Sunday, April 30, 2006



I find it very amusing that certain people are completely oblivious to their apparent lack of intellect... often finding fault with people in the most petty ways, seeking for cracks and making ountains out of molehills.

Even more so when this person chose to attack me on their blog for a long past issue that obviously shows how much confidence they have in themselves. I have no pity for such individuals.. in fact I'm quietly sitting here wondering, if one day should the world be filled with directionless, shallow people (like our individual in perspective here) what would our society degrade into?

Shall we suffer such people who have no more than sawdust between their ears? Nevermind those who have a welcoming personality, but someone who actually gives you the feeling of repulsion? I'd say no thanks, and I do believe that you're an absolutely childish individual whose role in this society is to prove that there are better people out there, who are more worthy of our attention and sympathy.

Just drop the subject and move on... I'm doing so as I end this post.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Here we go again!


Sometimes you just can't get what you want
and all efforts comes back right into your face
Tell me your secrets or stick to your silence
maybe some day we'll meet some other place

Who knows where our paths will lead us to
will I know you again when that day arrives?
Then again it seems so long and far away
and we will witness all which grows and thrives

I picture myself in another person's shoes
and I have found myself feeling guilt and pity
Who am I to change that which will become
or will that be my role and my final destiny?

I can only smile as much as I possibly can
and wish you the best to the end of your days
Just know that I will be waiting patiently here
as you go about your endless, changing ways



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another one for the THS


I don't think I'm ever going to bother to look at you in the eye. You can continue with your state of hostility and I'm not going to be remotely fazed because you're not within my line of vision anymore, and you were yesterday's news 1 whole year ago.

It's not that your sense of humour is bad, it's just that the type of humour you try and foist upon us I find repulsive. What you think is funny I find cheap and shallow, what you find cool I look upon with indifference, your opinion is of the lowest importance on my list, and frankly I don't think I'll ever care.

I'm glad neither of us won anything, because I never cared about the damn competition anyway, while you went all out to try and put others down, stealing time away from us and imagining yourself triumphant. I'm guessing your inflated ego has crashed, and I'm glad it has because frankly, you are no good, and you're probably going to spend the rest of your life looking for the easy way out. I won't be surprised.

Why don't you do something which impresses the people around you for once? Making up for your lack of depth in this field by being all snide and sarcastic will not get you anywhere. So just shut the fuck up and leave all of us alone. We don't need you around us, you two-headed snake.

And by the way, having a lip ring doesn't make one a "rocker", you ignorant fool.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, April 23, 2006



Throughout my 5-6 years of playing guitar.. the only song that has been requested most apart from 'tears in heaven' and 'when you say nothing at all' is 'happy birthday'. And that has been a source of grief for me for such a long time.

I can still remember the looks on people's faces when i told them I had no idea.. including the dubious looks on my classmates when I brought my guitar to class once and it just so happened to be the birthday of the "two-headed snake" (read back for clues as to who this person might be). ANother incident was in the pub.. I was moonlighting a set and someone asked me to play it. I should have probably dug a hole in the ground and buried myself at that point in time to avoid further embarassment.

It's true, and sad that until now I'm still not sure how to play 'happy birthday'.. maybe I should stop with the AC/DC and start learning the rudimentary songs which I think even my little cousin knows how to play. Lol.. after 'happy birthday' move on to 'twinkle twinkle little stars' perhaps?

Anyways.. I'm not sure how much dough I can spare for my supervisor's incumbent birthday, not to mention Superdel's birthday, and Alvin's the day after her's. Can you imagine that? Gosh I need dough.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

What a blur


The past week has been a haze of actitivty.. from the organising of a jam session which has ultimately ended my working partnership with Colin (initiated by him), to visiting Nestle... to finishing the Maggi project (at long fooking last) to working some final finishing touches on my Bon chair. It's been a long week. My aching shoulder being the one other factor giving me the greatest grief.

Last night's jam featured a long list of troubles... I won't lay the blame on anyone.. it didn't feel right, and I should have seen it coming considering individual preferences and prejudices. I'm moving on and I wish the best of luck to those whom I'm walking away from.

