Wednesday, August 09, 2006



For those who have seen my Msn nick over the past week may have n0ticed that I was pretty pissed off. Let me explain.

In the middle of my last semester (right now I'm in the midst of a 'holiday'), one of the lecturers (GT) told us that the door to Germany for our attachment programme was open. Then he proceeded to tell us that only students who were in the last two batches of attachment were eligible.

At that point in time, my portfolio to Hong Kong had not yet been rejected by the IDC Programme Manager, and I was under the impression that Jool and I would still be going to Hong Kong.

Three weeks later or so (after the 'informing of the opening of the Germany programme') my dreams to Hong Kong were dashed in one day. However, the following day they were lifted once more when I was informed that I was slated for the Germany Programme due to a selection of Students by the Director of IDC.

After working my butt off for my Final Presentation for my P5 Programme (which some of you might have seen in the form of my p-boards and miniature models on Level 6), I was still having the impression that Jool would be going off to Hong Kong whilst I would be whisked away to Germany in September.

Then the Holidays came, and I continued work on submitting the full-scale dimensions and mini-model to the vendor who would hand-make the full-scale model out of Fibreglass and stainless steel. For two weeks I worked on it.

Then all of the sudden I had to stay back in school for a briefing for a furniture competition. Apparently, this furniture competition was meant for all year2 and 3 students and it would carry commence the moment the briefing was over until the end of November.

I was confused because that would mean that my participation would be cut short due to my supposed involvement in my attachment programme which was meant to start in September. I was under the impression that when I go to Germany, I would have to stop everything and move on with work that was meant for me to commence upon starting of my attachment term.

Then after meeting with my supervisor (Limky) for the furniture competition, Limky told me that it would be best if I finished what was needed to be done before my attachment started. That meant 4 month's worth of work squeezed into 4 weeks. Unfair? I suppose not, in the eyes of IDC.

One week later, Alvin informs me of this Osaka competition, and the same lecturer who spoke to us in the middle of the Term (GT) had singled out a bunch of students designated to participate in this Osaka competition. I was furious. As it was, my holidays were already being chocked with furniture design, work and my musical and external projects. Now another competition???

Calling up GT, he then told me that Jool's chances of going to Hong Kong were slim due to a technicality (pfft), and that the chances of the both of us going to Germany (since Jool couldn't go to Hong Kong, he is now slated for Germany alongside your truly) in September were slim and we were to both report for the start of term on the 28th of August.

That got me fuming mad. That meant that by the time term starts, I'd be involved with 3 main projects (P6, Osaka and Scanteak aka furniture competition)... not to mention the hell-hole-to-come which is Vertical Integration. I almost punched my laptop screen in after that phone call. I was determined to raise hell and demolish everything in my path. Top that off with a 2-week cut in my holiday period.

Then I cooled off.

Realising that being angry would not change matters for the better, I decided to play with the cards dealt out to me, and I'm determined my friends. The determination is here and now and will be here forever more. A challenge has been thrown into my face, and I will NOT glance away or grimace.

As some of you may know... I charge into certain matters with a single-minded sense of determination, finality and the desire to flatten everything in my path. That mindset has not departed. So help me, God; if the lecturers want to play hardball, I'm going to play rugby, soccer, basketball and baseball all thrown in one. Let the best player win, and we'll see if they can catch up with me.

The ego has landed, and who's going to be boss?




Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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