Friday, April 01, 2005

Just a little bit more....


Well, all of my common tests are over, and I'm pretty sure i've screwed them all, in one way or another. I suppose that nagging feeling in the back of my mind can only be fully exorcised if I could just get my hands on that new electric I wantb to trade in my old one for. I just can't stop thinking about the sound it creates.

Yesterday was not a very good day, ontop of the fact that my Comm Skills test went as smooth as the a drive in a swamp. it was my dad's birthday, and I was required to 1. go for my Comm Skills test and finish it off at 3:30pm. As I am the coordinator for the student leadership programme (which recruits 1st year students to become the OGLs who host the 2005 intake orientation), I have to recruit students for the orientation programme, and guess what? I couldn't find nobody.

It's bad enough that only one guy in my class is enthusiatic about the whole thing, and that's XiWai... he claims he wants to get to know more 'little girls', but that's issues out of my concern. Truth is, I only joined this programme so as to prevent the situation of the whole thing landing in lesser hands.. already Alvin is joining me as well, and Siti from his class, but that's all we got... two people short of the six people target.

Therefore in all, It's Crawldaddy, Giant Zucchini, XiWai and Siti who are confirmed to join the OGL team for 2005. But I gotta tell you guys, just trying to get things tob hold together is just one focking pain in the arse. I even shouted at my mum, who couldn't stop pestering me to get home and sing my dad 'Happy birthday'.

As I had shouted into my handphone in the middle of the corridor while waiting for Alvin to finish his class, the sound of it was magnified by the corridor, and carried so efficiently most of the Yr2 and Yr3 and staff popped their heads out to wonder who shouted:


Yup, I instantly made a name for myslef yesterday. And I'm not proud of it.

I suppose I gotta control my short fuse... I've always had a short fuse since I was young, and I managed to control it until I was almost numb in Secondary Two. Then It re-surfaced yesterday, and I know that only happens when I seriously lose it... and if i get more angry than that.. I'm just silent.

Oh well, there are some days you just can't get a grip on things, and yesterday was one of them for me.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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