Work this morning was significantly better compared to last week, despite my aching shoulders. Things went pretty smoothly and I met one other co-worker whom some people had claimed to be difficult to work with (and here I am reminiscing at the fact that there are in fact more difficult people to work with.. and I should know). However, I found a way around her slightly dictatorial ways to see the person who wants to get things right.. rather than someone who throws their weight around expecting others to follow suit, as I had imagined from the accounts of my other co-workers.

Anyway, I'm not the type who panders to other people, and I do not expect otherwise.. so I just did my job as I was expected to do. In fact as I sit here I think I've learnt a very important lesson this week. That lesson is this:

In this life... your here on this earth for too short a period to be dragged down by insecurities, preferences and egos such that it hinders your personal progress. In fact one action by and individual can be so consequential in such a way that it affects the people around him/her, and sometimes for the sake of the general good one has to leave their personal issues at the door, throw caution to the wind and dare to explore unchartered territories.

That does not encompass blindly walking into danger, but rather being significantly on guard without having to offend honest parties. It is the honest parties we seek in life to forge partnerships with, rather than with those who intend to enforce negative ideas and pessimism. Hence, to progress one must also take heed to those around him/her and not be selfish.. but be generous and forgiving.

For one I've found myself becoming a very liberal and accomodating person lately.. and maybe it's for the best, or for the worse I have no idea.. all I know is that good things are going to happen, and I'm going to be there smiling whereas those who gave up halfway have no other choice but to linger on in an existence which constantly reminds them of their inability to be flexible.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, April 17, 2006

The end of the day


Well term has 'officially' started for many NYP students.. good to see some familiar faces once more.. but of course now the canteens are chocked to the brim with people during lunch periods. I've never been fussy about where to eat, and hopefully my dough doesn't run out on me soon.. thank goodness I've started working again.

Work today was slow and laborious... I had absolutely no mood to work on my Maggi project.. instead my energies were spent on the chair project.. to the discomfort of Ms Liu, my supervisor. I mean.. I know I gotta finish it, but hey I'm frankly sick and tired of working on that damn packaging, let me just focus on something I know I can excel in right?

At least today I managed to get loads of input from 3 lecturers (Khairul, Ms Liu, Daniel) and even Mr Soon! Hur... when he saw i on my com screen he was like 'wah!'. He then gave me some great input along with some pointers from Ms Liu. I proceeded to work on it some more.

Thing about my chair is that the curves co-exist with each other very well when it comes to the head-rest, back-rest and seat areas.. but the legs tend to draw as much attraction towards as the main body.. which creates this disharmony on the overall look. I think people who do graphics understand this very well. Too many elements drawing attention to themselves.

I have to admit I'm a freak for detail.. and admittedly my chair has tonnes of elements... but it's meant to have that (somewhat) complicated look and well I might have overdid it lol. In the end.. well I didn't have time to render out the finished product, but I' hoping it will turn out alright tomorrow when I render it out and simultaneously work out my Maggi packaging.

Speaking of which, I should probably be working on it now!



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

That's it


I should probably be doing something more productive, but I'm choosing to bitch about one thing: the choice of my music.

Now I'm sick and tired of people telling me to change my musical tastes to 'suit the times' because hey, I like the stuff I've been listening to, and who the hell are you to tell me what to think or behave or choose?

Countless of people have been telling me to 'listen to more mandarin songs'. I don't want to, and I'd probably continue hating the mundaness of the stuff being churned out of Taiwan. I don't sing in chinese, and I think those who constantly bug me to sing in chinese are insulting me because I can't speak chinese well.. and I feel so uncomfortable doing something along those lines. Just don't even think about it please.

And it's one thing to insult me for my inability or shortcomings when it comes to speaking chinese.. and it's another to tick off my musical influences as passe and boring. For crying out loud.. I don't think like you do, I don't speak like you do and I certainly don't listen to the stuff that you do. It's MY music, MY influences and MY FUCKING choice.

Just be happy I don't berate YOUR music, YOUR influences and YOUR FUCKING choices.. I could have but I won't. You listen to your stuff, I listen to mine.. happy?

