Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Crikes IV


What a day. What a day.

I was in the mode of getting some serious work done today in the model shop, and I did a great job of cutting up the balsa and MDF and joining it together. As I was Cutting down the great big block of balsa-MDF, I forced the block too hard and my finger caught the blade of the band saw, which resulted in me spending the rest of the afternoon and evening in a tiring combination of Polyclinics and SGH, and culminated in my wound being stiched up.

I dunno whether those doctors and nurses ever saw a patient such as myself, who was surly to look at and curt when spoken to, but jovial and joking when I entered the operating theatre to have the wound stitched up by the doctor who used some gay light-blue colour stitching thread. Thank God it's all bounded up and you can't see the gay-coloured stitches.

In any case, maybe I should have some sort of sign hung over the bandsaw saying:

'(my name), you are hereby banned from using this piece of equipment so as to preserve your life and your ability to play the guitar in the future'

Gosh... the doctor said that I gotta lay off intensive usage of my hand for like three months , but also thank God that the saw blade never sliced any main tendons, ligaments and your what-nots. In fact, it just cut the skin and some fatty tissue, but no important stuff.

After the stitching, the nurse came in and bound up my hand, so now it looks like some over-grown seaweed-less sushi with bits of finger sticking out from the bandage. I'm now typing with a combination of the sushi, the ring finger and my fully-functional right hand.

Oh yeah.. you know singapore doctors can be really weird sometimes: the doctor misspelled 'band saw' with 'man saw'.. and on the diagnosis, he put down that my right-hand forefinger got cut, but it was my left.




Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Money talks


I just spent like a grand total of 20 bucks just on getting two pieces of balsa and the wood stain for my Graphics model, which I intend to make a sort of barrel-table miniature. This project is to sort of create an experimental calendar for an organisation of our choice.

So being the lazy, irritable and ever-practical bum I am, I chose Molly Malone's as my organisation of choice, and now I working on a model of the barrel tables which Molly's is so distinctive for. I mean, imagine doing the same old folding calendars and they all look the same all the time?

In any case, I'm already numb to the fact that I have to spend cash like nobody's business just to make things right for a module such as Graphics, particularly since Ms Tan's attention to detail is second to none. I can't complain because I actually have a passion, but very little time for Graphics because I'm so caught up with the FLY rhino and my handphone model.

Oh yeah, after I got my balsa wood I also got a new harmonica for myself XD and it's in a key I was longing so much for.. it's in the key of D, which can enable me to cover lots of songs using the harp to play along during the solo parts. I have to come up with more material otherwise my friday sets will become too predictable and bland. Also since Super Del says she wants to see me play live no matter what, I think I would want to make her time worthwhile :p



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Times They Are A'changing


Today, I managed to find some time to go down to Bras Basah to get some spray paint, some foam material and also to pop by Guitar Workshop and give Lawrence a little visit. So there I was walking into the shop and there's this guy who's playing this out-of-tune guitar... ouch.

So I wave a greeting to Lawrence, who's busy with another guy, and I grab a guitar and tune it up. I do believe that the moment I finished tuning up and strummed a chord, the other guy knew he was out of tune... that happens so much to so many musicians out there.. they don't even know whether or not they are out of tune.

I just noodle around the acoustic guitar until Lawrence finally finished up his conversation with the other guy. Lawrence and I know what sort of equipment I'm shooting for, and he also knows my budget range, which comes in handy whenever I ask him for the price of certain instruments, and he smiles knowingly whenever I grimace at the price. It's good to have a pal like him.

I've been eyeing this Vox 15-watt amplifier which has been sitting in that shop for a little while, and I was very much impressed by the sound it produced. Lawrence then asked me to try out this 10-watt practise amplifier, which I did using a Les Paul. Soon enough, as I am just noisily noodling around playing blues riffs and solos this secondary school guy walks in and starts up a conversation with Lawrence.. he also stared at me as I launched into a new flurry of heavy blues and rock n' roll. The practise amp plays okay, but it doesn't provide me with the sort of tone I desire.

