Sunday, January 09, 2005

Poems, Prayers and Promises


I dunno, but it seems like my dreams (at present) of being a songwriter/performer just are so far away. I'm trying to expand my knowledge of musical instruments by diversion from the Guitar and it's affiliates (electric, acoustic, classical, twelve-string, jazz) into stuff like the Mandolin and Harmonica, and so far it's looking ok, not great, but snail-paced progression.

Only a bunch of people know what my true dream is, and I suppose I'll let you guys know right now.

My dream achievement is to play (irregardless of lead or supporting role) in a band, and perform either at Madison Square Garden in New york or The Royal Albert Hall in London (I think).

Yeah, BIG ambitions, but I suppose nowhere big enough capability or musicianship. I just love performing my songs or simply just sitting (or standing) there and sharing music with an audience, you know, just strumming and humming. Some may not realise it, but my mojo in performing is a reflection of my past, and hopes for the future. I'm currently finding ways and means to expand our (Alvin and myself) music to wider audiences, and of course, with a minimal amount of cost. Till today, the small cafe which Alvin and I first played to about five people, and the debate team parties is the only amount of exposure both of us have ever gotten.

But I suppose you have to build it all up, and hopefully gain more, and better material along the way.

It's interesting, the way things work: on one hand you've got Alvin who's this Bluegrass/country fanatic, who plays the banjo (one of a select few in Singapore, by the way), achieved Grade 8 in piano, and performs weekly (i think) for his church. Oh, and he writes some really, jolly good songs as well.

Then you come to me, and you see this Hard Rock dude who thuds his head to Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Yes etc, whose songs are 80% sentimental/sad-but-true/lovey-dovey. I try to expand my musical capabilities (mandolin, harmonica, violin bowed guitar, wierd sounds e.g. feedback) while just mainly being a layer underneath Alvin. I really enjoy that actually.

And we create some really good stuff, and our live energy is really unparalleled. Humour is rampant, and snide comments aplenty.

What's really funny is that neither of us can really listen to the other's music without turning it down (or completely off) after half a song. Maybe there are some exceptions like John Denver and other assorted choices.

Man, I just love playing with Alvin.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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