Friday is herreeee!
Well I guess I've not been updating as often as I used to.. I've been really lethargic as of late, and I would doze off in the bus on the way home, before jerking away and jumping out of my seat and getting off at the last moment.
Oh and this is to Liesl and Andrea:
You guys have no need to apologise to me, because I understand that you girls have your bad days. In all honesty, if I had a bad day, I'd probably be telling people to piss off rather than going around apologising. But I appreciate your apology, and let's try again some other time. You all are busy, busy, busy people and I should not have suggested it in the first place, so here's my apology to you all.
There's only about oen and a half weeks left before my final presentation... so far things are goign just fine. I've been focussign alot on my industrial project, and one side project, which involves guitar decals. I'm expecting some money for my efforts, so I guess I can save up for my possible Germany trip, or I can just go ahead and put that cash to good use by one of the following:
1. Upgrading my amplifier: sell of my old one and use the additional cash to get a new one.
2. Throwing in a delay pedal into my signal chain. I've been dying for an echo effect pedal!
3. Zhng my SG's guitar pickups, by upgrading them to more 'powerful' units *drools over Angus Young signature pickups*.
4. Get a new microphone (probably a solid, road-tested one like a Shure SM58) and maybe another microphone stand?
5. Replace that iffy neck pickup in my Red twanger. But what to buy, and how to test???
Anyways, the mother just came back last night. I can't believe she got my brother a GERMANY JERSEY!!! WTF???!!! But I cannot comprain.. she got me something completely unexpected, but arguably something which I would not use very often: a chromatic harmonica which costs 41 Euros (equivalent to roughly S$82).
Not that I don't appreciate her effort? But rarely does my mum ever put in the effort to get something of such value for me, and well I guess I can't blame her for not knowing what's in my head, and what I want to get. Because of all the things I ever buy for myself, they're all pretty expensive items and I seldom buy them in the first place.
Take for example: all of my pedals, I had to buy them in secret and slowly 'bring them into the open' over a period of roughly 2 months. Here's a low down on the gadgets that I had bought in order of price:
1. $220 Wah Wah pedal
2. $220 Overdrive/Distortion pedal
3. $77 Overdrive pedal
4. $50 EQ pedal
5. $40 reverb pedal
6. $25 noise reducer pedal.
So that's about $632 worth of pedals. So how do you hide $632 worth of gear in your home (not including the guitars and amplifier)? Simple: just lay them out on the floor, and she'll be too boggled by the variety to realise that you've added one more 'brick' to your 'brick-yard'. I've been slowly adding them to my collection over the past 2 years LOL.
I've just realised that the total worth of my current guitar-related gear (including Mandolin, accessories and blues harps) is standing at S$3607. That's a lot of money, considering that's the amount of money I have roughly spent in terms of gear ALONE. Man, I'm such a freak for gear.
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