Workin' Blues II
I had a shift on Christmas Day yesterday at the Convention Centre , and it was horrible: I had to serve three tables, two chinese, one muslim.
I was running like a mad thing, fervently trying to catch up with the others as the three tables became the focal point in my life during those two-and-a-half hours. It was like trying to find your way in a sandstorm, especially since it was a dinner-and-dance, a.k.a. D&D.
The M.C. was ag reat guy, his jokes were (although sensitive at times) very funny, and here's last night's classic:
There were a bunch of people he had pulled on-stage, and suddenly he had the impulse to make fun of one guy who had his hands in his pockets.
MC: 'Excuse me sir, are you trying to play golf in your pockets?'
Guy: 'Huh? No what...'
MC: 'Is that so? well, when you put your hands in your pockets, I thought you were thinking of trying to score a 'hole-in-one' tonight...right?'
Guy (smiling): 'I dunno larh...'
MC: 'Yeah, so when you put your hands in your pockets, are you thinking of getting hold of a 'Birdie'? Oh, wait, maybe even an 'Eagle'?'
Ok, maybe not appropriate, but it sure as pancakes was very funny.
Anyhow, I did OT until 3am, and I dropped off at about 3:45am. Guess what? I got up at 8:15.
I juz dunno how I can do it.Anyhow, let's put lighter matters aside, and talk about how I hate the management. Apparently, there is a polt set-up by the convention centre's manager to wash away all those people who (though having worked faithfully for a certain period of time, and have come to be known as 'Lao Jiao') tend to having working sensibilities gravitating towards the older system of serving guests, protocol etc.
Yours truly is supposed to be one of those being washed away. But I will not let them get away with it so easily. I intend to find a new (and hopefully better-paid) job where I don't have to put up with such complicated matters, where everyone just does their job and has mutual understanding. At the end of the day, I will not stand around and serve these people faithfully and then be shitted (or shat, whichever is more powerful) on eventually.
I will not be a tool nor a puppet!
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