Monday, March 21, 2005

Pop Tart VI


Today has been an amazing day for me.. I managed to secure the final concept of my doorstop for Patrick (Patrick, for crike's sake! Patrick! It's focking amazing!), more on that later; i also helped Alvin spary-paint his lighting project artefact; I also managed to oversleep on the bus and push my flat-tyred bike home, and watched The Incredibles (what a focking cute show) on DVD, courtesy of Brother Dearest.. and guess what? I've only barely studied for my ergonomics test which takes place tomorrow.. I'm so gonna die.

Ok, Patrick.

I came up with five concepts involving either one 1:1 scale hand , or two hands holding the door, and using the weight of the 'artefact' to prevent the door from closing. The end-result is kinda like a sculpture which prevents your door from slamming shut due to a gust of wind.

Anyhow, I presented my concepts to Patrick and he just laughed:

Pat: 'Hahahahaha... (snide grin)'

C: 'Ok, so what do you think? I just came up with these few concepts, you know using a hand as a kind of "blocking" device.. yeah'

Pat: 'Look, (my name), when I said last week that I wanted you all to incorporate a meaning into your design, i also want you to not just think about whether the product wroks well, but whether it sells well'*

*Note: this sentence has been edited and summarised from five seperate sentences.

C: 'Ah hah, ok, so you don't think these will sell well?'

Pat: 'No, I just feel that when someone looks at your product, they won't go "hey, it's so cute" or "it's so funny", because of the way you approach a problem'

C: 'Meaning?'

Pat: 'Well, I noticed you've been very practical and pragmatic in your approach for design, I'm no saying it's bad, but then your product becomes less appealing, you see? I don't know what people will think when they see two hands sticking out of the group and holding the door between their palms, also how are you going to make the door stop?'

C: 'Ah hah, you see I originally intended the material to be either cast bronze, steel etc to weight the door down, and block it form moving, you see? It's not a wedge-type.'

Pat: 'Oh? So it's a weight kind of door-stopper? Then It should be fine, and it looks kind of like a sculpture yeah?'

C: 'Yes. So can I proceed then?'

Pat: 'You can do anything you like, but in the end, you will be graded accordingly (snide smile)'

C: 'Ok, thank you.'

That seems alright to me, though. I suppose that really made my day, overcoming that particular obstacle, and I even managed to procure some blue-foam to make the full-scale model for my door stop! Whooo Hooo!!!

I had a fine time doing my 'Hands'... Alvin and I managed to come up with some lame ideas to lighten up the mood due to he having to hand up his lighting project tomorrow. Poor bugger. I, on the other hand, skipped AutoCAD to make my 'Hands' doorstop, and even managed to have some fun apart from that caused by my 'hands'.

Zelda had created an MDF model and it was supposed to be like two globes fused together with some rubbery material... and it was then vacumm-formed with a plastic sheet. the end result was like two huge boobs, and I exploited that fact to use the discarded failure prototypes to shove under my dustcoat.

i suppose I looked quite freaky with two boobs* and huge ones at that.

*Note; I do not intend to be a drag or to impersonate or imitate a woman subconsciously. Every action I took was purely out of the spirit of fun, which is to just poke fun at Zelda's creation.

Anyway, I think i need to study for my ergonomics test.. so see you guys around.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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