Thursday, April 28, 2005

OGL Camp done!


Alright, the past three days have been extremely crazy, hectic and sleep-depriving for myself and many of my peers who joined the OGl camp.. including XiWai, Giant Zucchini and Juls, with whom I had not really been able to contact due to her bring in digital media design (with Char, no doubt) but our paths had been unable to cross frequently.

Anyhow... the camp was conducted by a 40-ish bloke by the name of Calvin (or Kelvin) and the OGL seniors. Overall, the camp was 'siong' in terms of physical and mental requirments due to all the running, jumping, screwing, whatever. The instructor was witty and humourous, but at the same time firm and patient. I have to say that somel of the OGLs were rather slack in places, but most of them were 'enthu' enough to keep the momentum going.

The camp comprised of various activities which involved running around the whole of NYP and getting ourselves all hot and sweaty. No details, but at the end of each day, we could hardly look at each other and say 'Hey, you're so dry!!'.

The weirdest part of the camp was during the second night, Calvin asked the whole OGL camp to choose a leader to represent them and act as middleman between the OGLs and the seniors, but also as the coordinator.

Within like, fifteen minutes, there I was standing up with three other guys and we were all 'nominees' to be the next leader. The four of us joked around by pretending that we were choosing the leader within ourselves by 'Oh-ah-peh-ah-som', which drew a gale of laughter from our friends. In the end, after a few minutes of intense discussion, a guy called Brian and myself were chosen to lead the group, although the other two guys were to act as assistants.

After finishing off the final activity of the night, the four of us (original nominees) sat down and discussed how to run the orientation, and I tell you guys... it isn't any bit easy organising a three-day orientation for a 200-odd freshman group with 36 OGLs, half of whom want to go home and have a good night's rest.

In the end, by today afternoon, we had ironed out most of the major issues, and now we're scheduled to meet tomorrow morning to smoothen the minor details. I just hope everybody turns up and attends the gathering, because I'd already be bummed out from the camp activities.. and on top of that, I have a shift tonight.

Ah well... it's cool to be boss, and sad to be bummed out.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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