Friday, April 07, 2006



Well today was a pretty productive day for me.. I started out the day pretty unsure as to what I wanted to achieve, mainly because my heart wanted me to move on with the chair design project, but my conscience kept battling that with my ailing Maggi project, for which my enthusiasm has admittedly gone down to almost zero.

I decided that since I have no mood to do my Maggi project, I'll shift my productivity level up by working extra hard for my chair design project.

So then I started.. it kicked off with a small sketch on my sketchpad.. and then I got bored. Lol.. I don't know why, but I feel that I can achieve so much more with less time when I do stuff on Rhino (a 3D modelling programme) and everything else seems like such a crutch.

Anyway, that little side-profile sketch of my concept soon became a line on the computer screen, and within 2 hour, it had blossomed into more lines... guidelines for my chair's shape. By lunchtime, I had already finished the back-rest and seat of my chair.. I can't go into the details of my concept.

Things progressed very well, and by 4pm I was churning out full-coloured renderings.. much to some people's amazement. Truth is, I'm very quick when it comes to Rhino, and I'm continuously pushing myself to produce more complex pieces of work within shorter amounts of time. Not that I wish to brag, but I think I'm able to put down a concept in my head unto the computer screen much more quickly because I understand the form I wish to create. It's also about how well I've become to be able to work with the software... I love Rhino.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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