In any case, it was apparent that this secondary school guy was surprised that a bloke like myself (wearing a rolling stones tee, baggy jeans and playing heavy blues) wasn't into something which was either metal or punk. And I wouldn't be surprised... younger musicians nowadays are just so caught up with current music changes, they forget to step back and see the bigger picture.

It took me only a little while to get the conversation going between myself and this secondary school fella (whose name is Brian) and I notice his rhythm playing wasn't too bad, in fact he only started playing one year ago, and he's already got three guitars (one Yamaha electric, one acoustic Applause, and one classical) and he's not too bad a rhythm player.

Sad thing is, his playing and musical interest is just too stereotyped: for crying out loud, he's into Simple Plan! When he picked up an electric to play, all he could churn out was power chords and I personally don't feel surprised because 1. he's a beginner and 2. he's just emulating the people whom he idolises.

Then he turns around and asks me how I manage to learn to do solos.. and my answer is simple: listen to good music which allows you to understand and learn from the instrument player him/herself.. and then try and play the song, but in my own style. The end result is pretty good and more often than not, the music I listen to influences me and allows me to stand out from the rest of your metal-heads and mat-rockers and punk-rockers and punk-whiners.

Have you guys ever wondered why all of Rolling Stone Magazine's Top 100 best-selling albums of all time, those albums came from before 1980? I mean, the best-selling album of all time was the Beatle's "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", and I'm not remotely surprised.. how many songs do you hear on the radio nowadays (originals, not covers of old songs) can be considered classics of the day? The stuff zooming out of your radio speakers are simply commercialised crap which have been over-produced, over-processed and over-sold.

Oh and FYI, Led Zeppelin five albums within the top 100... kiss my ass, you crappy little punk-whiners.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

In a Little While III


Had a nice time today. Unintentionally, I met up with Gerry Cox and Magdalene his girlfriend and had lunch and a drink at Father Flannigan's Irish Pub down at Chimes. I had originally intended to go to Bras Basah to check out a guitar amp and also get some spray paint (although I know artfriend probably didn't have the colour I wanted, and saga city would be closed).

In any case, I had just text messaged Gerry to see if he'd started his gig at Father's and whether he would like to catch a bite, and he said that he was just going down, and he would be having a bite with Mags and I was invited to join them.

So I did.

And I had a nice time talking with Gerry and Mags, and I didn't take any alcohol because it was too early in the day to have something like a Guinness or something. However, we did exchange some very useful and interesting information regarding both daily lives, and things related to music.

I did mention one thing to Gerry and Mags which is my concern as to whether I would appear arrogant and imposing if I do sets every friday night after my shift. While I was harbouring this thought for quite a while (mainly due to the fact that maybe I'm a little too sensitive) Gerry and Mags said that my colleagues' perspective on that whole affair was anything but negative.

I dunno, maybe their faces were black due to a seperate reason altogether. Whatever it is, it's settled that next friday I'll be doing some CCR and maybe some Neil Young to shake things up a little.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Merdeka!!! II


My folks have gone off to Malaysia, whichs means I have the whole day free from prickly, poking, prying parents... and also means I get to surf porn!!! get my work done without disturbance especially regarding my handphone model, which has proven to be a whole new pain in the ass.

Anyway, a couple of days back I was playing some original Fuzzy Green Grass material in Block M's computer lab on the 6th level, and within the vicinity were SL (I'm so tempted to call her XL, but she's anything but XL), Jace, Wen Ning and BZ. I just so happened that the girls (with the exception of Jace) had never heard 'It's All Joon Kiat's Fault' and they were just so tickled by the song...

Since our first year, whenever Alvin and I managed to get our hands on acoustic guitars borrowed from people around the level, we would play 'When You Say Nothing At All', which is originally by Alsion Krauss, but only recently (haha... like four, five years ago?) revived by good ol' Ronana Keating. Since this is one of the world's sappily tear-jerking acoustic love songs, the girls love it whenever we play this song, and as a result, BZ asked me to record down a version of the song for their listening pleasure.

I have gladly obliged, and it took me the majority of yesterday to get everything right, particularly the mandolin and harmony vocal (which I ditched in the end). I have to let Alvin hear the final version, which is currently on the link is on the right-hand menu at 'Fuzzy Green Grass Music'.