I'm not gonna pander to your tastes just because you think I should... who the hell are you to tell me that Pink Floyd are things of the past? I've yet to see a group which can replecate the success and influence (both culturally and musically) which was a result of Pink Floyd.

So what if I like the blues? So what if it may seem passe? I LIKE it. So kiss my ass and laugh at me, I'll be the guy who's sitting there listening to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd knowing the stuff I'm listening to would probably last longer down the line compared to everything else YOU listen to.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

New "Clutch that Matey!" I


Haha.. I'm starting a new series of posts regarding my new job... at the YMCA! Today was the first day of work at the Y cafe, with me working there through a recommendation through my pal John.

Anyways... the job went pretty smoothly, although the shirt they gave me is like a whole size too small! Kinda tight fit.. way too tight in fact. Thank goodness the supervisor (name is Chris) allowed me to unbutton the topmost button.. or I would have literally suffocated.

Work was pretty standard today... typical waiters' job: clear plates, wipe table, serve customers, replenish plates and cutlery etc etc. Also met the co-workers over there.. nice bunch of people.. even better than the Molly's crowd!

Truth to tell I was more concerned about the attitude of my co-workers than how difficult it might be for me to adjust to the system or work ethics over there. Thank goodness it's been boiled down to very simple guidelines: be yourself, work hard and always be friendly and compromising. I find that guideline very comforting.. because (well believe it or not) I can be compromising when it's neccessary, and all I wanna do right now is to get along with everyone, learn the system quickly and just start being who I can be to the best that I can be.

I think I've found the secret to happiness... for those who wanna know.. you know how to contact me :)



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

overall view.. hehe I love this chair! Posted by Picasa

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close-up of castor Posted by Picasa

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another view of underneath the seat Posted by Picasa

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close-up of lower skeleton and levers Posted by Picasa

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front quarter view.. cool eh? Posted by Picasa

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rear quarter view... this guy's got loads of levers to adjust every darn thing. Posted by Picasa

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side view... notice individual head, back and seat rests? Posted by Picasa

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front view Posted by Picasa

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top view Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Chair Version 3++A


Today I was pretty productive in school (hehe, Superdel.. I'm using that word :p) and it was all in the spirit of getting a bit of work done. What was I working on specifically? It was the chair I had posted pictures of a couple of days back... I've improved on it!

Now... according to the feedback given to me by several people.. I changed it to make it look less stiff, while still retaining it's original character, and I've made to wooden rods thicker to not look like fishbones. However that said, my theme for this chair is "Bones".

The original design was also flawed in the following ways:

1. I forgot to add the bit which allows the user to rock the chair backwards :s
2. the wooden rods were too thin (as mentioned above)
3. the seat and backrest was way too stiff for comfort
4. the legs were boring
5. not cool enough

Hence, my improved version which I've completed today. It's still not yet 100% done... I've got tonnes of detailing to work on, but I'll just let you guys see what I've been up to. LOL... the amount of etail was so much, the file size got up over 200 MB! Can you imagine a 3D model file going up in excess of 200 MB? It was so huge.. the rendering programme jammed halfway and I had to shrink the size of the model till it was a respectable 35 MB, and then it was workable.

Anyways.. the pictures are here now.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006



Been working hard today... I managed to finish up the layout and design of my Maggi noodle packaging, and well it isn't wok that I'm proud of.. just something that will get me a decent grade I hope.

I've completely lost my passion for this project, so help me God. I can't wait for this crap to be over and done with.. and make some progress with my Chair design and bike-stand concepts. This Maggi thing is taking up way too much of my time, and I can't wait to finally move on.

And for the record, the post which I blogged (below) was some meaningless shite which was the result of me being bored out of my frickin mind. I tend to do such things.. my creative juices flow when I'm not in a good mood, or when I'm feeling down. Weird.

Anyways.. haha last night I completely revamped my handphone into a pure Pink Floyd shrine: the screen picture is the album cover of 'The Dark Side of The Moon'... 1983 reissue version, the screen saver is the album cover of 'Wish You Were Here', the sms rigntone is the solo bit for 'Money', call ringtone is the bassline for 'Money' and my wake-up ringtone is the clock sequence at the beginning of 'Time'.

