Monday, October 10, 2005

Rock n' Roll!!!


Okay let's start with last night when I performed what I deem to be the uttermost sadistic thing I have done in my life apart from the time when I kicked a cockroach as if it was a soccer ball.

Last night, just as I was about to go to bed, I discovered a cockroach hiding underneath my keyboard next to my bed. Being the type of person who views cockroaches in a way the Nazis viewed Jews during the holocaust, I captured it and tormented it to death.

Why did I do so? Well, for a very good reason: I hate cockroaches. I took a little plastic sauce container, trapped it inside, drilled three holes in the lid, injected lighter fluid into the plastic container, doused it in thinner and lighter fluid again, and set it on fire inside a metal tin. I just used my lighter and deoderant as an igniter... the effect of the blue flames shooting out to light up the miserable creature was oddly satisfying.

Now, back to lighter matters.

Alvin and myself have successfully finished off the form of the chair for our FLIP project. It's relatively on schedule, despite the fact we have to mail in the pictures by Wednesday afternoon or we're screwed. We invited several people to have a go sitting on it, and frankly we knew from the start that it would be phenomenally comfortable.

And it's written in the faces of those who tried it out... they were instantly transported to a world of possibilities, including sitting in this chair and watching the UEFA Champions' League and being able to drop one hand off the side of the chair and able to reach for a beer can, while the other hand easily found the pop-corn bowl.

Just an hour or so ago, Alvin, Rob and myself managed to finish off the electric guitar and mandolin tracks for 'To You', which eventually will be thrown into a full mix by the end of this holiday. I particularly like the tone of Rob's '68 Stratocaster on this take... was as thinny as it was the last time around.

Anyhow, I also received a call this afternoon from the Singapore Furniture Association which confirmed my 'Lisse' (or bullseye chair, as for you guys who have seen my chair previously) had been short-listed and is going into the 2nd round of judging. Apparently, an 8-minute presentation is in order next Tuesday at 11:20am. I was so bloody elated by that news I couldn't control myself, as Alvin bore witness to my elation which enveloped the 4th level of Block R at roughly 2pm this afternoon ("who's your Motherf***er????").


So Alvin and myself are going to finish up the graphics on the FLIP chair tomorrow before possibly heading to Gail's exhibition tomorrow night possibly with Charlotte.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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