Sunday, January 16, 2005

ZZ Top tops them?


I've recently discovered this band called ZZ Top, though I have heard of them a couple of times. It really does help to have a free p2p programme to let you download stuff and thereby hear music you'd never dare to buy right off the shelf.

Anyhow, ZZ Top, a Texas band, just brings country-blues and wierd-yet-funny lyrics to higher levels, top that off with the two excellent guitarists sporting identical beards which have been de-riguer ever since they started sometime since the '60s.

Just mentioning the song 'Tush', which literally means the butt, check out the lyrics: 'I ain't asking much, I said Lord, take me downtown I'm just looking for some tush'. The songs are just typical country-rock rolled in with blistering guitar solos and simple chugging accompanying guitar. I can't even hear the bass.

Yet again, you can't really beat stuff from AC/DC, with song titles like 'Big Balls' which have loads of double-meanings.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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