So I hope you guys can have a listen and see if you like it.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Girls Got Rhythm!


Well, just added a new song to my blog.. AC/DC's 'Girl's Got Rhythm', which is featured on their Highway To Hell album, which is chock full of great rock anthems. I just like the groove of this song, and the chorus is just so darn catchy.

Anyway, I was planning to bring my amp down town to have it evaluated, and then my mum said I gotta stick at home the whole day because she was going downtown, and our part-time cleaner was going to come around. When I mentioned that maybe I could go down town tomorrow, she said we're going to Malaysia.

Oh man... it's like the whole thing slipped my mind, and I simply couldn't afford to go upstate because i have to finish off my handphone model by next week, and I gotta get spray paint and a whole host of items from down town.

I just hope and pray I get everything done in time.



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now in red and with a different view... Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

a new chair! supposed to made from fibreglass and steel... Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Clutch that matey! XVI


Today's late night gig wasn't as well as I had planned... but much of it had to do with the fact there was an inexistant audience and also the fact that I played about five songs, two on my SG and three on the acoustic.

I brought down my SG so as to have a shot at playing lead guitar with Gerry for the song 'All Along The Watchtower' in a psuedo-Dylan-rhythm-Hendrix-lead kind of song. It was relatively jittery for me especially since I really couldn't hear myself over Gerry's acoustic guitar and with Tom's mandolin piercing right over everything. Nothing against Tom, his mandolin playing surpasses my meagre mandolin rhythm skills by leaps and bounds.

Thing is, imagine standing there, with a group of people expecting you to come up with something most incredibly wonderful with that wicked-looking guitar in your hands. Then Gerry starts up all of the sudden and Tom whacks in with the mandolin... you know your guitar tone is somewhat there, but you can barely hear yourself due to the interference from the other two instruments.. it was crazy, but I pulled it off, and Mike said my lead sound was really good, and the guitar playing was 'like hendrix or something'.

Oh well, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose... and 'Highway to Hell' was even more whacked because I didn't really like the rhythm tone, and also my guitar was somewhat out of tune. Then I broke my pick, and I even did a pick scrape with it, and by the end of the song, it looked like something which a dog had chewed on, spat out and kicked into a grinder.

I just hope next week goes much better than today.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Is honesty truly the best policy? VI


A little while ago, during the holidays, I was having this msn conversation with a person close within my social circle and she was telling about how she felt that she was just a stand-in whenever her friend felt bored.. like she was just a substitute point of amusement. Taking sympathy on her (and wondering what she had up her sleeve) , I decided that could only be too true because that friend of hers is truly a terrible person who has once wondered aloud why guys don't want her. Also, I smelled a rat somewhere.

Let's call this person whom I had the conversation with, Person A. Her friend shall be known as Person B.

Somewhere along this conversation, since during that point in time, I wasn't a very close pal with Person A, and we agreed to be good pals from that point in time. Well, it isn't much of a surprise that I soon realise that Person A and Person B don't have much of a relationship problem.. they laugh and joke all the time.. they have a good time together, just like normal friends. I can't say that I would be surprised if Person A decided that I, now was rather dispensible.

So at present, Person A and Person B seem to share a very good relationship, and I'm starting to wonder... was there ever a problem in the first place? Now Person A hardly ever speaks to me.. (I'm not complaining, it's just a matter of fact) and I find it amusing that this girl who once seemed so pitiful (but at the back of my mind, I know she's relatively manipulative) ever resorted to asking for my part in friendship.

I'm amused because why would anyone in their right mind want to be friends with someone who is *ahem* radically different in personality? Then the answer hit me: inside information.

I was involved with a small controversy during the start of the last holiday, and Person A is particularly reknowned infamous for being a leech for rumours and gossip. Person B is no better. Soon came the msn conversations prying into the controversial issue, with Person A pretending to be uninterested, but I'm no fool for such tricks, and much less amused that she would even try them on me.

I ssue at hand is that Person B and myself have never gotten along very well. It's very much worse now, and I'm already comfortably numb with the fact that I have no need to speak with her (My usual style is I don't say much if I have nothing of worth to say, but Person B's style is in reverse), although once in a while, when Person B does feel the need to put down her pride, she may ask me for assistance, which I have always been generous in dispensing, but somehow, it's always the matter of 'I give, She takes'.

