Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tears Of Amusement At The Readily-cooked Food Stall


I was having my lunch with a friend of mine downtown in an air-conditioned Kopitiam (or simply coffee house). Being the gentleman, I let her buy her lunch first before allowing myself to go get some lunch of my own.

When she returned, I set off to see which food stall had the best value, and decided on the one which had readily-cooked food.
These stalls are operated on a very simple principle, similar to a buffet, except people charge you for how much you eat. The dishes were displayed in a glass cabinet kept warm by several halogen lamps, and which simultanously illuminated the food.

There was one individual in front of me in the queue, apparently, he was a Chinese national, and he pointed out the dishes he wanted with a tap on the galss cabinet (in the direction of the dish) with his extremely suave-looking sunglasses. The stall operator apparently kept scratching his head (for what ever reason I do not need to know). When I checked for the hygiene status of the stall, I was mildly amused that with this head-scratching fellow, they have an 'A'.

So while the head-scratching dude was handling the finances of the stall, the cook, a lady in her fifties came out and took charge (thank goodness...). After choosing what i wanted, I paid for my lunch and while i kept my change, I overheard the conversation between the cook and an african-looking man who was behind me.

'Yes, what you want now?' said the cook.

'Erm what is this?'


'And this?


"What about this one?'


'I think I'll just stick to this and this and this' (apparently all vegetables).

Then the African-looking man's friend said:

'Why'd you ask all that when you're a vegetarian?'



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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