head-on full throttle in case either you or the driver isn't paying attention. Also, there's a reason, why there are TWO lanes or more for most roads, and you'd better know why and stick to the proper lane.
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