Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mother's Love XXIII (It's all Murphy's Fault)


Here's a little something regarding mothers:

If you have a mother, she will wring the truth out of you no matter what, where and how.

Because you are in existence, she feels there is a need to revive the good old days of the umbilical cord.

Rock n roll and your mum don't mix, in fact she told you so, so get your act together.

When you think buying a guitar is punishing your mum, she hands out the chores.

What she says, she says, therefore follow, or else.

The pen mightier than the sword? Nay, the mater's tongue is even mightier than the law.

You know something's wrong when you come home, and you feel like the whole house has suddenly become similar in temperature to Antarctica. She's so hot (from anger), everything else is colder in comparison.

Now you know why she really gave you a handphone... so that you're never, ever out of earshot.

Ever wondered why you can never get a girlfriend? Just look at your mother's face on your laptop's wallpaper.

According to mothers, we're all their little boys.. I guess we're right that they don't have much of a sense of humour.

When in doubt, just speedial mum and she'll help remind you how dumb you are.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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