Sunday, October 31, 2004

WHAT a start...


I have just officially started my holidays. I having been working yesterday and today. Funnily enough, I just feel so uptight and frustrated.

It's no wonder: I intended to start the holiday by retrofitting my classical guitar with a tailpiece, fix my old guitar by some wild form of modification, start writing some new songs and jam with Charlotte and Alvin.

Strike One. Charlotte and Alvin are BOTH bogged down by their own commitments: (Alvin babysitting his juniors while they endure a 9am to 6pm course for the WHOLE of next week; Char is also due with her final project and has to do the neccessary work to make it happen). And that means that I can't get any proper jamming work done. Damn.

Strike Two. My bus pass has just expired, so my trips to both SAS and Nanyang Poly are restricted due to high busfares etc. Meaning that work on the classical and old guitar are postponed as well. Another Damn, will you please.

Strike Three. My ability to write songs has just found a concrete block and tyre-shredder on its way to achieving greatness. Great songs come into my head, but I just can't let them get out and into the proper format: music.


I am just rotting down here waiting for the two of them to (eventually) get done with their stuff, and then just get down to serious stuff.

I am more concerned with Alvin, especially when he's tied down with his church duty, since he is in two churches. Another cause foo concern is how Charlotte will be playing bass with us when I don't even have a bass to lend her. I suppose her piano skills can come in handy when she uses my keyboard to use bass sounds.


It's not even the proper start of the holidays and I'm starting to freak out already. Why can't I concentrate on something and use my time wisely? Whay can't I just see this time as an advantage to really get down to write songs?

The Answer: I need everyone to get the songs worked out. It's just as simple as that.

Overdubbing to get the idea is something, but to get everyone to be in the moment is just as important.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Even More Weird stuff going on...

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, October 29, 2004

That great uplifting feeling..


After this morning's squirmish, I managed to get to block R unscathed, and found out I was the first to be there. Getting out my clay model, I worked on my cutter, and I eventually sneaked up to the engineering level to use the grinder to cut my cutter.

I managed to finish off the model by 10:45am, it wasn't exactly the most beautiful piece of design, to the contrary, it looked like a piece of shit which had been cut out by a milling machine run by a half-awake machinist. I wasn't pleased with it, so I'll warrant I'm getting a C or a B for my studio project.

I managed to polish off the GA (orthographic) board, and I just threw in yesterday's Kummy poster and box to make the picture whole.

The whole class managed to squeeze all their studio work (which also involved previous sketches, blue-foam models and botched clay models etc) onto six tables, and it was really a tight squeeze.

After that, Hee Kiah came in and let us off.

I was so relieved that it's all over. i just hope he'll be gentle with my clay model. The cutter manages to crack the clay every time you tug at it.

Ahh... i had a bigt lunch soon after, and I went home to play my souped up version of 'Majulah Singapurah'. I just prayed the neighbours won't complain.



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My very *messy* table. Posted by Hello

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Mother's Love VI


This morning, i slept at 2:30am, and got up at about 7am. due to last night's botched attempt to produce something concrete with my clay model, I had left my table exactly as it was and went to bed after brushing my teeth over-zealously.

In the morning, I went down to breakfast, and as per every messy-table-last-night-before-you-went-to-bed *conversation* with mother, it ended up with her attacking my every possible flaw, with her concentration rotating around my messiness.

I mean, I'll clean it up later, yarh? What's the (toot)ing big deal? I mean, unless some form of giant alien earthworm come gallivanting across the universe to consume the clay dust particles on my desk, wrecks the house in the process and then leaves with a self-satisfying burp, there really isn't any reason for her to shout at me other than her impeccable preference for cleanliness

I can almost imagine myself trying to tell her to take it easy.

Her eyes will bulge and then the shouting will start all over agan.

After that, she'll start to stuff my small lunchbox with every bitty bit of tasteless fruitcake she can muster together. During those few precious seconds, I have to distract her subsantially such that I won't have to resort to giving away most of the fruitcake away to my classmates, and just eating a bite myself. This includes:

C: 'Mum, I don't have any class today, and I'll be busy working on my project so I won't have time to eat the cake, ok?'

She just looked at me and shoved in more cake.


Mum: 'So? Eat while you work, then you can eat while you work.'

I believe you'll want to read that line again.

C; 'Wh-wh-what? I don't have the time, so I can't eat the cake, ok? If I don't have the time to eat, then you'll be seeing a full cake-box when I get back.'

Mum: 'You'd better eat it or I'll whack you'

C: 'It's true! that's why I stayed up till 2:30am last night just so I can get some headway into the project.'


C: 'I was working on my project, not working in the internet...'

Mum: 'You better eat the cake arh.'

C: 'Mum, how many times must I tell you: I.... Dun...Have...The...Time...Ok?'

Then she went off inot a rant about how I cannot multi-task and be an efficient person.

Pray tell, how I can eat the cake when my hands are covered in clay dust?

If you can come up with a solution (apart from any which involves spending money) then I'll be taking my hat off to you.

Also, I'll be keeping mother away from you.



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Thursday, October 28, 2004

One last thing before that great uplifting feeling...


I reached block R at 9:50 am today. Considering it was the first time in a few weeks I had stayed up till 1 am the previous night, I had to sleep late today right? I just settled down to finish off my Kummy poster and packaging.

On the whole, it looked very proffesional, even the poster, which kummy barely saw was given a due commendation by kummy. that was the great relief for me and then came the surprisingly bleak yet simple packaging.

While my classmates' boxes looked like some wierd form of ad wrapped around it like a box with a cheap pamphlet used as gift wrapper, mine was a simple black background with one word in modernistic white text which was painfully cut out my moi.

Not that I'm saying that their boxes sucked, it's just that they simply didn't really look proffesional.

What can I say? Kummy wanted my box and poster to look expensive, and that's just what I did. Nothing more nor less. I guess mine just looked a tad too expensive such that theirs looked cheap by comparison.

Anyhow, I'm going to finish off my clay model by night. Hook or crook, it's going to enter block R tomorrow a finished product and ready for Hee Kiah's lambasting. I wouldn't be surprised he'd be unhappy with some parts, but that's all I got, and it'd be too late to remake my clay.

I managed to learn how to play Marron 5's 'She Will Be Loved', and frankly, it's quite easy to play, despite its complicated sound. I also can't believe my kapaline board got copped when I left it alone in block R for a short stretch of time.

Arrgh, focus..focus.. got to take a crap while I read Al's 'Digital Fortress'.



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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Ecstacy Of Yes+The Legends Of Zelda VII


Today, I popped in to Block R and was surprised to find Alvin already there reading 'Digital Fortress'. Apparently, he was warming the book up for me.. so sad cuz I think I'll only be touching it on saturday.

We had some talk while I pulled out my stuff as I had planned to finish off my hammer and clay model (the main one) by today. I first pulled out my headphonesand blasted 'Roundabout' by Yes, and it was accompanied by Alvin doing an air bass impersonation of the bass lick. I shoulda taped his 'performance'.

After a while, I went to get my clay-working tools, and I then pulled out my cardboard 'indestructable' boxes. I don't care what Alvin says, he didn't even reach 50 percent efficiency by the time I was done with him at 'cardboard box goalkeeping'. At most he got about 45 percent. Even Zelda was there to see Alvin perform his saves.

While we were playing our pastime, Alvin kept telling Zelda to stay away from the 'goalmouth' partially because her mere presence was irritating enough, but there was another reason...:

Alvin: 'Keep away from the goal mouth, Zelda, I don't want to hit you.'

