Pop Tart
I'm supposed to do a presentation for Patrick on Pop Art. Oh, and guess what, it's supposed to be handed in tomorrow. And I still have no clue what I should throw in.
What the bugger is Pop Art? I have borrowed two books from NYP's library on the subject, but all it can show me is the development of the Pop Art movement, not the reason for it's development and how it developed to such distinct flavours... I am truly puzzled by this art movement.
The thing is, i have always considered the bulk of Modern Art as simply 'Crap'. Pop Art is not much of an exception... I cannot feel the emotion evoked by some people's works, and then it becomes labelled as art... which i do believe is something which has substance, but all I see most of the time is bullshit.
Maybe if I try and opened up my mind, maybe I can see beyond the crap and maybe extract some meaning from the stuff within. Maybe.
I just hope whatever presentation Patrick expects of us tomorrow won't have a stringent criteria.... five minutes isn't alot to talk about... maybe I can work to that advantage.
Yeah... wish me luck.
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