Monday, February 27, 2006

The Idiosyncrasies Of Crawldaddy Part V


Name: Crawldaddy aka Errik aka WSH aka Superwols (lol).

Level: 7/10

Class: hot-shit guitar picker

Weapons: 1 Epiphone SG G400, 1 Fender Muddy Waters Telecaster, 1 TGM acoustic roundback, 1 nameless dreadnought acoustic, 1 Hofma classical acoustic, 1 Fender Mandolin(/Amanda Lynn), 5 blues harps, 1 violin bow, 2 metal slides, 1 Marshall 15-watt MG-15CDR.

Armour: 1 Samuel & Kelvin grey jumper/jacket, 1 Levi's trucker jacket, 2 Led Zeppelin t-shirts, 2 Levi's jeans, 1 pair Adidas tennis shoes.

Skill (main): fast-picking, two-hand tapping, pick-scraping, guitar-bowing, bold strumming, thrilling, prancing.

Skill (others): harping-and-playing simultaneously, singing and playing lead at once, screaming (grins at skinny pole and superdel).

Heath: 80/100

Experience: 75/100

Inventory: lotsa picks

Current quest: complete album

Completed quest(s): Burnt Holidays (album), 3-4 demos for current effort.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Murky Waters of Songwriting XXV


Wow, okay, I've finally finished up a fairly satisfactory rough concept of my latest composition, titled 'To Say Goodbye', which I had previously let Amanda hear a similar rough edition (weren't you so happy that I had used one of the picks you gave me for the acoustic guitar track?).

The one I completed today involved another 10+ takes of the main solo, to no avail.. so I had no choice but to split the takes into two sections, since it was so tough to complete the solo in one full take. In a way it was successful, but I think it requires a good cleanup somehow.

Anyway.. hope this version is seen in a favourable light by Alvin. I'll be having a jam later in the evening, so I'll be reserving my energy for that session.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

In a Little While V


Very satisfied with myself today.. went off to Bras Basah to pay Lawrence a visit at the Guitar Workshop (for those who have no idea, one of my fav hangout places is Guitar Workshop just next to the rear of Artfriend at Bras Basah Complex), and also simultaneously let him check out a crackly tone pot on my SG.

Lawrence had called me yesterday during my jam session-cum-slackout at Colin's place, and he told me something about a jam session tomorrow evening involving a few people who might eventually be getting a regular gig Sunday evenings. Key word: MIGHT.

It's just a tentative thing, and the jam session tomorrow evening is meant for everyone (the people whom Lawrence have gathered together) to get to know each other and have an understanding of each other's limitations and potential. Apparently, three of the five people who are coming (one of them is Lawrence himself) are like old-timer rockers who are like planning to get back in the game, whereas the remaining people (myself and the keyboardist) haven't even gone to NS yet, and I'm supposed to take on the (usual) role of singer-cum-guitarist.

I dunno.. I feel that I'm pulling myself in too many directions just trying to sing and play guitar (both lead and rhythm guitar at that) at the same time. Recently, I keep telling myself to just focus on the music and focus on the guitar itself. My most recent sentiments involve myself being either a singer or a guitar player, but never both at one time. It's tugging away my focus on either aspects of performing when I have to sing and play guitar.

I think I've been blessed to have the ability to sing and play guitar at the same time, but I think I need some rest. Just some time to kick back and have an ice-cold pepsi by my side, twiddle on Amanda Lynn (aha, finally found a usage for this term!) and just be a simpel guy once more.

That said, the moment I went into GW and pulled out my SG, I turned up on the gain and started whacking away. LOL.


On a lighter note, I had just visited this person's blog, and I read this incredibly unimpressing line:

' i think too much. overly senstive. i am not stupid. i have a rather high IQ. i guess people with high IQ tend to have low EQ.'

The first thing which I did after reading that line was LAUGH OUT LOUD. I can't imagine someone like this person saying that they are 1. NOT STUPID and 2. HAVING A HIGH IQ. In all honesty, I disagree with that statement with the exception of the first six words.

Considering this person's past (I have, in the past, documented my dealings with this person rather well).. I have no further comment.