Should I be less generous? I think not, but rather to be wary when dealing with such dangerous personalities whose desire is to utilise others to the point of expiry, and then those who have helped them achieved their ends can be carelessly tossed aside.

Folks, beware such individuals. Oh yeah, and I forgot one thing (which is on a light note):

This blog started on the 23rd of August, due to myself being so damn caught up with my school work, I even forgot my blog's Anniversary!!!

So Happy Belated 1st Anniversary, Marauding Tone Zones Of Crawldaddy!



PS: I would have like to have given a nice speech, which might have included 'I would like to thank Gawd, and Gawd, and Gawd and also my Ma and Pa and my troublesome older brudder....' but I'll just save it anyway.

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another chair... my lecturer says that the arms look too normal :p Posted by Picasa

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another view.. another colour... Posted by Picasa

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this is my new design for a dustbin.. looks pretty interesting, huh? Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Clutch that matey! XV


Last night's work at the pub was kinda okay... had a nice time talking to Gerry and Robert (who also lent me his Bill Monroe CD and his own Robert Bartlett 'Through A Past Darkly' CD) about music, guitars and lending Gerry my Coldplay guitar books on friday.

Cool thing is, Gerry's putting a band for next year's St. Patrick's Day, which is going to feature Robert as well, so I offered my services as a mandolin player... and he accepted it! Oh well, there's nothing concrete yet, but I do hope that I can have a chance to play with such excellent musicians (for a budding musician, it's really a dream come true). Apparently, the name of the 'band' will be The Malones, like a rip-off from The Ramones... okay, sounds pretty cool to me.

Also, planning for the SDN (School of Design) talent time event is starting to get more and more complicated.. Shahidah (the Talentime IC) and myself and a couple of logistics people went along to meet the logistics guy from SIT (School of Information Technology) and man is organising such an event a complicated affair. And it's not just about getting all the equipment, but also getting permits and doing proposals (oh man, the proposal is gonna kill us flat) and figuring out all the minute details which are neccessary to make this event a success.

Yesterday's SDN club 'meeting' really wasn't much of a meeting, but rather an individual interview session with the seniors of the SDN club. I mean, it was rather obvious they were looking for possible candidates for the future posts of Club President and Vice-president, just from the way they asked me the questions.

One thing though... I refused to give detailed comments on people I have no idea about: 'What do you think of (a certain person), and do you think they can get things done?' I mean, it's only fair to say that I do not know some (if not most) of these people well, and it would be a bloody fiasco if I pretended to know what these people are all about.

So I just gave them my skin-deep impressions about those 'certain people'.. but I never said anything negative, except for one particular person (read previous posts to understand who, and for the record it was not Alvin ;) ).

Anyway, tomorrow's the Comm skilsl presentation, and I promised Gerry I'll be bringing my electric to Molly's Friday night so that we can do a Dylan/Hendrix version of 'All Along The Watchtower' (it's in the Dylan rhythm style, but with a Hendrix-type lead guitar added on top). Whoa man, I'm been practising my lead lines for that song for quite a while, so I hope I'm able to pass the mark on friday night.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Whoo hoo hoo!!


As you guys can see below this post, I have been hard at work trying to come up with good-quality 3D models, and their respective renderings.. some people say I'm putting too much energy into this sort of thing, but I find a sense of completion and satisfaction whenever I can create something which looks pretty good.

See, the chair is for one of the design competitions, which is themed FLY. Well, my idea is that once you sit in my chair (which is supposed to have excellent ergonomic values for the lounging office-worker) your imagination can "fly".

Oh well, it was a lame attempt, anyway. Even Jie Hong said my rendering was good, but the idea behind it isn't all that fantastic. Arghh... I think I'll just come up with a hybrid of this idea and my previous lounge chair, which Jie hong said was lacking something.

I guess it's back to the rhino screen again...



