Friday, June 16, 2006

Dead man walking


The past week has been pretty dead for this blog... Where the heck is everybardy??? I presume you guys are too busy watching the World Cup Championships (I know I have, hence possible reason for lack of blog update?). I watched last night's England versus Trinidad & Tobago match, which was largely missed due to me crashing out before the second half was into its 5th minute. I was so darn tired.. I only woke up at the 87th minute only to see the score a pleasing 2-0 to England.

Satisfied, I went to bed. But I definitely did not feel my best when I woke up in the morning: while the right knee has definitely stopped aching (I was experiencing a pain in the knee since last week, which has undoubtedly improved since), the trouble affecting my shoulder has reared it's ugly head once more. I have no idea what's wrong with my shoulder... It can't be dislocation because my arm functions as normal despite inability to rotate or stretch in certain upward directions.

So what is wrong with my shoulder truly eludes my imagination. Bone fracture? Slight pain, but can't be that serious.... ligament knotting? Well I know there was this hard lump which developed before my cousin's wedding. But what is wrong? I guess I'll ask the mater to diagnose using her perfect sense of superstition.

However, the euphoria of knowing that both Liverpool players Crouch and Gerrard had scored made my morning seem much nicer. A small victory jig in the IDS with my England banner closed the celebrations for today, but fatigue settled in soon enough in the form of a twitching eyelid and general lethargy.

Oh and at long last! The wireless LAN industrial project has arrived... with Ms Liu passing me the brief via email. I guess this project tackles my Achilles heel which is my inability to design things which look cute. Cutiness in general, has been shunned by me because.. I'm not cute, I have no intention to be cute, and I do believe people have perceived me as being utterly opposite from cute, which is: not being cute at all.

Another thing which arrived on my lap was the unpleasant knowledge that one of my classmates will also be tackling the issue of designing a bike stand for her 'Community' Project. I mean, I've come this far, and obviously she would have a certain advantage regarding problem solving because it's possible that she can see the weaknesses in my design (which at present, I have to stress have been minimal).

However, she doesn't seem to take the drift that I'm uncomfortable with her designing yet another bike stand (for the record, I have already designed 2 bike stands, both of which cater to different target markets: one for a mass, general market; the other a more specialised environment). I spoke to her regarding this matter, and I suppose she is holding onto this idea fast because finding projects to tackle in the 'community' context are difficult, and time-consuming. With roughly 4 weeks left to the semester she needs to come up with ideas quick, and I mean.. QUICK.

Anyways, as long as she does not step unto my fucking turf, I'll gladly leave her alone. As for now, I'm just paranoid of yet another backstabbing.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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