Goodness gracious me. NOT STUPID. *rolls eyes*



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Weird thing II


Hur... just had makan, and before that a jam session-cum-slackout at Colin's place.. I had brought along my Red Twanger and we had a real fun time getting 'Whole Lotta Rosie' ironed out.

But before that, I was back in school.

Late last night, I had received a phone call from someone from DMD asking me for a favour to do voice-overs for their documentary thingie, and I thought, okay, well that should be fine (place sense of deja vu here).

So anyway, I came early to block M this morning, and I helped him out with his script and did some demo voiceovers although I did read out some stuff over the phone to let him 'sample' my voice (it felt like some ChannelNewsAsia Idol thingie, which is done over the phone).

After that, I proceeded to level 6 to receive some stuff regardign my OIPP (essentially whatever which concerned my attachment trip to Hong Kong) and I then went back to the 4th level to hang out with John, who needed some help with sound effects, and minor issues with his current band. Apparently his band is in some sort of political turmoil regarding the musical direction of the group, and I personally feel that I am in no place to march in during their rehearsal (as per suggested by John) and afterward give comments to their lead singer and guitarist. It's just so weird, and I think I'll be looked upon as an idiot.. so I'm not comfortable with it.

Anyway, after abotu an hour's worth of mucking around on Level 4, I decided to pull John along and have a short walk around the level to stretch our legs and start breathing again.. until I saw Skinny Pole in class, and her classmate (okay, I'm very uncomfortable using this alias name, but anyway) Nana:

CDD: 'Hellooo!'

NN: 'Hey! I tot I saw u on the mrt today.'

CDD: 'oh issit?'

NN: 'Yah, he was also carrying a guitar, but his butt was bigger than yours!'

CDD: *splutters*

Just then Skinny Pole emerged and I led her into the FYP room to show her my items of pride and joy (my portfolio and Red Twanger)... so fun.

So here's to you, Skinny Pole! Work harder and get good grades! Lunch will be on me when I come back from overseas.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is honesty truly the best policy? XI


Dear Two-Headed Snake,

Now, you've been the at the core of this movement which has been vinidcating one of our classmates. Many a time, I've just laughed along for the sake of not throwing cold water onto your ignorant self, despite the severe lack of tact on your part on many occasions.

As an objective bystander who admittedly has not much positive opinions regarding our 'victim' in perspective, I would personally urge you to shut up and keep your damn comments to yourself.

Who cares if she comes late? As long as YOU are not late that should satisfy your foolish self.
Who cares if she doesn't hand up her work? It's HER head on the line, not yours.
Who cares if she gives lame excuses, are YOU some beacon of nobility? Are YOU some flag of righteousness? What right have you to make such bitter and vicious comments towards a person whom you barely know?

Now I'm only standing up for this person's honour just so that whatever little of it is left might be able to be claimed by its rightful owner. I don't think that crushing the soul of this person beneath the heel of your shoe would satisfy you in anyway. I don't think that even if she failed all the modules she deserves to fail, you'd have a smile on your face.

You know why?

Because you're a dumb, self-conceited, ignorant, foolish, vicious, wicked excuse of a human being whose definition of friendship is about having someone there to help you vindicate a person of your choice. I pity your life, it must be so lonely without you having to look down on the very people who might one day help you out of a tight spot.

Choose what direction you wish to go... and I'll be here waiting for the day where you beg with all your might but receive cold looks and cold shoulders from the people who know WHO you are, WHAT you stand for (or lack thereof) and WHY you've become such a being.

Maybe you can ask yourself, if you'd have the heart to treat someone near you with the same rotten attitude, the same snobbish demeanour, the same biting sarcarsm which you dispense ever so readily, and ever so exuberantly.

Once again I pity you.

Look at what your attitude became when you weren't chosen for portfolio evaluation. Accept it. Your shitty attitude has brought you full circle to where you belong: right amongst the dregs which you have fought with so long to have finally had a chance to laugh at. Now I'm the one laughing. Too bad.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

It just Keeps Getting Better And Better VIII: Portfolio!!!


Last night, I was busy up all the way until 4am getting my portfolio right in preparation for Mr Soon and the lecturers' inspection of it at 3pm in the afternoon just now. I was just as busy as anything and I finally plopped unto my bed and got some shuteye.