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another view... now with dark background Posted by Picasa

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looks real huh? done on the computer within 1 hour... it's supposed to be a beer pint glass Posted by Picasa

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rear view of chair... haha.. total time spent on this thing is roughly 4 hours+ Posted by Picasa

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my updated chair.. now has five wheels (industry standard, according to my lecturer) Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, August 22, 2005

another shot of the chair... hehe Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

my chair!!! muahaha... i know it looks a bit hard to sit on though... Posted by Picasa

Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Satellite Blues


Well, I'm just listening to AC/DC's 'Satellite Blues' and it's just a typical AC/DC song... sort of 'Highway to Hell' feel to it. Anyway.. I'm just literally drowing in my schoolwork... so much for procrastinating during the weekend (which was largely spent perfecting my guitar tone for a certain song).

Kuou's lesson was particularly dull today... just spent my time applying wall putty to my handphone model, and just applying another layer of base coat in preparation for another layer of. Seriously, you can't into a lower point than a damn boring session like this morning.

In any case, this afternoon's rhino session was much more productive... I managed to finish off a complete office chair and it looks pretty good! At least Jie Hong acknowledged that my rhino skills are pretty good by now hehe.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, August 21, 2005



I'm sitting here while the PM is going on with his rally on the telly, and I'm just thinking to myself... why do I feel like this whole national day rally speech is a fiasco to bring our hopes up and hopefully touch on subject which we wish to hear from the man whom the government has put in place to run the country?

Yeah, sure enough, he has the ability (not unlike the previous PM) to inject some humour into his speech to break the monotony (tio boh?) but sometimes when we look back on last year's speech 'and from now on... we will implement the five-day week... for civil servants!!!' I mean, give me a break, when will actual singaporeans be touched by real policies which make a real difference in our lives.

It's all the intangible things which are adjusted.. how about the damn bus and train fares??? how about the damn COE and bloody ERp which has been strangling us (if you don't want jams on the CTE, or want less motorists to use it, why the heck do you want to block up normal roads instead?) I mean, every time you hear stuff like 'ok, now your medicare has been extended to people of the age of 85!!!'

LOL... when will the people really get their dues? I know that the government cannot cater to every single person on the street, but when will the time come when we finally come into the spotlight of notice instead of standing there, quietly slogging away while the privatisation of transport companies slowly tightens the noose around the general public?

I just hope and pray that one day, there will be a reckoning... and when that day comes, I'll be there to make sure we get what we deserve and we get our dues.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

The Idiosyncrasies Of Crawldaddy Part IV


As we all know (fairly) well enough, that I am still technically 17 years old, but 18 this year... I am technically not supposed to work at the pub. Cute thing is, lots of people think I'm like 25 years old? Anyway, the issue at hand is what happens when people of my own age enter the pub and want to get some drinks.

Well, it just so happened that three guys entered the pub last night, and these guys were sooo obviously under-aged. Even my supervisor just shaked her head and smiled.

So I went up to these guys:

Crawldaddy: 'Hi, good evening, what can I do for you?' (I was hoping for a good opportunity to shoot these guys down, and yes, I am an evil bastard)

Guy A: 'Uhh, we'd like a table for three, please?'

Guy B: 'Yeah, table for three, thanks'

So I showed them one table, but these guys wanted to watch the soccer (Liverpool vs Sunderland) and wanted a better spot to watch the huge TVs:

Guy A: 'Uhh, could we have a table where we can see the TV easily?' (ha! spoilt bastards, these guys)

Guy B: 'Yeah... cuz we want to watch the soccer'

So I promptly pulled the table such that the TV was less than 2m away, and I let them sit down:

C: 'Ok, so what'll you have? Any drinks?'

Guy A: ' Uhh, we'd like some chips.. or chaps'

C: 'So that'll be chips or chaps?'

Guy B: 'What's the difference?'

I then explained what the difference between chips and chaps are etc etc and they finally chose chips.

C: 'Any drinks for you guys?'

Guy A: 'Uhh Heineken?'

At this point in time, I could only have one thought in my mind:


C: 'Uhh, I have to check your ID..'

Guy B: 'Oh, sorry, we're underaged :p'

C: 'Ah, then I'm sorry I can't serve you alcoholic drinks'

I was so amused by this... I, barely 18 years old bullying a bunch of guys who are my age, but they think I'm 25 or something.... muahahahahahahaa.. I'm so damn evil.

