Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Patricia: smiling hysteria


Just haven't gotten over the fact that Patricia Hu, my marketing lecturer is one freaky lady. Sure she smiles, and quite widely at that, but somehow, I shudder whenever she smiles, and I just try to play happy.

The thing about smiling is that if you are really happy, most likely the feelign of joy will go from your smile to your eyes (which tend to have that twinkling effect).

However, whenever she smiles, her eyes remain as cold as frozen fish. Not to mention the fact she tries to slip in some snide humour whenever possible.

ANyhow, I'm glad I also managed to get through Limky's class today, which was about one-third as boring as Chi Wing Lo's 'repose' lecture. Alvin said that Limky's stuff WILL get more and more boring, till the point your can't even understand what he is saying.

And I dunno what so expect next.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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