I was so paranoid about my files screwing up, I had burned a CD-R with all of the files, and also used my thumbdrive as a back-up, so that in case either of those cocked up, I had another source waiting in line to take over.

FYI, this portfolio evaluation thingie was required of ten people from two year two classes in ID, and these ten people had been hand-picked by Mr Soon, the Deputy Director himself for his own personal evaluation. Hence the immense pressure to produce a good body of work. Out of the ten people picked, four would be chosen to go to Hong Kong for an Overseas Attachment Programme for 3 months, to gain experience etc. Cool.

So I reached school early in the morning (9:10am), bought a couple of A3-sized mounting boards and I proceeded to the printshop at block R to print out all of my files for the portfolio. At the end of the printing, I had to pay $36 worth of printed materials, and I even had to owe the printshop ladies $2, but I paid it immediately after I had finished compiling my portfolio.

The compiling took place in M610, and I was just quivering with excitement at the prospect of finally properly compiling the best works of the two years I have attended this course in NYP. It was very interesting, and I was just hoping that my hard work would pay off.

Apart from handing in our portfolio, it was also the final assessment for our P4 Studio Project, helmed by Daniel. We had handed in our presentation boards, put them up on display and let him mark them. At the end of the whole thing, he debriefed us, expressed some disappointment, and left some of us feeling rather down.

Then came 3pm, and we handed in our stuff. I walked away with a sense of dread because I was afraid that my portfolio would be like shot at by Mr Soon. I dunno why I thought that way, because I had done some pretty decent work, and I just prayed that he would see my work in a favourable light.

Then I met Daniel outside the meeting room, and I asked him about the status of my Studio Project. Apparently, for P4, I got top in class!!! OMG!!!! I literally leapt up in joy in front of a bemused Alvin and Daniel. I just went home after that.

I had reached home, plugged in my Red Twanger when I received a phone call from XiWai:

XW: 'hey, r u home now?'

CDD: 'yah'

XW: 'did anyone tell u that you got selected for the Hong Kong attachment?'

CDD: 'No' (holds breath)

XW: 'well yeah, you got selected' (silent jubilation)

CDD: 'wow, eh who else got it?'

Xiwai then told me who else got it, and I must say I would not have been surprised, but I also felt that some other people might not have had the chance to properly compile their protfolio in the most concise manner due to immense pressure from other projects, which constantly demanded their attention.

Since XiWai had the bad habit of pulling one's leg, I decided to give my Lecturer, Garry a call to confirm this. He confirmed it, and I broke the news to my folks, to much lukewarm attention. Sigh.

Fuck that.. I'M GOING TO HONG KONG!!!!!



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Murky Waters of Songwriting XXIV


Last night, as I sat on my bed revisiting my collection of Guitar World magazines, I was playing 'Here Without You' by 3 Doors Down when I stuck on a capo on the 2nd fret of my banged up acoustic.

I was just strumming out a countrified F#-Bsus chord sequence when I just started humming along to it... and wham! A song came into being.

It's interesting as to how easily some songs can just come to me.. and I hope Alvin will have an interest in this one because it seems that for this song I have a very simple instrumentation in mind: one acoustic, one piano, one telecaster and one bass.

The strumming style for thsi song was pretty much influenced by Gerry, whose fast and energetic strumming in one of his trademark characteristics when he performs.. and as I was half-humming out the vocal melody and adding words to the verses, I reflected upon how it was that Gerry would cover a song, and I'd go back, research on it, learn it and come back and try to out-play him.

So it seems that for this one, I tried to make it a little sort of country-rock feeling, but with a little pop thrown in... plus a vocal harmony, eagles-like kind of thing going on during the chorus... maybe I'll record a demo soon!

From my point of vision, it'll be a straight piano on the left channel, acoustic guitar on the right, telecaster comes in during the solo and gives some more help when the song ends. I dunno.. we'll see what Alvin has to say.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Weird thing


Hah.. forgot to blog something about yesterday.. somethinn which happened after the first rehearsal in the LT with the girls and before lunch when I was sitting on the roof garden of Block M level 4 playing guitar with John. Was talking to Skinny Pole when I suddenly remembered about it (hah, of all things to remember when talking to you XD).


