Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Gig was goood... well kinda


Well last night was The Exxit's first gig although we did not get paid. Everyone did their part very well, and despite certain glitches here and there, simply due to nerves and because we were slightly worn out from the jam in the afternoon and the journey to East Coast Parkway.

I was pretty happy for most of the night because Gerry and Mags came along... I also spotted Drea *big smile* and a schoolmate of mine.

The set list consisted of 4 cover songs and 4 original songs:

1. Vertigo
2. Midnight Rock Show (original)
3. Wonderful Tonight
4. Go Down Slow (original)
5. Space Trucking
6. Healing of Time (original)
7. Six Shooter (original)
8. All Right Now

We had a nice time onstage, but all of us were drenched in sweat by the time the set was over because it was incredibly hot and stuffy onstage. I myself had my glasses slipping off my nose at least twice.

However the euphoria resulting from the fun we had onstage didn't last long for me because someone stole my bag which was left backstage. I won't blame anyone because I've learnt before that blaming doesn't solve the issue, and only causes rifts instead. I guess it's another lesson I learnt.

To top off the bad luck, my phone's LCD screen has cracked and now I have no handphone. So that's so much for a first gig eh?



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Growing on You


Well today has been pretty productive. I managed to realise a new song into recorded form, and it's playing on this blog now!

Titled, "Growing On You", I basically recycled certain elements of my older songs which have never really seen the light of day and threw in newer elements so as to create a slightly different atmosphere.

And for those who're wondering what I'm singing about, here are the lyrics:

Verse 1
Honestly, it's a waste; going about just losing you mind
and it's true, it's a shame; looking for what you just can't find

like a needle in a haystack of nails
like a pair of tumbling dice
like a blade of steel in your back
like a girl betraying you twice

I want to tell you
that I am growing on you
I want to say the truth
that you are driving me crazy

Verse 2

Where's a will, there's a way
so go on chasing your pallid dreams
where's a song, it'll take long
producing nothing but saliva and steam

like a coin that won't be tossed
like a rolling stone that gathers no moss
like a flame that burns out to soon
like the poet who can't touch the moon

Verse 3
Eventually, one fine day
when selecting your victims won't be a chore
I'll be here to hear you say
come on people, let's dance somemore

like a picture with a broken frame
like a friend who keeps forgetting your name
like a tune that won't keep in time
like your reason which has no rhyme

Hope you guys enjoy it.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

7th Week update


So it's the 7th week of attachment now... work was crazy for the past few days (had to OT until 9pm on average), and what's more I had to work dual 7am shifts at the YMCA for the weekend.

We welcomed a new member of staff, her name is Debbie and since she'll be my boss by next week (Chris is moving to the Front Desk). She's ok.. I guess? I suppose she knows what she wants and she's pretty decisive so that's a good thing. Trouble is, now there are too many domineering female staff members, and already "white rabbit" dislikes Debbie.

And just an update for all, the activities my band will be participating in:

28th October (Saturday): Marina Cove at East Coast 6pm onwards

4th November (Saturday): Tampines Mall for Asianbeats competition

19th November (Sunday): GasHaus (timing TBA)

That's all for now.. talk to y'all next time yeah?



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Over-Time Blues


Yesterday and today was really tiring at work. I had to rush out so many tracing-sketches and photoshop renderings for my project leader. I left work at about 8pm yesterday and 10pm today. I hope this does not continue for the remainder of my attachment period!

However, despite the hard work being put in and the seemingly-endless pile of work awaiting me, the dinner today was pretty cool. Teck, Chad, ML and myself ordered 2 japanese pizzas and a bunch of barbequed chicken wings. All I can say now is that I have officially fallen in love with Japanese Pizza... mmmmmm.

Another ray of encouragement involves the successful interview of N and her friend at the YMCA. N had talked to me before the movie on Saturday evening about wanting to find a part-time job. Since the Y Cafe was experiencing a shortage of manpower, I decided to get a green light from my boss before letting N into the know. I guess it was a good idea to let N know the basics of getting through an interview unscathed, involving:

1. Being polite (like duh)
2. Being enthusiatic about the job prospects
3. Showing a character of willingness to learn new things and to adapt
4. Not wearing inappropriate dressing.

Well I'm glad for N. Now she can earn money and need not depend so much on her folks back in Indonesia, and also gain some hands-on work experience (meaning tasting the kind of rubbish I endure week after week after week). And my boss can breathe a sigh of relief that there will be new blood entering the system, instead of the old farts (including myself, unfortunately) having to stretch themselves to the point of exasperation.

FYI for the past months I have been starting my shift at the Y Cafe at 7am on weekend mornings, and on top of my normal working schedule, it's starting to take a toll on me. Apparently I have become slightly skinnier (which is good), but somehow I cannot see it myself (which is not that bad, but hopefully the change can be slightly more noticable).