Yes, I'm a Pink Floyd Nut.

Anyways... gonna leave school soon.. gotta go home and work on my mock-ups and p-board. hopefully I will complete it all before midnight. Till then, folks.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Meaningless shite


there was once a young man, a hopeless romantic by pure nature
he lived over the rolling hills in a cabin, of his dreams he was unsure
then one day he looked andpeered out into the greenery beyond
overwhelmed by his own boredom he decided to fish by the pond

packing up his fishing case, he then retrieved his father's fishing rod
slipping on his lucky canvas shoes he donned his straw-made hat
I wonder what I'll be catching today he wondered in silent thought
I'll wager that today's my lucky day, and by the pond's edge he sat

the sun was shining brightly, and he soon had sweat on his brow
he knew fishing was a patient job and one must be prepared to wait
using his sleeve to wipe himself, he watched a farmer work the plow
fishing rod in one hand he opened his box and then attached the bait

a swish and plop the young man swung and the bobbing float did meet
the cool and dark waters where many fish lurked in silence beneath
a small tip of his hat to one side, and upon a log he propped his feet
contemplating his prospects he grew warmer and chose to pick his teeth

now many a fish that swam in the pond knew a bait by common sight
not many were once lured but their memory has served them well enough
for their cousins and brothers, their carnal desires they could never fight
for being hooked unto that bobbing float, the reality was just too tough

the young romantic now did he lie fully sprawled upon the green grass
his fishing rod was bending now, but his eyes were covered by his hat
a fish was snared but in the moment everything wasn't moving fast
until the young man awoke once more, reeling in the fish just like *that*

proud of his catch, he swung once more but fate has never been too kind
for the fishes laid low for now and mourned for their long lost comrade
a long wait ensued, and the romantic was soon bored right out of his mind
as the shadows lengthened more and he realised his luck had just turned bad

admitting defeat, he swung his shoes by the laces over his right-hand shoulder
fishing case in hand and rod tucked under his arm he went home once again
stoking the fire a sudden draught under the door caused the wood to smoulder
swinging up his tired feet, he decided tomorrow he had to have a new plan.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

front view... looks like a vase sitting on a tray Posted by Picasa

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side profile.. designed for optimum lumbar (lower back) support Posted by Picasa

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dynamic view lol Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

rear view Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

my latest chair design.. I know it might look a bit uncomfy Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Erratic motions


A sigh escapes his lips, eyes falling on naked steel and lacquered wood. His hands grasp the object of self-fulfilment, resting it on his lap, appreciating the curving surfaces and smooth touch on his skin. Pulling a plectrum from under the covers, he wonders what he will achieve today as he stands up, allowing the leather strap to carry the weight of the object, aching his shoulders as he bends forward and presses the power switch.

Instantly things come to life... liberated by this means of evoking raw emotion, one hand slides over the steel, while the other carresses the sounds which emanate from the amplifier... working a smooth sound which fills the room with his expression of pain, longing and gratitude.

With his left hand shifting into a controlled vibrato, he sweeps up into a quick series of alternate picking which results in a sensation of piercing his ears. A depression of his foot onto the pedal causes the volume to swell and the pitch to tighten, further piercing his mind... and then relief, the note relaxes into a lilt of the fingers as another switch is flicked... causing the rumble of sound to roll out into the afternoon rain, tainted by a sigh which settles the object back onto it's resting place, hands faithfully wiping the naked steel once more.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, April 07, 2006



Well today was a pretty productive day for me.. I started out the day pretty unsure as to what I wanted to achieve, mainly because my heart wanted me to move on with the chair design project, but my conscience kept battling that with my ailing Maggi project, for which my enthusiasm has admittedly gone down to almost zero.

I decided that since I have no mood to do my Maggi project, I'll shift my productivity level up by working extra hard for my chair design project.

So then I started.. it kicked off with a small sketch on my sketchpad.. and then I got bored. Lol.. I don't know why, but I feel that I can achieve so much more with less time when I do stuff on Rhino (a 3D modelling programme) and everything else seems like such a crutch.