So John and I were sitting there on the benches out in the open, but in the shade where there was plenty of breeze, and John had an Ibanez on his lap and me my Telecaster. So we were just jamming the early afternoon away, playing some Pink Floyd, 'I believe In A Thing Called Love' by the Darkness (with me singing and playign at the same time lol), 'Creep' by Radiohead and 'Where Did you Sleep Last Night' by Nirvana, which was meant to be a sort of rehearsal for the presentation later in the day.

So as we were finishing up 'WDYSLN' the both of us heard this girl's voice ask us:

Girl: 'hey!'

Crawldaddy: *turns head* 'yes?'

Girl: 'Is that the song "where did you go last night" by Nirvana?'

CDD: 'Umm "where did you sleep last night", and yes by Nirvana. You know it?'

Girl: 'No lah, I just really like that song... hey play somemore lah!'

At this point in time, John was just smiling and I was like Ohhh My GAWD. I looked at John and said:

'hey, let's play some stuff lah'

John: 'No lah, I've got to get back.. you play lah.. we've played all of the songs we both know.. maybe you play "You're Beautiful" lah' and then he started to unload his guitar off his shoulders and I was like:

'Ehhh, John, don't like this lah.. okay okay let's just play that song'

But she wasn't done yet.

Girl: 'Hey, aren't you the guy from our Orientation?'

CDD: 'Umm you're year two or year one?'

Girl: 'Oh year one'

CDD: 'Uhh yah, I was in charge of ID side.. because I'm from ID, see?'

And thank goodness by then john had sat back down with me and we both leaned against each other's back and started 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt with me somewhat sarcastically emulating that chipmunk-ey James Blunt voice. John was like shifting all over the place behind me, and it was so dumb because on top of the girl, some of her classmates were also there X

As we ended the song (when I sang the part going 'you're beautiful', she actually said 'why thank you!) she said:

'What's your name?'

CDD: 'Errik, and yours?'

Girl: 'Elizabeth, okay.. I gotta run, see you!'

CDD: 'yep, bye!'


Now John was just smirking as they left and I was like 'oh man, don't you dare make fun of me', but he just said 'okaaaay..' Argh.. it's frankly quite flattering, but also very scary when a girl plants herself right in front of you expecting you to sing a song. Maybe I'd have been more comfortable playing an acoustic guitar, because you really can't hear anything resonating off a solid-body guitar playing in a slight breeze.

Annd I'm frankly not surprised if John takes the mickey out of me regarding this the next time round I see him.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, February 17, 2006

The gig was cool


I was just working my butt off last night, starting from 9pm working on my p-boards for VI, and steadily finishing them up, and simultaneously waiting for Jace to email me the address and telephone number of the 24 hour print shop.

So I finished my p-boards at 3:50am in the morning, went to print them and came back home and started working on the Physical model for my VI. By the time I was done, it was 6am in the morning and I knew I'd only have 45mins of sleep.

Yesterday in the afternoon before all that shit happened, I received a phone call from John Toh, a friend of mine from DMD downstairs. As I was working on my P-boards on the computer, I answered the phone call, and it turned out that a bunch of girls from DMD yr2 needed a guitarist to accompany them for their presentation.

Meeting up with them they said they wanted to create a mood which was similar to an Audioslave sound. Now bite if you wil, but pray tell, how am I supposed to create an Audioslave sound with two hands and a foolin' Fender telecaster? I told them it would be akin to playing linkin park songs with a ukelele.

So I talked to those people (despite the fact that Ihad a pressing matter of completing 3 p-boards) because they seemed to not know what to do with themselves. I borrowed off Mr Soon's guitar and I sat down with them and chose a few selection of songs which were possible to do during their presentation. And eventually we settled on a few songs.

Apparently this presentation was meant for those yr2 students to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges, and the best way possible is the most creative way to pitch it on top of... of course.. relevant information.


Back to my computer work, halfway I was working on a tricky layout, when a guy from Alvin's class reached down and accidentally pulled out the plug to my CPU. Now I was initially very pissed, but I soon wore that out within 5 seconds with a deep breath, and satisfied myself by asking him very quietly 'What the hell are you trying to do?'