Maybe he also didn't want to even go near her.

Crawldaddy: 'Yeah, You wouldn't want to get hit on your face, which is worth *millions* right?' (to get the ghizt
of this remark, read 'Quirks with Zelda VI)

I'm glad she only gave me a weak smile, not her typical godzilla-punch.

The highlight of today was when the second level of Block R slowly transformed itself into a 'house of large objects' as Alvin's class proceeded to put up their cardboard objects up on display.

One senior even commented it looked like a belated lantern festival in Block R. Except the lanterns are extra big this year.

I helped Alvin set up his coin after my design history test, and by that time, Zelda had already put up her cardboard enlarged wallet. From the distance I made a very shrewd mental note, which I made audible to Zelda when she questioned me about how her item looked, as it hung from the ceiling and partially rested on the display shelf top:

Z: '(my real name), what do you think of my item? doesa it look good?'

C: 'Hmm...' (I was wondering at this point in time as to whether I should drop the bomb)

Z: 'Well?'

C: 'Ok, truth to tell, when I first saw it from back down the corridor, I said to myself "Who put that piece of rubbish on top of the display shelf?" you know?' I was trying to keep the distance at this point in time.

True enough, she stalked towards me and proceeded to whack me with her mini-handbag and induce her trademark godzilla-punches at me. I could only run away while she plodded after me around the second level.

After a few tweaks and adjustments, Alvin's coin came up (after I helped a few of his classmates get their own cardboard items up), and initially, it was so low, you could have knocked right into it when you exited the computer lab.

I then went on to finish up most of my hammer and start work on the clay.

I finished up the day with learning how to use pastels in my rendering drawings, and it was fairly fruitful, though I wouldn't mind a few more lessons.

Ah... at least I could tell myself that I have achieved some level of detail in my pastel renderings.



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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Utter frustration and disbelief (at the stupidity)


Tonight, as I was ploughing through Soon's A5 sketchpad, which is required to be submitted tomorrow morning, I received a call from Zai, my model-making teacher:

Z: 'Hey (my real name), sorry to bother you so late, I just want to ask you whether I have a lesson with your class tomorrow'

C: 'I don't think so, why?'

Z: 'Well, you guys had to hand up your hammer model tomorrow right?'

Damn straight.

Z: 'So since I don't have a lesson with you guys tomorrow, you all can hand up your hammers on tuesday ok?'

C: 'Ok, Thanks'

I subsequently typed out a text message to my classmates and sent it with my mobile:

'Zai's hammer to be handed up on tuesday, pass the message around. This is absolutely confirmed.'

I was short of saying: 'Please don't ask any stupid questions'

I then sent this to at least five of my classmates, and then i went back to Soon's stuff.

A moment later, I received two text messages (something along these lines):

'what about the organic shape thingies? are they to be handed up on tuesdays as well?'

that was a fair question, as the organic shapes were another of Zai's assignments to be handed up originally on monday.

However, I did say I wanted to say 'Please don't ask any stupid questions'

I then received this message from Chew Siew, an obnoxious, perfectionist classmate of mine:

'How do you know? Where did you hear it from?'

The moment I saw this message, I started to curse and swear:


So I wrote another message and sent it out:

'Zai told me that the hammer and organic shapes are to be handed up on tuesday. Any questions, you can call my home at (my home number). My free messages aren't forever.'

To be perfectly honest, Chew Siew suffered an illness a couple of months back which, after being cured from the illness, caused her to be somewhat blur and obnoxious, even extremely irritaing with her senseless questioning. Apparently, the side-effects of that fateful illness hadn't worn off yet, and she is still persistingly asking stupid questions.

However, my simple text message rang loud and clear (if you are sharp enough):


Talk about trying to say everything in one simple message. Man, I'm drained already thinking about it over again.



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The Deep Breath Before The Plunge


Just got off work, today, and I wish I could have a better Discman. This piece of junk which cost me 49 bucks really sucks. Big Time.

I got home to realise that for the fifth time, my violin bow managed to break free from the Araldite epoxy glue joint which fused the two broken parts together. Needless to say, that it has broken once again, and I'm fixing it with Araldite for the sixth time.

I've been listening to Yes: The Ultimate Collection, for a couple of days now. Alvin simply loves the song 'Yours Is No Disgrace', which has THE most crazy, yet great bass sound ever: just simple bass distortion. It works cuz the bass is right up next to the guitar and keyboards in terms of volume.

Man, the bass and keyboards of Yes (not to mention Steve Howe's guitar work, which rivals Jimmy Page) will simply make the average musician cry for mercy.

I'm about to finish off Soon's stuff, and I hope I can sleep by 1am tonite, cuz I wanna finish Soon off soon. No pun intended.

Arrgh, Concentrate... Concentrate... RIGHT.



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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Alvin at lunch some time way back Posted by Hello

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Friday, October 22, 2004

Some very, very coy girls... Posted by Hello

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My lame attempt to play around with perspective... Posted by Hello

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Stuff in school (the ecstacy of Yes)


Today marked the end of the road for Alvin's gigantic journey involving his Giant 5-Cent cardboard coin. At least most of his classmates managed to finish off their stuff as well, just a select few (including Zelda) who didn't manage to finish off what they wanted to include in their item.

Being the lame idiot I am, I borrowed Joool's camera to take some interesting 'perspective' photos, which involved my hand seemingly encompassing Wen Ning's giant scissors, my finger seemingly poking at Nizam's giant MP3 player's button, and also as though my hand was holding up the MP3 player etc. It really looked very interesting...

Anyhow, I managed to finish about 3 quarters of my supposedly-finished-long-ago blue foam hammer. I had to cover it in wall putty, so that took up about half of my time.

The funniest thing happened when Alvin and I took the bus home today, we were watching the TV-Mobile screen, and 'Cybernet' was on. The show, mainly showcasing computer, playstation and X-box games started showing the latest games to hit the market.

Guess what Alvin and I saw (I am not making this up):


Man, oh man, oh man. Isn't it the stupidest thing to first have a name which seems to befit her stature (Amazonian frame, loud voice, obnoxious behaviour, to say it nicely), but to have a name which might appear as the title for a computer game is certainly taking the cream, and pushing the boundaries for evil jokes between Alvin and myself... that is, about Zelda.

I sure am glad that Alvin has finally gotten most of the huge loads off his back, but my turn is coming soon, and already I've shrugged off Joon Kiat (his famous quote: 'Oh No!!!! Oh No!!!!'), and I've gotten a head-start on Soon's sketch pad. I just have to finish off Zai's hammer, and Bowy's renderings for submission on Monday.

Thank God for brain-damage huh?

Man, I wish I'd have time to jam with the rest (meaning Alvin and Char), but both have their own commitments, not to mention I have to work more days to earn more cash so I can be more prepared for next semester which will prove to be one killer time (It's going to kill me, Big Time).

I actually managed to make my violin bow work. I put on so much rosin, the stuff came off in clouds as I rubbed the bow on my strings. Talk about doing things in moderation.



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Thursday, October 21, 2004

It's beautiful huh? Posted by Hello

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Evening madness and that giant 5-cent coin...


Alvin has been creating one gigantic 5-cent coin out of cardboard. It is so huge, it is 1.1 metres in diameter, and is roughly 3 kgs odd. It is also roughly 7cm high.

So there i was, in the studio doing my own work, and Alvin went to take his com skills test ('how do you do, sir?') and he disappeared from 4 pm to roughly 7:40pm. Apparently, he finished his com skills test at 6:30, but since he decided to have his makan with his classmates, they first went to the North Canteen, the Food Junction, before finally settling down to get their food at 7:10pm in the Mcdonald's.

