Monday, November 29, 2004

How to make an unexpected surprise.


I remember telling you guys a couple of posts back that I had received a handwritten and hand-delivered letter from a classmate of mine. I also remember that I intended to reply with a poem and CD including one of my earlier songs.

Telling this to Char, she said that my classmate should be happy with my reply, but I think I'm over-loading on the tension due to my inability to send out the reply soon enough.

Yesterday, she reminded me of her existence by messaging me a lame joke about Singapore Idol. I didn't know what to do then, so I didn't reply, cuz I didn't want to go like: 'Oh (very sarcastically), right!!!'

Anyhow, I don't really like Singapore Idol. I don't like much commercialised stuff (except 'The Amazing Race') cuz it tends to get fake and lame sooner or later. And that's saying a lot since this is only the first Idol for singapore.

I mean, come on... half of the bloody contestants can barely sing (Taufik, Olinda and Jessea excluded) while another half have hardly any showmanship developing through the contest.

I know this because I endured one episode to update my Idol knowledge. I am sadly disappointed by everything. Even Taufik cannot hold his own anymore.

And I don't wish to say anything about Sly: if I do, legions of his fans will be after my arse. All I can say is, there isn't the right combo.

Anyhow, I could always resort to 8 Days to get my info (however trashy it can get). I just won't be able to trust it wholly.

Sly sucks, people!!!!!



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


At 11:20 pm, Blogger Giant Zucchini said...

I agree with you Crawldaddy...admit it Sly fans...SLY...JUST...CAN'T...SING...

Justice is done today. Well done Taufik. No More Tears as your next single? Or what about He's So Smart? ;p


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