Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Telecaster scratchplate


Managed to have a 2 minute conversation with Robert last night.. said Happy New Year and then his phone cut off. I tried to call him back, but I guess his phone must have run out of battery. Crikes.

I managed to stencil out my telecaster scratchplate a couple of days back (Sunday, if I'm not mistaken) all ready for me to go and cut it out, paint it and then install it unto my Muddy Waters Telecaster.

One thing which I noticed about myself is that I can't resist the temptation to personalise my musical instruments. Mainly it's because I've been largely influenced by my 60's and 70's idols who painted their own guitars to psychedelic hues and such. Currently, only my MW tele has escaped from the clutches of my idle hands. That's about to change forever.

Since I started with my SG, my theme for my instrument 'graffiti' has been the New Zealand fern leaf, which has this curling like motif.. which I ripped off a bookmark I bought from NZ in 2004 (OMG, I can't believe it was sooo long ago!!! What happened since then???). I thought that the fern motif was very beautiful (Robert, incidentally also made the same remark when I had painted my headphones with the same pattern) and it would be great to apply it unto any instrument.

But to date, I have not been so dastardly daring such that I've painted the body with anythign more than markers. As such, I've only dared to paint the pickguard of my SG and mandolin. Ah well.. hope I can finish off the pickguard by today... promises to be something exciting!!!



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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