That means, they took 40 minutes just to find out where they want to have dinner. Talk about extreme procrastination, and they are complaining about not being able to complete their work.

I tend to take a very shrewd viewpoint upon all this...

So being tired from doing my own stuff (which turns bland once you're fifteen minutes into it), I decided to call Alvin as to when he'll return to Block R, and he said 7:25pm, and he says he'll take 15 minutes, so I offered to help him out with the huge cardboard coin.

I knew what was required to be done: glueing the edge of the coin to its cardboard sides. Since the edge was already cut this afternoon, I just needed to glue the edges, as simple as that. Although the edge would be 3 metres-odd long.

True enough, I finished glueing half of the coin's edge when Alvin finally popped in. We managed to finish it off by 8:10 pm.

The kicker this evening was when Alvin and I wanted to deposit the coin in it's proper storage area. The room we were looking for was room R-205. However, while carrying the bloody coin together, we literally took a huge cruise around the whole of Block R, and we finally realised that R-205 was part of the studio room, which spanned three lecture areas. Talk about wasted time, and disturbing the year-2s while we went through the cramped modelling studio.

I simply couldn't believe that both of us went a huge round just to get back at square one... Man, we were so stupid. ok, I can only speak for meself.



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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

More weird stuff going on...


Here's something... to prove I'm quite human. Not that you suggested that I wasn't, by the way.

Eysenck's Test Results
Extraversion (60%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Neuroticism (36%) moderately low which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Psychoticism (31%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Take Eysenck's EPQ-R based Personality Test
personality tests by

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Weird stuff Going on...


I just got home after playing some 'cardboard-box goalkeeping' wth Alvin....

Well, I was just creating a new box for Kummy, and I realised it was too small. So instead of discarding it, Alvin suggested we try some 'Cardboard Box Goalkeeping'. That is, I will throw the box at him, and using some items as 'goalposts', he willattept to kep the box out of the 'goal' A la normal goalkeeping, with the exception we're using y undesized box for a soccerball.

I created the box out of a single-layer sandwich cardboard often seen with your cardboard boxes use to carry your pictures when moving your home etc.. It just so happens the consruction of the box is so solid, I can stand on it, and it will have a minimal effect of being crushed.

This leads to the 'indestructible box' having the ultimate showdown... whether or not it can withstand Zelda's weight. I seriously doubt so.

Anyhow, Joseph from Alvin's class and Alvn himself have stood n it,it is still going strong.. so I'm still hopeful it can take the strain of Zelda's behemoth weight.




Global Personality Test Results
Stability (49%) medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (55%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (67%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Maths Test and that bloody survey...


Today, I took my final maths test (hopefully), and I believe I did all right. Not brilliantly, just all right cuz I do believe I screwed up one very important question. Arrgh, so much for getting A2 for A maths and being a 'smart' person.

I retired back to Blk R after the test, and I had lunch with Alvin. For the past few days of the week, we noticed that there were posters (or really just pieces of A4 paper) stuck up on the doors of Blk R reminding students to take an on-line survey regarding the school's educational programme: whether it was efficient etc.

I do remember Limky talking to me and Alvin after that fateful day when Alvin had to hand up his studio project to Patrick and got lambasted for his dressing (any surprises here?).

Limky: 'Hey, don't forget to take the on-line survey, ah, have to take it you know.'

Crawldaddy: 'Oh, Mr Lim, I believe I won't be able to give a fair point of view because I'm too political. Is that alright?'

He just smiled at me. Freaky.

So I took the survey, and I had to answer the same bloody questions for every darn module I am taking. I was very tempted to put in snide comments at Ayod but I thought against it cuz it'd be too 'revealing'... you know, no hair, risk of sunburn etc.

I just took the slacker method of answering questions by saying 'Strongly Agree' (which was already pre-selected for every question) and just saying 'Strongly Disagree' for availibility of computers in school. I can almost see Soon smiling to, and congratulating himself.

It's true, Alvin and I had to wait for the seniors to take a break at lunch just so we could use those precious moments to take that boring survey.

Anyhow, I haven't been able to be myself because one factor was missing in my life since last week: the availibility of portable music.

My old 'plug-in' earphones went from stereo to a one-sided capability, and I managed to buy a new set of headphones today for 19 bucks. At least the sound quality is much better. It just manages to yank out some hair when I try to take it off.

Sigh... I have another test tomorrow, and subsequently I have to figure out a poster and packaging for kummy, finish my A5 sketchpad for 'good ol' twitching eye' Soon, and submit my appeal to the library for unpaid library fines. I need to make a cutter for my tape dispenser, and try and finish of the clay model. I also have to prepare for one design history test, and finish off Bowy's stuff for 'funky-dunky, MIA-on-thursdays' Hii Kyah.

It is gonna be a very, very, very busy week.

At least I can now listen to Neil Young's 'Silver And Gold', which I've been waiting to purchase since I saw the live DVD of the same name.



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Monday, October 18, 2004

The Brilliance Of Nick Drake and classroom shite


I'm sitting here at my com, and I'm listening to two of Nick Drake's albums: 'Bryter Layter' and 'Pink Moon', and I'm quite surprised and happy.

Nick Drake, is quite brilliant in his songwriting, and I believe I can look to him as a sort of yardstick because his acoustic style is similar to mine's. To put it in simple words, Nick Drake is literally the Norah Jones of the finger-picked acoustic guitar. In terms of vocals and musical integrity, Nick Drake is unparalleled.

Oh my goodness. I've got a final math test tomorrow, and without taking this paper, I can pass this semester though I do wish to do well and receive at least a 'B' for maths this semester. Let's hope I will get through all right tomorrow morning.

Apart from that, the relationships between me and the formerly-obnoxious girls in my class has turned from sour, to lukewarm and now to fairly cheerful and warm. And just when something as wonderful as this happens, my relationship with another of my classmates has sunken down into the dregs.

In an attempt to rally the class to not attend Bowy's class tonight, my classmate was arguing that the math test was more important than having lessons with Bowy. I simply cannot agree. She didn't want to stay for lessons. The slight tussle included her saying:

'Please to not talk to me in that matter of tone'

I just replied: 'excuse me, are you my overlord?'

I was rallying support for staying for Bowy's lesson because:

>Bowy hasn't had a lesson with us in two weeks, and it's high time we had some kind of contact before we all lose touch somewhat with Bowy.

>Bowy's lesson tonight was supposed to be the last lesson, and not attending it would be fairly unwise, compared to skiving his lesson, for which he has included in his schedule.

>Bowy made the effort to organise the class (although it was pre-planned, but he had left for overseas two weeks back, and he only contacted me this morning), and as such we should respect his efforts by attending his class although we may need to leave earlier.

>It is simply unethical to skive lessons and encourage people to do so, especially when they are undecided about what to do. Persuasion by herd mentality is simply absurd. Similarly, my classmates are easily influenced by the actions of their friends.

Hence, my classmate was the only person who didn't appear for Bowy's lesson of her own choice. Actually, I can't blame her: she lives in Boon Lay, and it'd take a very long while just to get home, and if we do end late, she'd have no time to practise her mathematics.

However, that said, I encouraged a math discussion-cum-self learning session after our modelling lesson from four to the start of Bowy's lesson, at six-forty pm. It worked wonderfully well, and everybody was involved, asking the better students questions and working out questions. I had difficulties of my own, to speak the truth.

