Monday, November 22, 2004

Amazing Grace (how unsweet the sound)


Managed to record (or rather re-record it) 'Amazing Grace' with me on bowed electric guitar. It sounded wierd just plain by itself, and on top of all my mistakes, it really didn't seem to work.

However, once done, cannot be undone yes? Wrong.

That's why I love recording stuff: mistakes can be taken out! I just edited out the mistakes, added echo, reverb and away it went! I sounded kinda like Jimmy Page live, though he would have doen something less tame than what I did, you know what with his wah-wah pedals, theremin etc. mine was like a kitten compared to Jimmy Page's female tiger.

Anyhow, been helping my dad set up his booth at the Label Expo, at Singapore Expo. I left home at about 8;20 this morning, and was stuck there (excluding a short trip to nyp in the afternoon) until 5:30pm.

Kinda tired, almost dying cuz I worked 7am to 6pm yesterday, with both legs feeling like dried wood. I mean, I could hardly bend my legs due to the painful stiffness in them. I hate my job at the convention centre...

Anyhow, today went well and Label Expo (set-up) and we managed to complete the whole booth (along with my dad's old friend, and british counterpart) including machines and posters. All that remains is to lay out the brochures and wait fro the people to flow in.

However, I'll be missing the first action due to my dental appointment tomorrow, early in the morning. Sigh.

Jace has recently came back online and started blogging once more: she's been MIA since october 18th. thanks goodness she's back, and I do hope she'll start writing something that's not privy and overly sensitive cuz that'll cause her major repercussions and result in her never blogging again. I wish she'd just write about the fun stuff in life cuz that's where you really get the good taste right?

So I'm bogged down with my dad's exhibition until thursday (packing up time) and I'll be free on friday. wonder if the rest can make it on that day.

My cough has let up a bit, and I'm feeling better, legs included. So I'll be blogging off then, see y'all soon enough: mother's complaining.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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