Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Do I have A Disease? II


I just got an sms from my brother this morning reminding me that our dad's birthday is coming soon (it's at the end of the month), and we had previously agreed to sign a song for him on his birthday.

I initially suggested that I write up a song for the occasion, but then Patrick and Ayob came along, and I haven't even written more than one song since.

In the end, we both agreed to try out an existing song, which is (*gasp*) Robbie William's 'Angels'. By the way, I think my brother is going to suck at the vocals.

No offense to him, but his ability to sing high notes has only existed in his very naive dreams. I think my vocals surpass his more than he could ever possibly go, and that's saying something since he was in the school choir, and I was like, nowhere.

Anyhow, it's all in the name for a good cause, but then comes the fact i happen to have a decreasing amount of respect for my dad, and it's falling every year. Apart from the fact that he quit his perfectly good job due to office politics, and then set up a company (in the hopes it will turn in an MNC after ten years) and trying to make me interested in what he does for a (minimal) living.

Come to think of it, I earn more than he does in a month with my job at the pub. Not to mention he dragged me down to do LabelExpo 2004 with him, where I spent like three days manning a stall for him, and explaining his machinery to prospective clients.

Yet at the end of the day, he is still my dad, the guy who introduced me to bands like Queen, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Led Zeppelin and Micheal Jackson (scratch the last one please). Without him, I'd be unable to draw properly, be speaking broken English (I do, but hear me in Queen's English), and becoming basically someone who does things out of the fun of rebelling against authority.

However, you can't completely credit him with nurturing the guitar-freak in me... he did it indirectly, by laying the path stones, and allowing me to tread upon them. I just did the rest in my own, hectic and chaotic way.

But he's always been there, helping whenever he can, and teaching me to never grow up and be the bugger he is right now. I still love the man.



PS: you'd never catch me saying stuff like this about Mother.

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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