I just believe that the power of objective persuation based on facts and the practise of need, not want is the key to allowing peopel to follow you willingly. Not just blindly (and stubbornly) forcing one's headway into unknown territories.



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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Late Nite Meanderings II


Just saw Charlotte's blog, and she was talking something about how taiwanese music (whether slow or fast-paced) is becoming more and more and more mundane. I simply cannot disagree with her, considering that I find that form of music somehow tasteless, and requiring a minimum of song-writing skills (the dregs of which are used to manipulate the words 'you', 'me', and 'love' into something feebly feasible).

If you do wish, however, to listen to some high-quality music, try Nick Drake's 'Five Leaves Left', Neil Young's 'Silver And Gold', Led Zeppelin's 'Led Zeppelin 3', and maybe even CSNY's 'Deja Vu'. All of which are critically acclaimed albums.

So, if you are frustrated at your friend's choice of lame, tasteless taiwanese boyband/girlband/solo 'artiste' crap, just listen to the albums mentioned above, and I'm sure you'll have plenty of lively (Led Zeppelin 3) and sentimental (Five Leaves Left, Silver And Gold) music to listen to.

And just shut your ears when you hear the crappy taiwanese shit.

sigh... have to work early in the morning tomorrow at 7am.

ok, gotta sleep.



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Jimmy Page showing off his moves with the Theremin (little box with antenna on the right). Posted by Hello

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...'And that bottle of Jack Daniel's was THIS BIG!!!'... right. Posted by Hello

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Guess who...? My favourite Band (at the moment)... Led Zeppelin, seen here circa 1969. Posted by Hello

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Mother's Love V


I was having a fantastic lunch with my mum, dad and brother. We were eating a fusion-style lunch at home comprising of chips, chicken drumsticks with a plate of garlic bread and a dish of chinese style beans and mushrooms.

My mum and brother were planning to go out at night to visit Suntec city cuz there was a Topshop warehouse sale going on. Hopping onto the opportunity for me to get more t-shirts, I asked my mum:

Crawldaddy: 'Is it ok that when you go out tonight, you get me some white shirts?'

Mum: 'Heeeeyyyy, please don't torture me with more work ok?'

Crawldaddy: 'I mean T-shirts....... T-shirts, you know?'

Mum: 'Ok, but you have so many shirts.'

Crawldaddy: 'Yeah, but I want more brighter-coloured shirts, cuz I mainly have black, blue and grey shirts...'

Mum: 'Ok, I'll be getting you shirts with BRIGHT YELLOW, BRIGHT RED, and BRIGHT WHITE... Ok?'

One thing's for sure, I know white-coloured shirts are bright enough as they are, but 'BRIGHT WHITE'??? I dunno if she meant them to be luminous or something....



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Friday, October 15, 2004

Quirks With Zelda VI (Face issues)


I just finished my lesson in the morning, and I had lunch with Charlotte, Alvin and Charlotte's friend, Juline (whom Alvin and I pulled a false-name pun on by secretly calling her 'Joo-Lyne'). Ok, I do know how to pronounce her name properly.

So we had lunch, and I had the evil pleasure of describing to both Charlotte and Juline how my brother got dunked into Milford Sound when I was in NZ earlier this year. Of course, they really took attention when I described how I faked sleeping when Zelda got on the same bus as I was on a couple of months back:

I was taking the bus to school, and I realised that when the bus turned into the busstop, Zelda was waiting to get on board. Desperately wondering whether to acknowledge her presence or just stare into blankness, I settled to pretending to be asleep. So Zelda got onto the bus, and I managed to pretend well enough that I was in deep slumber although Led Zep was blasting in my ears.

So there I was, sitting down there with my eyes closed and head resting on my bag (which was upright on my lap), and trying to snore very softly. I soon felt someone (well, it was obviously Zelda) shaking my shoulder. I just tried to hold down my laughter, and proceeded to ignore the shaking shoulder. Eventually, I gave a sleepy grunt and swept her hand away, and I continued on my false slumber.

Just after a few minutes after I shook her hand away from my shoulder, the stupidest thing happened: my left earphone dropped out of my ear. Faking I was disturbed by the absence of music in my left ear (and also partly out of fear she'd try to wake me by yabbering away), I groped very convincingly around my shoulder and stuffed the earphone into my ear, all the while eyes closed, and continued my slumber.

Only when I needed to change buses, then I 'woke' from my sleep complete with sleepy-looking eyes and tired grunts. i didn't even look at her, and only 'noticed' her when I sat down at the busstop, and she just stood in front of me. Freaky.

Well this afternoon, I was having my lesson and I was cutting up cardboard to make a box. Apparently, some idiotic bloke started playing Christina Aguilera's 'Beautiful', and he managed to play the same song thrice. when I finally pointed this irritating factor out to Alvin, Zelda cut in:

'Ay! At least Christina is better than Britney right? Right? I mean, Britney is such a slut.' said Zelda.

Crawldaddy: 'Oh well, actually they are both the same, don't you think so Al?'

Alvin: 'Yeah, it's quite true'

Zelda: 'Ay! Don't you dare to insult Christina Aguilera ok? Ok? At least she sings better you know..'

She then proceeded to point an exposed black marker at my face.

Having a cutting knife in my hand, I pointed this out to her, and she the said: 'You haven't died before right? You don't know how it is to die right? Right?'

Crawldaddy: 'It's obvious, Zelda. I standing here, which means I haven't died yet right?'

Zelda: 'Ok, right, right. But you don't want me to paint your face black right? Right?'

Crawldaddy: 'Well, I'm sure you don't want me to cut your face up with my knife right?'

Zelda: 'Oh! Oh! (covering face with hands) Don't touch my face! It's Worth Millions!!!!'

Crawldaddy: 'Riiight... worth millions of what? Piles of shit?'

That caused her to chase me out of the studio, brandishing her black marker like some samurai sword, while Alvin laughed his head off, and saying: 'That was a good one! That was a good one!'

Yep, She sure doesn't get it right? I mean, isn't it enough that she's so irritating, the day before she just stood in front of everyone in her presentation clothes, and saying:

'I'm going shopping later..' in a voice I'm sure everyone could hear.

'Oh! I don't have lip gloss on!' proceeding to put her lip gloss on, she then proclaimed: 'Look! Clinique eh! Clinique you know???!'.


Zelda: 'Oh, I'm meeting my friend later..' My classmate, couldn't resist the urge to fall into Zelda's trap of attracting more attention asked her: 'Guy or girl?'

Zelda: 'Of course guy larrrhhh...'


So she just proceeded to put her lip gloss in front of everybody as though she was posing for some cheap-arsed make-up commercial, which portrays their models as tarts(body-sellers).

I'm sure most of my classmates were trying very hard to hide their winces and looks of shock and abhorrance.

Yeah, she sure doesn't get it.



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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Franz Josef (pronounced 'Hosef') of the left, and I'm standing on a piece of rock scarred by the glacier's movement over the years. Posted by Hello

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Dad amongst the trees, in an attempt to bond with Nature. Posted by Hello

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Cool and calculating... Crawldaddy ponders who would think this is a good, accurate photo of how he looks everyday. Posted by Hello

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That Cherry On Top Of The Cake


Today, I managed to get back my Garry report (which I did oh so slowly, yet painstakingly troublesomely in three days time due to the absence of Microsoft word on my com), and to my utter delight, I got a D.

D for Distiction that is. Amazing. I mean, there were a few grammatical mistakes and one typo, but Miss Jie Hong (who marked my report, not Garry) gave me some very delicately pleasant comments. Kudos to the both of them anyhow. I don't know how I did overall though for the module.