Anyway, I was back in school this morning, rushed to finish off putting up of my P-boards and model for display (everyone else had theirs on by the time I ran into the 6th level). I finished it off and then called the girls for a rehearsal. I eventually went down to LT L3 for a small rehearsal and soundcheck. It was pretty cool seeing the look at people's faces when I pulled out my Fender Tele... the look was priceless.

Back in block M level 4, I met up with some people from the pyramid gang.. and they started asking me about my status in romance... and I answered the obvious: single and not really looking. Don't get any ideas, guys.

The Presentation was pretty interesting, because as I was setting up the microphone after I had finished widdling around placing the amplifier right, there was Skinny Pole sitting in the LT with a similar look of surprise on her face. I thought she wouldn't be around in school on fridays, but anyway.. said hi then scooted off to wait for the girls to get their stuff together.

My turn came, I went up, sang 'Don't Panic' by Coldplay to kick start the presentation. I scrwed up some chords, and I eventually ended the song with 'come on, let's welcome these three ladies'. I sat there, squeezed off some notes, and ended up with a shortened, but no less emotionall charged 'Where Did you Sleep Last Night', which Skinny Pole just gave me the benfit of notification that I was screaming. Hmm.


I'm just glad VI and P4vare both over. That shit is down the drain.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Whoa crikes


Wow. At long fookin last, we've gone past the final presentation for studio project, one which made me stay up all night until 5am this morning working on the model. Even then, I had to kip out of the presentation while the others talked away their stuff, to squeeze in some additional stuff into my presentation.

I can't believe my webcam rhino file has completely disappeared off the face of this planet. Goodness knows if I can redo it to its intended dimensions just in time for next wednesday.

All I can say is that as of today, I have completed so many things I had intended to do:

1. Vincent packaging
2. Photos and concepts for photoshop project
3. V day present for skinny pole :)
4. Studio proj model and presentation bundle
5. half of my VI model

Considering how much time must be put into every single one of those things above, it's a wonder that I am still on my feet, but I have to admit I have a slight cramp in the hamstrings, possibly due to me having to squat down and spray my P4 model so many times in the early morning.

Anyways, I like the present that Skinny Pole got me, a guy can't ask for more than the things which have such a deep and profound meaning, no matter how light hearted some of them might have been. Don't say that my gift made yours seem completely obsolete... a gift no matter how small means lots to me.

Now it's the great big push for VI. I can't wait for all that shit to be over and done with, and for time to recuperate and get on down to Molly's for some rockin' hopefully by next week Friday evening. I can't wait.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Spoilt Headphone update


After an hour's worth of fiddling around with soldering irons, screwdrivers, pliers, solder and paperclips, I've managed to put two of my three earphones back into service, with the Audio-technica earphones being the sole set which I can't seem to fix.

Must be a hardware problem: I re-soldered it, and it doesn't seem to wrok; I cut off more wire and re-attached fresh segment of wire and it still doesn't work. The only thing I can conclude is that the speaker itself is problematic, and I might have to replace it :S

Goodness knows when I might be able to fidn the time to go and find a replacement speaker piece. Maybe in a month :X

Anyway.. gonna see what else needs fixing.. after all, my stuff is still drying from the lacquer coat I gave it just now.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Headphone blues



All three of my headphones are either 1. spoilt, 2. malfunctioning or 3. one-side cannot hear anything. Goodness knows what happened to my 30 buck Audio-technica earphones, which suddenly stopped producing sound in one side, and a similar problem exists in my old panasonic earphones (one side has a bad connection), and my jamming phones... one side broek off!


At least I can still listen to music on my handphone :P

Anyway.. have completed 70% of Vincent's packaging mock-up, 40% of Daniel model, 30% of VI model, and I have to go to my Gramp's palce for lunch tomorrow!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Aiyah.. at least maybe can cut out earlier and go buy stuff from Bras basah. Sigh. Pray for me my friends.. I'm literally up to my ears in homework (imagine having to hand up something EVERYDAY for next week)



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A deep breather


Well some good progress today: I managed to finish up the majority of the form of my VI PDA model. I had consulted Jeremy Sun (my supervisor) who suggested some alterations to the (I'm not kidding) 6th edition of my PDA design.

