Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Metal is back!!!!


Here's a sequel to my previous poem (No More Braces As Of Today!!I):

I've got the metal back in today
and I find things difficult to say
due to the fact it inhibits the speech
and my tongue feels like a frickin dead leech
I've got the cold metal back in today

The dentist calls it a set of retainers
but it's more like a personal speech re-trainer
my friends, wearing it isn't pleasant at all
and talking with it is an order very tall
Therefore I want a life without retainers

Sad to say it'll be sticking to me for many years
and after that I'd probably have no more tears
But for the moment it's back to misery
both from the tooth and unpleasant memory
I guess I'll be sad for these few years

In the end I'd end up a beggar with nice teeth
while pain is gone and my anger cannot seeth
I know I can leave it all behind
because love and justice can be both blind
But I'm working on retaining my teeth



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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