The main draw for today was basically making a suitable box to contain my tape dispenser. It had to pass through Kummy's hands before being certified as sufficiently 'Professional'. Sigh.

My previous attempts to create a box were:

> A six-sided box that was so big, it could fit two tape dispensers (not the most desirious box), and most unprofessional.

>An eight-sided box which was absolutely butt-ugly, and I stowed it away as a reminder to try and be 'Professional'.

>An eight-sided box improved upon the previous one. Couldn't fit the tape dispenser inside though...

>An eight-sided box which was another supposed-improvement on the second eight-sided one, but it was an absolute piece of crap. Angry and desperate, I ripped it apart in an outburst of viciousness in front of my classmates. Complete with grunts of disgust and abhorrance.

>A four-sided box which was as unprofessional as a styrofoam Da-Bao box, complete with bubble-wrapping interior.

At this point in time, my class mentor, Mr Khairul dropped by and he commented my boxes were unprofessional (place big 'DUH' here). He then inspired me to adapt those boxes used to contain handphones and digital cameras. So I went and did one.

I pasted two pieces of A3 paper together, and I managed to get a proper-looking design which didn't use any glue whatsoever (it was considered unprofessional to use glue), and I pulled it off. The result was kinda good-looking, there were no ugly fold-seams exposed.

So I went to present it to Khairul first. He approved of it, and he 'gave me blessings' for my trip for Kummy's approval .

I found Kummy, and showed the box to her. She then scrutinised it at every angle and said: 'Ok, can do.'

Then I said: 'You mean, i can use this box? It is professional?'

'Yes'. She said, and smiled.

Whoa, what a breath of relief which swept through me after she said that. Kudos to Khairul for that one. Even Alvin said my latest box looked very professional. YEAH!!!!



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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Essense of Lamosity (Being Lame)


Now, I do profess to be a very lame person.. especially when I reach full throttle with Alvin by my side. I mean, we just go wild whenever we see stuff that seems to have potential for lambasting.

Take Zelda's 'Garry' report for instance: (I am not making this up)

'the two computers use darker colours for their finishing as this prevents the computers from over heating'

That was the biggest piece of bullcrud I had ever seen.

Although Zelda wasn't happy seeing me laughing my head off at her report, she was crapping all over me when I came into the studio that afternoon to do my box. I couldn't stand it. luckily she went over to disturb my classmates and left me in peace.

Charlotte came to school today (after leaving in the morning) thinking there was debate, and she actually spent S$5.70 just to rush to school, only to find debate was cancelled. I invited her into the studio for some easy chatting, and Zelda tried to gang her up against me.

All I could say in defense after her incessant ramblings was: 'Whole Lotta Gas.... Whole Lotta Gas...' wait... what a great name for a song about Alvin's farting!!!

I walked with Charlotte to the MRT station, and I treated her to my snacks, and she (i do believe) enjoyed them... just a couple of sandwiches and two choc bars.

Sigh... I still have a box and a poster for Kummy ('It's Not Professional!!!')



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Is Crawldaddy An Evil Person...?


Many people have commented that I'm a mean, evil kreechurr (creature) whose lame antics will be the death of me someday. I believe that there are two sides of me. Even three sides.

First side: I like to get along with people, I tend to fully understand and sympathise with others, and I am always attentive and sensitive. This happens 40% of the time.

Second side: I'm a pissed off blowhard whose expression you see will literally burn the skin off your face. This projects me as a no-nonsense bloke whose sole desire is to demolish everything useless in his path. This happens at most 10% of the time.

Third side: I'm a sarcastic lame-arsed Led Zep freak whose bitingly blunt remarks WILL burn you down, and suanology is my favourite ballgame. This happens 50 percent of the time.

At most, I'm just a combination of all three whenever I'm by myself.

However, the question is: 'Am I truly Evil???'

It depends on what evil means. If 'evil' means Satanic and all that that implies, then I am definitely not 'evil', in that sense.

However, apart from that I am evil in the sense of making fun of people and just poking fun at them... hopefully not till breaking point.

I hope you do understand I'm just trying to be a friendly person... lame humour is just my backyard rock concert.



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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Quirks with Zelda V (Soon's lesson)


Alvin and I were having Soon's lesson that afternoon. Being the lame arses we are, we decided to play around with how we will tell people we would be having Soon's lesson:

'Hmm, we'll be having soon later, right?'

'Yeah, Soon told me we'd better be there soon.'

'Soon, we'll be on our way to Soon's'

'Oh, Soon's coming soon, for Soon's'

And we had to have Soon's lessons with Zelda there already. She saw us as we came in, and she said:

Zelda: 'Ugh, I don't want you to sit near me... you (Alvin) might fart'

Crawldaddy: 'Umm, well, if it makes you fell better, we never want to sit next to you anyway.'

The lesson started, and as we started discussing stuff with Soon, Zelda started talking crap Yak yak yak yak blahblahblah, and in the end self destructed by shooting herself in the foot.

Although Alvin and I weren't that successful in the discussion ,we still ahd plenty of time to fool around with stuff:

Soon: 'Ok, tell me what the letter J stands for' he was doing an A to Z for being a successful designer.

Crawldaddy: 'Umm... Jet, jelly, jumbo enormous irritaing behemoth...'

Alvin: 'Hmm, Joseph.... gel, wait, it starts with G, umm..'

Crawldaddy: 'jingoistic, umm... janitor...'

You can imagine the rest especially when we were perfectly audible, and not making any sense. Then more fun came when we eventually went on to the letter 'V'. Alvin couldn't stop saying 'Volkswagen..Volkswagen..Volkswagen...'

The five minute break came, and Zelda came over to crap at us again. So just yabbering away, she finally stopped to take a breather, and I took the advantage to say:

Crawldaddy: 'Ok, have you finished yet? Cuz I'd like you to leave us alone now.'

Alvin: 'Ooooh, That Hurt'

That earned me a slap on the shoulder. Now, That Hurt.

Oh, and I finished Garry's behemoth report!!! Yess!!!!



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Monday, October 11, 2004

The ever adventurous Crawldaddy venturing into unknown territories on his 'Crawldaddy 1' acoustic... look at the determination in his eyes... Posted by Hello

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Sunday, October 10, 2004

Mum & Dad together in Auckland during the sunset (they were watching it).
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Mother dearest at Akaroa. You'd think it was a painting (the backdrop) right? I took the photo.
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Me at Anchilles Point, Auckland, NZ.
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Pulling the poor sod (me brother) outta the water. He fell in from his kayak. I do believe I'm the blue blur right above the hand of the bloke pulling me brother.
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This Is Moi with me Brother. I'm holding my Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King poster. Behind us, a fell beast with Nagul.
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Sunrise near Te Hunga: Splendid huh? I shot it Meself....
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Saturday, October 09, 2004

Another of my 'Postcard Specials'... Courtesy of Crawldaddy
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One of my 'Postcard Specials'... Courtesy Of Crawldaddy.
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Sight from Pleasant Flats... Inspiration for the song (by Moi) of the name 'Sight From Pleasant Flats'
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With A cap this time...
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Backwards stuff...


Do you guys know that 'Stairway To Heaven' has backwards messages? It's quite freaky, especially since it's satanic... let's not go there.

I just finished up the 'Mastering' for my latest song 'Messin' With The Blues', and I decided to try and see whether there was any backwards stuff, so there will be no misunderstanding.

I listened to the backward track, I found two bits that were intelligible.