It was kind of iffy as to how much I could do today because I was largely distracted by the thought of having to hand up vincent's packaging stuff by Friday. Turned out later that we only had to hand it in come Monday. Cool.

I had bought the neccessary kapaline and mounting board in preparation for the making of Vincent's packaging, which I will definitely finish before saturday ends. The moment I entered the shopping arcade to buy the two items, something at the back of my mind was nagging at me, telling me to wait, but I guess that if I had waited any longer I would have clean forgotten all about it =X

Okay back to my VI model.

okay, the thing is, my VI model comprises of a very organic shape which has to be sculpted out of cibatool (God knows if there's any other wood-based material known to mankind which is more expensive than this) and then sanded down to a smooth finish. The final model has to look very close to the final product, complete with paint and detailing.

When I first fully comprehended the requirements required of us, I almost screamed. In fact I silently screamed in my brain because I know people would have stared, but I guess they were all thinking the same thing, and we eventually settled for a low, sustained groan.

Today in the workshop was a haze of sawdust, tripping over metal wire (the year 1s were working on their lighting project), wearing a pair of plastic protection goggles to protect myself agaist (what else) cibatool dust. I started work at roughly 10am, and I produced what I finally intended to produce (at this stage) at 12:40 pm. I was glad.

Second bit of good news is that I no longer need to have Pro-E on my mind! Wahaha.. I went in there, started up the com (took like 10 minutes for the darn thing to finally prompt me to log in) and consulted Garry on my previous Retro-radio design. After I did the neccessary modifications, I was out of there barely an hour into the class.

The bad thing at the back of my head came through when I took the bus back home: my mounting board and kapaline were both soaked due to the rain when I was waiting for the bus and also when I walked back home. The two bits are still drying because I didn't want to use a hair dryer for the danger of melting the foam in the kapaline board.

I'll try to work on the dimensions of Daniel's webcam accompanying earpiece now... and I guess I'll get right to it!



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

update picture for my blog lol Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Crikes VIII


Yesterday was possibly the worst day of my poly life.. I'll nto go into details, but it involves alot of fault on my part, I'll admit, but also possibly the foul play of the main character, whom I shall not mention.

A big thank you to the guys in my class for the support and just being there.. you guys are way too good to me.

Anyway, It seems that this week and the next are both crunch weeks for my class, and we have to finish up approximately three models (P4, VI ) before tuesday afternoon (plus vincent this friday argh). I feel so much pressure right now, which is why I can only update (admittedly far more than some of my peers) every other day, compared to a max of three posts in one day at the peak of my boredom.

I've managed to lathe down a 2nd bit for my P4 model (good progress, in my humble opinion) and I'm planning to spend the following morning devoted to carving out my VI model out of a bit of cibatool. Also plan to throw out every last bit of effort into my vincent thursday afternoon after Pro-E.

Anyways.. pray for me... it's really getting alot like hell right now... I can feel the heat at the back of my neck.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Rockin all over the.. com lab


Today I had my Rapid Prototyping test, and frankly it was as shite as I had imagined, and I got out of there within half an hour after telling myself that it couldn't have been any much worse off anyway.

Before i came to school, I had a dental appointment at Outram park, at the National Dental Centre. Thing is, I went to the usual level (level 4), waited for 10 minutes before they informed me that I was on the wrong level and that I should have looked at my appointment card properly. Argh.

Upon meeting my dentist for today, he asked me whether I knew what he was going to do today. Obviously I'd have forgotten anything which the previosu doctor had told me (and anyway it wasn't even a doctor, but a bunch of NYP dental nurses-in-training who tended to me).

Bottom of the line was: I had a cavity in my tooth, partially caused by the metal clamps during the time I wore braces, which eventually formed into a 3 mm deep hole, which my dentist exclaimed as 'very deep'. Yah. Stupid braces lah. Ounch line is I had to pay $42.00 just for no more than 20 minutes of treatment, whereby the dentist filled out the hole with some filler and then I was off.

After my Rapid prototyping test, I had Alvin take some shots of me with my Red Vixen for my SoHo project (which is unfortunately overdue and in dire need of completion by latest 12 midnight). I could not resist the urge to outlame myself and hence one or two candid shots.