Anyway, that little side-profile sketch of my concept soon became a line on the computer screen, and within 2 hour, it had blossomed into more lines... guidelines for my chair's shape. By lunchtime, I had already finished the back-rest and seat of my chair.. I can't go into the details of my concept.

Things progressed very well, and by 4pm I was churning out full-coloured renderings.. much to some people's amazement. Truth is, I'm very quick when it comes to Rhino, and I'm continuously pushing myself to produce more complex pieces of work within shorter amounts of time. Not that I wish to brag, but I think I'm able to put down a concept in my head unto the computer screen much more quickly because I understand the form I wish to create. It's also about how well I've become to be able to work with the software... I love Rhino.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Rush Hour



Last night, I had dinner with the three girls whom I had rendered my guitar-playing services a month or so back... they treated me to a jap dinner! Lol.. I had a great meal.. and I'm very grateful for their reciprocation.

Then came some serious business.

Earlier on in the morning, Mr Khairul (my personal mentor) asked me to come to his desk...

K: 'now, Mr Soon has told me...' *panic suddenly grips my chest* '... that you are rather good at music composition.'

C: *sigh of relief* 'umm yeah.. wassup?'

K: 'wah.. why you like so shocked? Anyway, you know that the fusion ashow is coming up, and I'm sure you know what the fusion show is all about.'

For those in the dark about 'The Fusion Show', it's an annual showcasing of the graduating batch's work, whereby graduating design students can put their work on display and get to meet people from the industry.. it also serves as an inspiration point for design students who wish to see what their seniors have produced.

Apparently Khairul wanted me to produce a bit of ambient music meant to accompany some slide presentation which consisted of pictures featuring the works of the graduating batch, and this music sequence was to last about 5 minutes, with 5 individual segments.

Since I had only created a handful of instrumentals ever, and a few of them falling into the folk catagory, I decided to dig out an abandoned music sequence which I had intended for 'Steak & Onions' (the Fuzzy Green Grass's 2nd album) but was deemed 'repetitive and too slick' for our countrified style.

I felt that maybe this could be the chance for me to ressurect this old composition, and give it new life: sitting down with my telecaster and acoustic, I re-recorded the whole song once more and managed to finish it off within 3 hours. The result was a version with better-defined low-end, shimmering high-end and one which truly made you want to bop your head to the beat.

Another interesting factor was the fact that this new version is only one second shorter compared to the old version I had demoed for Alvin. Ah well, since this one is plenty slick, I guess Khairul would be pleased with it.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Thursday, April 06, 2006



sittign here in the bone-chilling ID studio here on Level 6 of Block M, NYP.. I reminisce on how I tried to get a job yesterday through the means of browsing through the Classified section of Yesterday's The Strait's Times newspaper.. with limited success.

There was a packing job with relatively good pay... but there were no vacancies left when I called. Alot of the rest was gibberish: telemarketing jobs... I mean who the heck in their right minds want to be handed a list of phone numbers, calling people whom they don't know and trying to sound all cheery and unassuming?

One of my classmates had that job once, and she quit after a while. No surprises there.

Another job involved connecting parents with the right tuition teacher. Essentially the job requires someone like me to place a tuition teacher (who specialises in specific educational areas) with the requirments of parents who (assumingly) want to provide their children with the right tutor so that their kids can grow up to be snotty-faced scholars who look down upon the general public... assuming that they are the elite of a society filled with no-brainers. I hate the very notion of tuition.

Tell me about it.. right now, the children of Singapore are spending too much time with their noses being pressed against the grinding stone of the education system instead of constructive education, whereby they can (hopefully) combine a tangible experience to relate with the information that they are receiving.

For example, I couldn't give a damn about fucking sine graphs when I was back in Secondary Two. I couldn't see how permutation and combination could help me get a bloody job. Right now, I have happily forgotten 90% of what I learned in A Maths.. and I've got the twin A2s for E Maths and A Maths to prove how much my cousin and I had to mindlessly force myself to work through that damn ten-year-series five times over.