One: 'Sabrina's Head'

Two: 'Masturbate'

Ok, now don't take this in the wrong manner, but since that song mentioned the devil and hell once, I decided to play safe and scrap the song if anything funny came out.

As usual, there was the gibberish and stuff like that, until I heard 'Sabrina's head'. Apparently, there's a classmate of mine whom I wasn't getting along well with until a couple of days back called Sabrina. I was actually quite freaked. Until the next word appeared.

It was really 'blahblahblahblah.. masturbate.... blahblahblahblah...masturbate.'

I dunno whether I should scrap the song. I mean, the song in forwards mentions evil twice (I ultimately and absolutely despise both spiritually and enthsiastically), and now I hear stuff about the head of a classmate of mine and the act of wanking. I am severely dilemma-ed.



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The Art Of SMS


I have a teacher who doesn't ever answer his text messages (or SMS), for the very simple reason: he simply has too many students from different schools (he's a part-time lecturer) and what's more important, SMS language can be very misleading.

Take today for example.

I decided to confirm with one of my classmates (a girl) whether her dust coat is in my possesion (i found one in the studio after school), and this is my message:

Crawldaddy: 'I think your dust coat is with me'

Classmate: 'Huh? I think you've got the wrong person, my dustcoat is with me'

Crawldaddy: 'Ok, maybe. Sorry for the disturbance, your highnessness'

Classmate: 'Umm, what's the matter with you? Must you say things so sacarstically?'

Crawldaddy: 'My last reply was sacarstic, but not in a negative way. Just trying to keep your humour up. Please don't take it in a bad way. Sorry if you are angry.'

Classmate: 'Er, ok, I am not angry, just astonished at the way you phrased your words though you say you didn't mean it in that manner. Anyway, nevermind.'

I have no idea. After writing this out, it seems like a pretty pointless conversation, but I find that SMS can really be misleading. Truth to tell, I was in a perfectly calm mood and my use of the term 'Your Highnessness' was simply ripped off from Star Wars. It was just to let some dry humour into the message. Ok, fine, I was really trying to be lame.

I guess, sometimes we need to be bitten on the arse before we realise what dicks we can be to other people. that comment, by the way, is not directed to my classmate, just to myself. (oh, no!!!! please don't take it in a negative manner!!!)

Like Alvin once said, 'You can't be too smart, people just won't get it' and 'the variables change everytime'.



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Messin' With The Blues....


It's kinda weird. I listen everyday without fail to Led Zeppelin, essentially a blues-driven band, and yet I have never really come up with a blues-based song. That is until today.

Remember me telling you guys couple of weeks back when Alvin and I played at debate? Ms Gail asked us to play a melody which would resemble the feeling of the devil coming out of hell. I used that slide progression to create a blues song called.... 'Messin' With The Blues'.

The song is based on a singl slide acoustic playing the same progression for the verse parts and just some variation during the chorus and ending parts.

So, using the overdubbing method, I added vocals and a guitar solo to the song... voila, the finished product.

Here's the song's lyrics, I hope Alvin won't feel disturbed by the lyrics....

Messin' With The Blues

(in the key of E)

Well, I was just a little boy, mother told me the other day.
You'd better throw away that toy, your chores are waiting: there's hell to pay.

And everytime I hear you sing, you're messing with the blues X2

Well, I was working on the land, hopin' for the rain to come.
The devil he came with a brand, I threw him right outta my home.

And everytime you hear me sing, I'm messin' with the blues X2


Guitar solo

Well, I got myself a little lady, she spend my money everyday.
She said: it is gonna be crazy? Is spending such a crime?

And everytime I see you swing, you're messin' with the blues X2

That's it, and I think it sounds good, espcially with the guitar solo.


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Friday, October 08, 2004

Stuff About Today.


I managed to bring my mandolin to school today, particularly after alvin's short trip to my house previously. I intended to bring a new sense of excitement into the class, as I'm sure they never saw a mando before.

So here I was, in bloody freezing block R and standing up, playing my mando while walking around looking like some deluded busker. I bumped into my lecturer Garry Tan, and this is our Conversation:

Crawldaddy: 'Hey!' (mando still playing).

Garry: 'Morning!, what's that?' (he points to mandolin)

C: 'A Mandolin' (playing still continues)

G: 'A Banjolin?' (playing stops abruptly)

Dot. Dot. Dot.

C: 'No, a MAN-doh-lin' (resumes soft playing)

G: 'Ok, well, see you later.'

C:' Yeah, see you soon.'

I then proceeded to see the DMD class (which included Charlotte) having drawing class under their sadistic teacher who absolutely permits no breaks etc. Charlote told me.

According to her blog, she cut her hair sometime ago, and I hadn't seen her since last week, so I was itching for a look. I did manage to see her new hairdo, but I'll talk about it later.

So I toil through my own drawing class, and finally got out by twelve noon to get some lunch with Charlotte and Alvin.

We (Alvin and I) managed to reach food junction by twelve fifteen, and we found Charlotte easily enough (the hair). I mad a small comment on her hair, sat down and waited for Charlotte to get her lunch. I thought she got something like rojak, but it turned out to be some kinda fruit salad.... seriously, I though it was rojak.

Ok, so you wanna know about Charlotte's hair? I thought it was pretty cool, it fitted her image (if she intened to be a cross between the eightie's era Bon Jovi and David Bowie and some taiwanese boyband member). It looked good, by the way.

Seriously. (but why can't I just stop thinking about her hair???)

So Alvin and I got our lunch from the same store, and while we searched, I figured the only way to find our seats was to utilise Charlotte's hair to our advantage. With the words of 'Look for the spiky hair, look for the spiky hair' running through my mind, I finally did. It was also the same method I used to find Charlotte in FJ anyhow.

She wasn't very happy when I told her this very small trick. Heeheehee.

Anyway, we had a good lunch, laughing almost the whole way through, and I passed to her a compilation of the Fuzzy Green Grass's 'Live At Al's Place & Live At Al's Place (Again)', which I titled 'Live At Al's Place Complete', even though I missed out two tracks : 'Thank You' And 'In My Heart'. Cuz I messed up the tracks with too much 'remastering'.

I went back to slave over my clay model, producing two more shit-coloured blobs, and finally managing to polish off two-thirds of the lyrics to a song Alvin and I came up with.

Before all that, the stupidest thing happened.

I agreed to lend my discman (some lousy piece of 49-buck crap which can't even play CD-Rs) to Alvin and in return he lent me his PDA which contained some thirty-odd songs. It was a fair trade, but let me tell you more.

I tend to put my Discman in a pouch clasped around my waist, however, due to the nature of my dressing style, it hangs around my hips, and somehow doesn't manage to slip down unless I run at full throttle. So I just passed my whole pouch (Discman, CD case and stuff) to Alvin.

When he wore the darn thing he looked absolutely obscene.

Have you ever seen ball-guards worn by cricket players?

This time, my pouch hung over his crotch looking like some gigantuous ball guard designed to withstand the swing of a clawhammer at your nuts. And what's more, Alvin did the act of wearing it with his particular manner of 'style'. Until I managed to wrench the pouch away and tighten it some more (i have a size-thirty belt, while Alvin has only a 28 inch, that skinny bugger), ONLY THEN, he looked more... less obscene. Yeah, he wanted to hear his spankin' brand new John Denver CD.

What Can I say... What can I say....

Cheers, (please do not kill me Char, please???)


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Thursday, October 07, 2004

Acoustic Musings


Many people seem to underestimate the power of the acoustic guitar.