On the bus back home, I saw someone whom I had not seen for quite a while, and I had written a song about her ("Pearly's Eyes"). She probably did not recognise me, but what the hey... Alvin's eyes popped open slightly and then crushed the moment by saying that there wasn't anything fantastic about her eyes.

Anyway, I've got to get moving on my SoHo project. Pray for me, my friends.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Here's a classic rock pose... Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

And.. another one for the road LOL Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

I can't resist the urge to make a statement Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Whoot... see XiWai in the background? Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

I like this picture... very... Jimmy Page Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

There and Back again...


My weekend is coming ot an end, and it started off with an early morning drive to KL, where I spent the remainder of the day talking to my maternal relatives and all of the sudden as I was watching the telly, I saw something which made me sit ramrod straight up:

Robbie Fowler is back in Liverpool!

OMG. Right, well he did leave like so many years ago, was injured in Man City for quite a while and now he's back where he belongs, wearing that good ol' red jersey. Keep on scoring, mate!

Anyway, my Uncle's place in KL is just so darn stuffy, and the road trip to KL wore me out so, such that I spent almost five hours taking a nap in the comforts of an air-conditioned bedroom upstairs. I had also managed to meet my brand new niece! LOL.

When I first saw her.. I was wondering if I had ever seen a baby so chubby. It was just so weird because I had not seen my cousin-in-law for more than a year, and that meant that I did not even see her during her 'pregnant' period. It was a happy meeting.

My cousin is now the father of two children under three years old, and he seems cool with it, albeit the change in his demeanour towards his finances (lol). His oldest child, a boy of 2 years, is cute at times, but still needs checking on from time to time, a duty I gladly perform as a cousin-uncle.

Curiously, during this trip to KL, I managed to converse alot with my cousin-in-law, who holds a degree in Environmental and Ecological Studies. Cool. I guess we're just making up for lost time, and she sure looked somewhat different compared to the last time I saw her when she wore her hair long.

This morning, my 3rd uncle & aunt, maternal Grandfather, my folks, brother, 4th cousin and myself went for a dim sum breakfast (very satisfying), before going to a Levi's 'reject' store in rural KL and bought myself a pair of Levi's jeans! Hehe yeah! I like straight cut jeans, but this one was a comfort taper, so I guess I can live with it.

Monday is going to be trying for me because we have a test and I gotta study tonigth and in the morning before I go for my dental appointment. And I still ahve to work on my AI assignment which I still haven't touched since two weeks ago. Sigh.

Pray for me, my friends.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, February 03, 2006

Do You Want To?


Wow. At long last I've finally procured Franz Ferdinand's 2nd album, titled 'You Could Have It So Much Better', and frankly it's one of the best modern albums I've heard so far (the other being The Darkness's 'One Way Ticket To Hell... And Back', and of course Coldplay's 'X&Y').

From the raging telecaster intros of 'The Fallen' to the unstoppable disco-like 'Do You Want To' to the Beatles-esque 'Eleanor Put Your Boots On' and all those in-between, this album took me one take to get used to it. As of 5 minutes ago, 'Do You Want To' has become my latest handphone ringtone and wake-up song, and the chorus bit is my sms alert lol.

I had also bought Jeff Beck's 'Blow By Blow' which is a Jazz fusion album.. a little hard to swallow at this point in time given my inability to comprehend weird time signatures which constantly change and shift at least 20 times per section within one song. Hur.

Anyways, for those who haven't checked it out... Franz Ferdinand's latest album 'You Could Have It So Much Better' truly makes a statement, all 13 songs and despite its brashness in some parts.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

That's The Way II


Sometimes words fail me when you make me smile
you brighten up my day even though for a little while
I glad to have gone through this because I finally see
and learnt so much because you've been a pal to me

It seems that I have never been able to get it right
and whenever we talk we have to say goodnight
You've allowed me to see through the eyes of today
something I'd never except myself to do in any way

With every blink and pout which you dispense ever-readily
typing out the words feels like you're sitting next to me
Whenever I feel blue or dazed, mostly due to myself
Any little chat puts all the bad things away on the shelf

So cheers, girlie, here's one right here that's just for you
I could type a dozen more because they're easy to do
But what these four verses essentially mean to say
is that I'm glad you're my pal, and for you I am here to stay



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...