Saturday, June 04, 2005

Out with thee, self-anxiety! II


Well, it's finally, Saturday.. and I guess the first week of school is just a taster for what is to come... let me list down all the projects and assignments that I need to fulfill:

1. Studio Project (lecturer: Vincent Shum), 8-odd weeks

Basically design a set of gardening tools which complement a plant pot which can be mounted on a wall, hanging from a ceiling/over-head beam or just some new, fascinating way in which the plant can be displayed. "Happiness!!!!"

2. Graphic Design (lecturer: Tan Mui Siang), about one month

Basically come up with graphical designs for a company's logo, complementing an assortment of items including the following: letterhead, postcard, business card and souvenir. Wahaha.. 20+ logo concepts by next tuesday morning.

3. Vertical Integration (lecturer: Michael Gan & Vincent Shum), 11-odd weeks

A group-work based project involving the designing of one or two souvenirs which can be sold in a shop/ location of our choice, but must include the 'meaning' and 'values' with which a prospective customer can relate to.

4. Model-making (lecturer: Kouo (shit, I can't remember the rest of his name)) ermm... 2 weeks?

Constructing a foam-core model of a calculator and making the model as accurate as possible. I've yet to come up with the GA drawings (ahaha...) which are required by monday.

5. Product Planning & Management (lecturer: Khairul) about two weeks?

Providing the background of a company with design as a major component incorporated into their products, and identifying their 'breakthrough' product.. one which made the company famous.

6. Communication Skills (lecturer: Christine Ong), about three weeks?

Identify a major Fortune 500 company, and talk about it's Corporate culture, etc etc... Hope I can do better for Comm Skills this semester.

In a nutshell... I've got a lot of projects just in my first week, and I need to spend more cash for drawing materials... it seems the start of term is like a catalyst for chaos. I just hope I can find more time to complete the lyric sheets of Burtn Holidays.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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