Next to the harmonica and possibly the smallest piano imaginable, the acoustic guitar is absolutely the most vesatile musical instrument to ever come into existence.

The acoustic guitar has the ability to captivate an audience in the right hands, and with the right people, has the ability to make you laugh, dance, sing, or even cry.

Come to think of it, sometimes when you look around and hear people talk about the world's greatest guitarists, the names of Hendrix, Clapton, Page, Beck and Santana often appear. If you look (or hear) closer, you'll realise the only person amongst these few guitar 'Gods' who is really innovative on the acoustic is really Jimmy Page, but there're loads more guitarists out there who are understated, like Nick Drake, Keith Richards, George Harrison, and the like.

The acoustic guitar is, in itself a wonerful personification of the travelling musician, and it also allows itself to be blended in with other instruments to create that sonic landscape, solid boom-chick behinda banjo or simply just cascading notes to sooth the ear.

Already manipulated into formats such as Nashville tunings, twelve-string and seven-string, along with alternate tunings, the acoustic guitar is still being emulated in vain by other instruments such as it's electric counterpart, electric organs, etc. However, due to it's everlasting quality for providing that certain tone and feel in one's ears, the acoustic will never go out of style, and even more so, when trees run out.



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Project Woes


Prepare for some serious whining (from me).

I created a small box for my tape dispenser which had to be handed in for blaspheming by my graphics design teacher, Ms Kummy (not her real name). I painstakingly calculated out all the angles, the measurments and such. In the end, I created something like a squat hexagonal block. It didn't look too bad, except for the fact that it was completely unadorned and somehow looked out of place as a packaging of a cool, sleek tape dispenser.

Apparently, this is what some people commented on my tape dispenser box prototype:

Alvin says: 'Fried Rice Da-Bao (Takeaway) Box!!!'

Valerie says: 'Hmm, Chinese New Year tit-bit container'

Joanne says: 'Pizza Box!!'

Ms Kummy says: 'Not Professional!!!'

Ms Kummy has now developed a habit (or rather a fond usage) of the term 'not professional'. Her direction of learning with us is to turn us into persons capable of producing packagings, logos, posters etc which look expensive. Not that it's a bad thing, but the phrase 'Not Professional!!!' wheezed out with a Japanese accent at a high pitch somehow doesn't appeal to me.

It's just a pity my tape dispenser box is twice the size it should be (meaning it can contain two tape dispensers instead of the intended solo product per box), and it looks like the hybrid of a fried Rice Da-Bao Box, a Chinese New Year tit-bit container and a pizza box all in one.

Hey, come to think of it... it's a versatile packaging solution!!!

Garrhhh, anyhow, I just have to imagine her (Ms Kummy) saying 'Not Professional' full blast in my ear, and I'll wake up and improve my design.



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Tagging Board Is Set Up


Ok, this may look stupid, but as I am only a begginer to blogging stuff, especially html, my tagging board is at the bottom of my web page.

If you've got something to say, just tag it, and I'll answer you (if neccessary) ASAP. All I ask is you do not flood the darn thing, and try not to put offensive messages there (that's what the Blog article is for...).

Anyhow, I'm currently tryingto pick up the Harmonica (sadly not able to produce harmonics), and simulatenously trying to keep you guys afresh with new digs at people and organisations I abhorr.

Cheers, keep tagging.


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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Quirks with Zelda II: The exploits of The Fuzzy Green Grass


Today, as part of the retinue (or habit, or just plain simple luck) between me and Alvin, we decided to have lunch together. We decided to tag along with two of Alvin's classmates (both girls), and guess who tagged along with Alvin and myself? The mother (literally) of all pain-in-the-arses: Zelda. (Play dramatic music emphasising drama and distress).

So we followed the two of them down to Food Juction (a place where we intended to have lunch), and when we entered, Alvin and I discovered (to our amazement, not surprise) that the two girls (sadly not including Zelda) had disappeared. I, being the less cunning of the both of us, I didn't realise that the girls had given Alvin, myself and Zelda the slip so as to avoid having lunch with the giggly know-it-all Amazonian.

When Alvin finally managed to pass on the idea the the two had slipped away due to Zelda, We managed to find some seats (it was kinda hard as the place was very crowded), and as Zelda moved to claim the seats, I told Alvin discreetly that we should also give Zelda the slip so as to prevent the possibility of me flinging my lunch at her due to her absolute lack of common sense and simple communication skills.

So she sat down, and i made the impression I was off to the loo with a large turd waiting to blow out, and Alvin hurried along to follow me (all the while pretending to look for more seats) as I literally raced out of the Food Junction. The both of us were laughing as we finally got out of FJ, and were almost running to get as far away from there as possible.

We decided to eat at the South Canteen, all the while looking behind us and expecting an Amazonian frame to be chasing after us at full throttle. Along with that image running in our minds was the image of her screaming a us while we laughed and decided to locate the other two girls.

Reaching the South Canteen, I imagined if Zelda was still puzzled about our 'mysterious' disappearance, and just sat there looking around and looking sheepish. I just laughed aloud at that though. You have no idea how funny she'd look with that expression (sheepishness, confusion etc) on her face.

So after searching the south canteen for the girls, we decided that (possibly for their own safety) they were somewhere in the North Canteen. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Anyhow, when we finally finished our lunch and got back, Alvin agreed to be the lookout in case Zelda appeared out of nowhere and decided to attack us for the insolence of standing her up. I waited for a while, until after getting no response from a call to Alvin's handphone, I decided to enter and (maybe in the process, rescue Alvin from being throttled to death by Zelda) retrieve my belongings from the studio.

I managed to enter undetected, hiding behind a large piece of cardboard and crouching low on the ground, all the while looking like some character in some spy-thriller movie. I got my stuff and got the 'ell outta there, only to see a bemused Zelda look at me racing out of the studio. Whew.

Later that day, after my afternoon class, I decided to stay back and accompany Alvin while he proceeded on with his cardboard cutting tasks. We both took turns taking digs at Zelda, and we also swapped jokes. Thank goodness I wasn't strangled by Zelda because I'd have said something like:

'Oh my, look! Godzilla's attacking me!!! Hellp! Evasive maneouvers!! Mayday! Mayday!'



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Mother's Love IV


Whenever your mother walks into your bedroom or study, what do you believe she will say the first thing she enters your room?

My Mother has a very strong belief system: anything that is a millimetre out of place should be put back in it's proper position (whether original or new-found). and if the item is an inch away from it's proper placing, the culprit who did not return the item back to its original position deserves a good arse-beating and possible trip to the gallows.

Of course, this means that instead of the usual 'How was school today boy?' She'll just bark out something along the lines of 'Pack up your tables and tidy up your bed! Do this now or you'll be facing the gallows in five minutes time!!'

I'll just look at her blankly with my headphones on, and I'll (just for the kicks) ask her to repeat herself. By this time, she'll have moved on to the part where I dod not keep my table prim and rosy as though my study was on display at Madame Tussaud's or some fancy crib downtown at Christie's auction house.

Needless to say, (as it is always the case where mothers are your natural rulers and slave-drivers) I packed up my stuff, but still managed to make it (my table) just as messy as it was within the few short moments where she just steps out of the room. Talk about Competency huh?



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Late Night Meanderings


It's past 11pm now, and I'm still defiantly awake. I've finished burning out two CDs for Charlotte (a girl whom Alvin and I hope to induct into the Fuzzy Green Grass as bassist, guitarist and keyboardist amongst many other roles). I managed to fill out 14 songs per CD, one with all of the FGG's recordings which do not sound like crap, and one with all my better-sounding recordings (which went under the knife and emerged much better after my 'Remastering' Process).

