Thursday, December 30, 2004

Elearning at NYP and Rockin' With AC/DC


FINALLY, I'm able to log onto the bloody elearning facilities set-up by NYP. Not to mention that I'm actually blogging from my shool'c e-learning plaza, a hugantic room which is filled with computers end-to-end.

Anyhow, I've completed two of my elearning topics, and I'm just slacking off, listening to the Rolling Stones. Talk about the Rolling Stones, I managed to buy a Rolling Stones T-shirt and an AC/DC T-shirt yesterday while hanging out with Char.

As I was perusing through the various designs availible in that small shop, I was asctually looking for a Led Zeppelin one, but they only had it in M-size, which is obviously too small for me. The shop owner said that i could buy it, but that would mean a tight-fit T-shirt, which is something I don't go for.

I managed to download a few AC/DC songs yestereve, and they include: Back In Black, For Those About To Rock (We Salute You), Hells Bells, etc.

I used to think that AC/DC was kinda Satanic, you know especially with their hell-relating song titles. However, just listenign to their stuff last night, was like listening to the roots of bands like The Darkness, and just having a rocking-good time.

Oh, and one thing I can confirm is that Malcolm and Angus Young really, really rock hard people.

Just check out the solos and rhythm tones, along with their kick-arse riffs, you can't say no to AC/DC. I'm gonna buy their albums very soon.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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