Monday, April 03, 2006

Send them blues down the line!


Inspired by a friend of mine, I've decided to try and make myself as happy as possible. Right now I'm enjoying 'The Lemon Song', a blues rock number on Led Zeppelin II.

It's these little things which give me so much more energy to make things right, and to get my blues off and out of my head. I don't like being moody all the time, and I think it's high time I stopped being a grouchy git. But don't expect me to be all Alvin-esque grinning.

So far things aren't progressing very impressively for my projects... more research needs to be done for my Bike stand project, and I need more anthropometry information for my Crutch project.

That said, I'm now beginning to understand and use my time much better, and I managed to have another chat session with Char today! LOL... it all started with Char scratching at her leg, which I first saw her doing when I went with her for the Orientation Grand Finale.

Crawldaddy: 'OMG, are you still scratching yourself?'

Char: 'yes.. it's still itchy'

CDD: 'you were scratching since like last week!'

Char: 'yeah... it's just one of those things where you scratch it, and it makes u want to scratch it more..'

CDD: 'can't you like wear longs so that you can refrain from scratching?'

Char: '...'

CDD: 'oh wait, I forgot.. do you even have longs, Char?' *snickers*

Char: 'ARRRGH!!! *slaps CDD on the shoulder*

For those who don't know, Char always wears bermudas... somehow gives her a much more intriguing look... intriguing in what way I shall not say...

CDD: 'so what is it called?'

Char: *scratches* 'it's a skin problem...'

CDD: (dripping with sarcasm) 'Oh! I didn't know! I kinda imagined it to be an eye problem or something!'

Char: 'ARRRGH!!!' *slaps CDD on the shoulder repeatedly*

CDD: 'But is it like a skin fungus or something?'

Char: 'I dunno.. maybe it is' *scratches*

CDD: 'I once had a fungal problem on my foot, and it started when I was in Sec 3, and it stayed with me all the way until I finished my O levels before it finally disappeared..'

Char: (aghast) 'Issit? oh no..'

CDD: 'yeah, it'll blister up the skin, and when the blisters burst, it'll have liquid come out, and usually by the time I came home, most of my sock would be wet from the clear liquid'

Char: 'urgh'

Char and I were, however, not alone.. her classmates Eileen and Ekin were also around.

Eileen: 'Hur, you guys didn't have it as bad as me.. I had mine on the forehead and right before my Grad Night'


Eileen: 'yeah..'

CDD: 'Yeah, so the doctor prescribed all sorts of stuff for me to cure it, but they didn't work very well.. so eventually I researched for possible cures on the internet, and I soon found out a very interesting method...'

Char & Eileen: 'what method?'

CDD: 'You piss on your foot'

Char & Eileen: *nervous laughter*

CDD: 'Yeah, and well it worked much better than anything the doctor threw my way... considering how Urine is actually an anti-toxic agent'

Eileen: 'well I'm glad I didn't have to resort to that..'

Char: *laughs*

CDD: "oh yeah.. can you imagine your mum going "okay now what I need you to do.. is lie down.. and let me stand over you... (the girls laugh) ... okay close your eyes.... and your mouth too... (the girls laugh like mad) ....mmmmmmm....." lol'

Char: (winded from laughing) 'and if you don't wanna do it in public, you can always store your liquid in a bottle!'

CDD: 'I'm sure, and I suppose when you need to apply the "medicine" you just open the cap, press it to your forehead and pray it doesn't spill!!!'

The next few moments involved all three girls laughing like mad things. LOL. Man, I seriously have not made a joke that good in a while. Now all you people out there.. don't give me that 'that's disgusting!' crap.. I know you're laughing too ;)



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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