Truth to say, I am absolutely dissatisfied with my guitar recordings: they are inconsistent and my voice still doesn't sound as it should. Don't tell me my voice sucks: some people commended my singing voice when Alvin and I played to over fifteen people the previous week.

Anyhow, I have no morning lessosn tomorrow, so I'll devote my time to creating a steel bracket to salvage my old acoustic which has a split neck. I am emotionally attached to this instrument even though the frets are crap and the action is equivalent to that of a lap steel's. I'll also improvise a small tail-piece for my classical, which I extensively modified for my small stint in the guitar club and until I finally got outta there for good. Apparently, the classical sounds good after my re-working, which included a new, low-profile aluminium bridge (after sawing away half of the old bridge's top) and a small, thinner nut. I just hope both work out fine.

I also borrowed two books on harmonica training (which I do need, but don't have the time for) from the Library@Esplanade. It's actually quite ok (the library), and with the addition of magazines to it's retinue, It's quite a dandy place. Ok, I'll try to get some sleep.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wunderfool Acoustic Songs.


Ever heard a great acoustic song lately? For me it was an acoustic version of Maroon 5's 'She Will Be Loved' which was absolutely amazing even though I saw it on MTV. At least these guys (Maroon 5, not MTV) know how to tap into this form of delicate stuff.

A couple of weeks back, I was feeling really down, I was bombarded by my mother early in the morning and I had some serious financial business to take care of which was quite neccesary, considering I earn my own pocket cash nowadays. I was listening to 'Forty Licks', the latest offering by 'The Rolling Stones', a group around since the same time as The Beatles, and I wasn't taking in anything from it. I was simply too dull to pay attention to the stuff happening in my ears.

Reaching Block R, I settled down to do my stuff, and I was about to start on my project (it was the one about futuristic vehicles) when this song 'Wild Horse' came on. The moment the opening intro came in, I simply cried. Yes, I mean that tears simply trickled out of my eyes and fell onto the floor.

I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotion regarding all the stress that I was soaking all up, and that song simply helped me to forget everything by letting me release all that negative emotion. So I just sat there and buried my face in my hands as the song washed all over me. I would never forget that moment. I tried to make as little sobbing as possible.

Eventually, the song finished, and I dried my eyes and went back to work.

So what's up talking about my latest experience of crying? If you look past the tears, sad songs are sometimes the most beautiful songs around. I mean, look at 'Wild Horses', it was rated amongst the 25 best acoustic songs ever written (according to 'Guitar World Acoustic' Magazine). And of course 'Pinball Wizard' by The Who wasn't forgotten. Pete Townshend would have gone into fits although 'Pinball' was, according to him, 'An absolutely sloppy piece of composition'.

Of course, the best acoustic song was still 'Stairway To Heaven'. Even 'Gallows Pole' was given a slot on that coveted spot.

Anyhow, for those who wish to know how to play 'Wild Horses', here's the basic chords for the song:

G Am7 G Gsus Am7 G

Bm G Gsus Bm G Gsus
Childhood living is easy to do
Am G C D G Gsus G D Dsus2 D C
The things you wanted I brought them for you
Bm G Gsus Bm G Gsus
Graceless lady you know who I am
Am G C D G Gsus G D Dsus2 D
You know I can't let you slide through my hands

Am G C D G F G C Bm
Wild horses couldn't drag me a- way

Am G C D G F G C
Wild wild horses couldn't drag me a- way

2. I watched you suffer a dull aching pain
Now you've decided to show me the same
No sweeping exits or off-stage lines
Could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind

Wild horses couldn't drag me away
Wild wild horses couldn't drag me away

[guitar break]
Fsus2(VIII) C(VIII) x 3 D G3.

I know I've dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom but I don't have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried
Let's do some living, after we'll die

Chorus X2
Wild horses couldn't drag me away
Wild wild horses we'll ride them some day.

Am7 3 0 2 0 1 3
Gsus 3 2 0 0 1 x
Dsus2 x x 0 2 3 0
C(VIII) 8 10 10 9 8 8
Fsus2(VIII) 8 10 10 10 10 8



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Stuff 'bout model making..


Being in a school where I am being trained to be a designer (hopefully a possibility after I extract meself from under the mountain of projects required for me to finish off in three weeks time), I am required (further) to create models of the products of my design. In particular, is the tape dispenser for which I created four prototype models out of blue foam (until the oil prices soared and blue foam went out of stock cuz the school refused to buy more as it was so expensive). So I finalised my design from those four prototypes, and now I am working on clay.

Nothing compares to the amount of trouble working with this medium of model-making materials. With the same viscosity as shit, and almost as expensive as blue foam (but still less resilient than the latter to the elements), I was very apprehensive about using this material. However, since it was a requirement from my lecturer (whose name, incidenatlly, is the same is spoken form as a swedish furniture company's name), it wasn't a matter of choice.

So i used clay to create my models. It was so hard to use, I broke three previous attempts (foolhardily feeble) in the process, and I had to change my design so as to prevent any such thing happening again. So far so good.

I just hope my clay can harden quickly enough just in time for me to finish it off by friday. I intend to spent as little time on it as possible. It is simply an absolute pain in the arse.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Fun At Crawldaddy's Place


Alvin came over to my place on friday for an hour or two, which, considering his homework-packed schedule, is a miracle. Apparently, the cheery on top of the cake resulting to the visit to my place is the ability for him to see (and touch, and play, and fiddle about with) my mandolin. Built in Korea, bought in the USA (kudos to Mother dearest), with the same brand as Alvin's banjo (Fender, probably the only instrument of that brand I will ever own).

So he came to my place. Along the way, we resumed (or rather exhumed) the age-old habit of boys who tend to pretend that anything smaller than the palm of our hands is suitable enough to be a mek-shift football. Alvin, being the more avid footballer amongst the two of us (I haven't touched a soccer ball actively since I was 15) started kicking some plastic drink cup cover. We proceeded to alternate the kicks between the both of us until we lost it. Another apportunity arrived when Alvin discovered a small stone. He was absolutely disappointed when he failed to hit my thrash bin when he 'fired' the stone at it.

Arriving home, I let him open the mandolin case and he said 'WOW....'. He was quite amazed. He then proceeded to improvise chords on themandolin, and we managed to turn a A-Bm-A-D chord sequence into a small gospel song which I do believe (as a result of improvisation between the both of us) went on for about six minutes and included a small solo each.

It was absolutely amazing considering we had never done any previous practise and it was Alvin's first time on a Mando. I also winged (made up) a solo which I do believe was the by-product of my endless noodling on my electric trying to figure out various blues scales. Alvin, with his already age-practised experience on the Banjo which utilises open-G tunings was able to come up with something interestign as well. We just went on never knowing when we'd end. What a beautiful moment. It was exactly the same with 'Countryboy Breakaway' (where we just recorded our 'performance' without knowing what we were doing). We also attempted a gliched 'Survivor' theme song.

He left some time after 7pm. Apparently, my folks who were out, reached home just five minutes after he left. I messaged him later that evening:

Msg: '(dramatic music) which team will have to face tribla council tonight?' 'Survivor' was on that evening.

Reply: 'I managed to dodge your parents so I've got immunity ;D'

'Msg: 'Wow, how'd you do it?'

Reply: 'I hid behind a tree'

Msg: 'Wow! I didn't realise you were so thin!'

It's true, I was surprised considering the majority of trees along the roads near my place were small green plams.

Reply: '...'




Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...