Anyways... work beckons over the morning sunrise... and I have to head on down to the fibreglass prototype builder tomorrow evening after work *long groan* before heading home. Essentially I will be travelling around the whole of Singapore on MRT tomorrow. Till the next time, then.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Here and Now


I know that I have been relatively inactive on my blog especially since my attachment started. I suppose it's more than the fact that I am not at liberties to disclose the goings-on in the office. But I am pleased to sat that the lunch-time jokes can be really outrageous most of the time. Our Design Manager, Tim is particularly wicked when it comes to corrrption of DX's latest intern. Adding fuel to the fire is the fiendish flirt ML.

My latest gastronomic indulgence is Pear Cider. Man, that stuff sure goes down sweet. It's not sour like Apple Cider, but rather it is sweet and has a nice taste of pear but with the cast-iron underbelly of a 4.5% alcohol content.

I've recently bought some dried plant thingie from Ikea which is meant to freshen up the smell of my bedroom. I have no idea what the real term for it is called. All I know is that I just pour a bunch of the dried stuff into a wooden bowl I procured from New Zealand way back in 2004 and it has a lovely fragrance which I have a hard time pinning down the sensation which I'm feeling when I give it a good whiff.

I managed to bump into Sabby at Ikea on Tuesday and it was such a surprise, although I was kind of expecting to meet her somehow or another when an ex-colleague of mine (who was in the same course as Sabby) told me she had bumped into her at Holland Village. Not that Ikea and Holland V are close by, but on two occasions I have visited HV for lunch and it is such a nice place.

Practising my guitar late last night I realised how rusty I am at the guitar, especially since I started being a vocalist rather than a guitar player. What's worse is that somehow I have very little motivation now to practise. Am I slowly moving away from the objects which I had devoted so much towards? Perhaps it's the linger presence of the prospect of entering NS which would drastically limit my personal time.

Work tomorrow starts at 7am so I'll see how it goes. I may or may not attend the band recording session at 2pm especially since my vocals are not required for the recording tomorrow.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

5th week now


Well, I'm already past the half-way mark for the 5th week of my attachment at DX. Things seem to be picking up after the first few weeks:

1st week: Adobe Illustrator & Alias ImageStudio training
2nd week: Sketching concepts
3rd Week: sketching concepts
4th Week: tracing out finalised concepts in AI and ergonomic research
Now: working out the graphical icons for a basic guiding label.

It's kind of interesting for me to look back and suddenly realise how long its been since I last saw the people whom I used to see everyday and hang out with. So far the people I've been seeing the most often are (duh) my colleagues at work, and my bandmates and their friends.

Most recently I helped my guitarist's ex-girlfriend with her N level English. Now, despite my C6 in O level English, I daresay that I have more than enough substance to engage in a verbal debate involving subtle nuances and lay low anyone who chooses to bloviate and rant. Tyrants beware.

Anyway. The situation with which that ex-gf (I shall call her N) is that she recently broke up with my guitarist (who I shall call FP). N was kind of devastated when FP dumped her because she was very much emotionally attached to him, and whever I used to see them together I felt it was such a pity that a girl like N would shower him with affection while he would just sit there and ignore her unless she spoke or was right in his face.

Whether FP deserved N is something I would keep to myself, but I have to say that N was wasting her time when she cried so much over a guy who had lost all feelings for her. Since it was a period during her N levels, I advised her to stay on course and focus on her exams; advice which she took gladly.

During the band's participation at the Asianbeats competition some weeks back, N turned up with my bassist's ex and she literally followed FP around like his shadow. It was a sure sign that N was still unwilling to give up on her old flame and the fact that she still carried his bag for him, shared fries with him etc still make me even more disappointed in the fact that someone who has had her wings folded for so long still chose to remain grounded.

The 'tutoring' session last week with N also allowed me to have a bigger peek into her life and her person as a whole. N was still missing FP, and from the conversations that I have had with FP on msn indicate that he was irritated by her smsing him regarding "completely irrelevant things", to quote my guitarist.

I soon began to wonder. A guy like FP was so fortunate to have someone who loved him with all their heart. How often does someone like this come along in our lives? Will we be able to see that love when it sails along on a lonely breeze, only to be whisked away by the draught of our coldness and unwillignness to open up and share our lives with those who truly feel concern for us?

More importantly... would I/YOU be able to see it?

I have now taken upon a small role of an encouraging party, to push her to open her eyes wider and see a world beyond a guy who no longer loves her... and to see her through her exam period which is proving to be tricky in certain areas.

Tomorrow promises to bring new challenges. I hope I'll be strong enough to handle it.

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...