Monday, May 22, 2006



Today was a blur of:
1. working on my VI model
2. tweaking the design of the kensington lock on my bike stand
3. having a lunch/chat with Charlotte
4. having a small chat with the year 2s whilst munching on Macs
5. having a jog and swim in the late afternoon
6. evening makan with Joseph before sketch session
7. and finally a sketch session with sketch master Mr. Boey in the late evening.

I kind of peeved off today because just as my phone battery was on a 2/3 status, all of the sudden I kept receiving phonecalls and smses today, compared to my normal passive phone status. Needless to say, my phone was dead long before sundown, and I had to sms my mum pretty early to re-inform her about my late-night lesson with Boey, which was in fact involving both me and Joseph crashing a year 1s lesson.

However, my concerns do not lie with what happened today, but what would required of cleaning off my plate by this week:

1. produce VI model, packaging and p-boards by Wednesday afternoon so as to be sent for printing. Involves rapid-fire p-board and rhino model creation.
2. produce more sketches and a re-shuffle of products in portfolio to be sent to Hong Kong. Also involves scanning of pictures into a ppt format, all to be done by Friday.
3. produce full-scale mock-up of bike stand to show proportion and hinging mechanisms, to be done by Tuesday morning.

The above might seem manageable, but frankly for me it's like staring at Hell with ur eyes peeled and trying not to gag at the sulphur. This is Hell week for me.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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