Damn right I got the grade, but it was just a meaningless paper-chase. Add that to the fact that I couldn't care about my Languages, and the subsequent C6s I received in both subjects.

Anyway.. Colin told me that he might have a lobang for me, and hopefully I can get to that in the very near future. Right now.. I just want A JOB.. even though the pay's shit, something is better than nothing.

I've gained some foothold in the Bike parkign project, and I've also foudn some direction regarding my chair design project. I've got to focus on my Maggi packaging design over the weekend. Hopefully the packaging material I've cut from that huge roll could serve some purpose as I wade through the murk that is this packaging project.. seeking for some glimmer of hope through the heavy fog that is my inability to find some enthusiasm for this project.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Of Superdel's woes


Today I noticed that Superdel had a rather irritated note stuck unto her msn nick, so I quipped up and asked her all about it. Apparently, she had taken some alcohol (not sure how much, but anyway) and she had an allergic reaction to it. A trip down to the doctor (she works at SGH) proved to be disastrious when the lady doc gave her a dosage of medicine which, though was meant to clear up her allergy reaction, included inside a very strong drowsing agent.

Since the doc had proved to be rather clueless as to the amount she was administrating, she gave Superdel a huge dose, and the moment Superdel tried to get up, she collapsed to her own utter horror, momentarily paralysed.

Now... aren't doctors trained for at least 5 years before they are placed within a housemanship before being finally certified as qualified doctors? From what Superdel told me, that doc is fookin retarded.

Another gripe which took its toll on her is the fact that she could not take sick leave due to 1. her immediate supervisor was away overseas (wtf??) and 2. that her boss was much too busy to deal with such minor issues. I mean COME ON! Superdel works in the field of medical research, and her experiments are incredibly case-sensitive... such work requires full concentration, and unless I'm much mistaken, not a worker who had been overdosed on anti-allergy the day before and was (at the point of conversation) suffering from pains, giddiness and God-knows-what-else.

A while later she told me she had gone back to that same dumb-arsed doc, who upon notification of the side-effects asked Superdel 'so what do you expect me to do?'.


Crikes. And that wasn't the end of it... that doc told Superdel that she should have seen it coming... and when I saw what she wrote... I was like wtfh. I mean, Superdel might be good at her chemistry, but hey.. commercial medicine is a whole different ballgame, and anyway.. she collapsed after the drug administration! You'd expect her to read the bloody label? Get outta here!



btw this post was a bitching session done on behalf of Superdel, who at the point of conversation was too weak to blog.

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Pigs in my mind


I recently bought 'Animals' by Pink Floyd a month or so back, and I really like the two-part song which opens and closes the album, titled 'Pigs on The Wing (parts One & Two)':

If you didn't care what happened to me,
And I didn't care for you
We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching for pigs on the wing.

You know that I care what happens to you
And I know that you care for me
So I don't feel alone
Of the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe
To bury my bone
And any fool knows a dog needs a home
And shelter from pigs on the wing

Considering that there are a couple of people out there whom I seriously care about, as friends.. I just hope you guys know.. that I care, and whenever I hear this song, I think of you guys.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Send them blues down the line!


Inspired by a friend of mine, I've decided to try and make myself as happy as possible. Right now I'm enjoying 'The Lemon Song', a blues rock number on Led Zeppelin II.

It's these little things which give me so much more energy to make things right, and to get my blues off and out of my head. I don't like being moody all the time, and I think it's high time I stopped being a grouchy git. But don't expect me to be all Alvin-esque grinning.

So far things aren't progressing very impressively for my projects... more research needs to be done for my Bike stand project, and I need more anthropometry information for my Crutch project.

That said, I'm now beginning to understand and use my time much better, and I managed to have another chat session with Char today! LOL... it all started with Char scratching at her leg, which I first saw her doing when I went with her for the Orientation Grand Finale.

Crawldaddy: 'OMG, are you still scratching yourself?'

Char: 'yes.. it's still itchy'

CDD: 'you were scratching since like last week!'

Char: 'yeah... it's just one of those things where you scratch it, and it makes u want to scratch it more..'

