Sunday, July 03, 2005



Just went through a morning and afternoon with alvin, procceding with our work on the model of a computer mouse which is due on monday. So far, I have managed to complete the form and coat it with one layer of lacquer, one base coat (white), and one layer of silver on the top of the mouse.

I've discovered that partially sanding down the dry paint would allow for a better second layer of paint which is sprayed on. In the past, I made the mistake of adding too many layers, and on top of that, I had no idea that sanding the paint or lacquer would aid in the finishing process. Eventually, my item had been covered in fingerprints and finishing flaws... all too obvious to mask at the last minute.

So I have learnt my lesson, and now I am much patient, and I will sand down my layers of paint and lacquer before proceeding on to adding more layers of paint.

I've decided that my mouse will be silver in colour, but I want to add a final coat of lacquer to make the surface look like a high-gloss plastic finish. I just hope and pray I will eventaully achieve such a good-quality finish for my mouse model.

I've just come back from my shift at the pub... there's this uncomfortable feeling inside my stomach and an aching in my head... wonder what's that all about.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...


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