CDD: 'can't you like wear longs so that you can refrain from scratching?'

Char: '...'

CDD: 'oh wait, I forgot.. do you even have longs, Char?' *snickers*

Char: 'ARRRGH!!! *slaps CDD on the shoulder*

For those who don't know, Char always wears bermudas... somehow gives her a much more intriguing look... intriguing in what way I shall not say...

CDD: 'so what is it called?'

Char: *scratches* 'it's a skin problem...'

CDD: (dripping with sarcasm) 'Oh! I didn't know! I kinda imagined it to be an eye problem or something!'

Char: 'ARRRGH!!!' *slaps CDD on the shoulder repeatedly*

CDD: 'But is it like a skin fungus or something?'

Char: 'I dunno.. maybe it is' *scratches*

CDD: 'I once had a fungal problem on my foot, and it started when I was in Sec 3, and it stayed with me all the way until I finished my O levels before it finally disappeared..'

Char: (aghast) 'Issit? oh no..'

CDD: 'yeah, it'll blister up the skin, and when the blisters burst, it'll have liquid come out, and usually by the time I came home, most of my sock would be wet from the clear liquid'

Char: 'urgh'

Char and I were, however, not alone.. her classmates Eileen and Ekin were also around.

Eileen: 'Hur, you guys didn't have it as bad as me.. I had mine on the forehead and right before my Grad Night'


Eileen: 'yeah..'

CDD: 'Yeah, so the doctor prescribed all sorts of stuff for me to cure it, but they didn't work very well.. so eventually I researched for possible cures on the internet, and I soon found out a very interesting method...'

Char & Eileen: 'what method?'

CDD: 'You piss on your foot'

Char & Eileen: *nervous laughter*

CDD: 'Yeah, and well it worked much better than anything the doctor threw my way... considering how Urine is actually an anti-toxic agent'

Eileen: 'well I'm glad I didn't have to resort to that..'

Char: *laughs*

CDD: "oh yeah.. can you imagine your mum going "okay now what I need you to do.. is lie down.. and let me stand over you... (the girls laugh) ... okay close your eyes.... and your mouth too... (the girls laugh like mad) ....mmmmmmm....." lol'

Char: (winded from laughing) 'and if you don't wanna do it in public, you can always store your liquid in a bottle!'

CDD: 'I'm sure, and I suppose when you need to apply the "medicine" you just open the cap, press it to your forehead and pray it doesn't spill!!!'

The next few moments involved all three girls laughing like mad things. LOL. Man, I seriously have not made a joke that good in a while. Now all you people out there.. don't give me that 'that's disgusting!' crap.. I know you're laughing too ;)



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Remembering her


The first time I met Alvin's grandmother, she was sitting in the living room of Alvin's place silently watching the telly. I gave her a small greeting, to which she reciprocated with a smile, one which warmed up the bottom of my heart.

Given that this dear old lady wasn't in the best of her health, she was there to remind Alvin to rest when he suffered from dengue fever last year... I admire her indefinitely. During Alvin's birthday, no one smiled more brilliantly with pride (apart from Alvin, who grinned cheesily) at her 18-year-old grandson. She had reason to be proud, and I had reason to be happy for her that she managed to live to see her grandson grow and reach 18.

A couple of days back, Alvin smsed me that this dear old lady had died, and I wish to pay homage to this lady, for whom I respect for her courage in the face of her disease, had fought to live to the bitter end, but truth was, it wasn't a bitter end at all.

She triumphed in the way that she went home to the Lord Friday morning, leaving behind her beloved children and grandchildren whom I believe, will remember her always for that smile which never faded, and which has inspired me to write this post in her most cherished memory.

I can still remember the last time I ever saw Alvin grandmum... I had just popped by at Alvin's place for a jam (or something along thoe lines) and I said goodbye as I left... having made a mental note to say goodbye because I knew she'd always smile for me as I left Alvin's place.

I will always remember her, and as I attend her funeral service this evening, my heart will go out to those who knew her and I pray that someday I will like her, leave behind a legacy which though small, has moved mountains.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...