There was also another relatively high point for me last night, because four french guys came in and asked for Heineken pints as well, but their english was so poor I thought they were asking for some weird german beer instead.

I dunno... my mum wants me to find a job without the omnipresence of 2nd-hand smoke (which I do acknowledge is a health hazard), but thing is, at least this is one workplace where I don't feel so oppressed or segregated by the whole 'you're-just-a-part-timer-and-I-am-a-full-timer-so-you-have-to-lick-my-arsehole' bullshit. And cool thing is, I get to meet new, different people I would never have met while working in your sterile banquet environment.

Apart from hating the oppressive feeling I get when I work at banquet, it's also the troublesome methods of getting pay. Although working at molly's means I only get cash once per month, at least I don't have to go through the damn hassle of and making trips downtown queuing up JUST to get my pay.

Also I get to play guitar, sing my heart out, meet people who are just as passionate about music as I am every friday night :p so I really can't complain.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Back (again)


Weel it was my day back at work, and much to my surprise (and endless wonder as to how many people actually asked) alot of people coworkers and pub patrons alike asked me what happened to me which caused my absence from work last week.

Not that I'm complaining, but I find the spread of info (which so happens to be rather rapid) a bit startling.. but anyway. Work was pretty good yesterday, not too crowded, but not too boring either... a perfect balance of highs and lows (wait.. now I'm starting to sound like some milk commercial).

In any case, I finished off my shift at 11pm as usual, and initially I didn't want to do a set because I had them bloody ulcers in my throat (on the path to recovery, but still irksome when my throat becomes somewhat dry), but what the hey.. I just did it.

So i sang a couple of songs... 'Hide Your Love Away' (the Beatles), 'Wild Horses' (the Rolling Stones), 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' (John Denver) and 'Hey Jude' (the Beatles)... and the thing is, during my shift, Gerry decided to do a little yelp in the middle of a song, which I pointed out to him, was something he needed to work on (muahaha... because at the end of 'Hey Jude' I did my trademark scream which caused one guy to actually laugh out loud in wonder and applaude).

I think I'm actually getting more wild onstage with each passing friday... but as long as Gerry doesn't mind and since the big boss actually said 'Good Job' to me last night after i did my set I suppose I can take some liberties (such as screaming my heart out and doing little hops around the microphone).

Oh yeah.. just wondering what songs would be nice for the SDN Club's Talent Time opening. I had thought of some songs:

1. 'School Of Rock' by the School Of Rock (remember jack black in the schoolboy outfit and clutching his SG? yeah.. that song)

2. 'Rock And Roll' by Led Zeppelin (nice opener because it packs a hugantic whallop)

3. 'Rock And Roll Singer' by AC/DC (I mean.. it's mainly a singing competition.. and I like rock music.. so there)

4. 'Sing' by Travis (introduced to me by John (DMD 3rd year)... hmm would be nice because it has a banjo in it *wink to alvin*)

5. 'All Along The Watchtower' by Bob Dylan (but planning to do the Jimi Hendrix version because the guitar solo is ABSOLUTELY WACKO.. and I can do it.. no prob)

I dunno.. I need to ask Alvin whether he thinks these few songs are ok to put into consideration.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Friday, August 19, 2005

Let There Be Rock!


My brother just helped me get AC/DC's 2nd studio album titled 'Let There Be Rock', and it's pretty good, although I have to say that I'm rather surprised that the guitar sound is not as fantastic as their first album. I dunno... but the instruments just sounded a bit empty to me when I first listened to the album.

This album contains some essential AC/DC material including 'Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be', 'Bad Boy Boogie' and of course 'Whole Lotta Rosie' (which is a very simple song to pick up, especially if you're a blues rock fanatic).

Anyhow, one thing I realise about 'Let There Be Rock' is that the songs are very 'individualised'... there isn't much flow to the entire album, which can make you jump because some songs start off rather abruptly... but all in all the songs rock hard, and it's a good album to tap your foot to.

Anyway... I've been hoping that i can lay my hands on 'Highway To Hell' sooner or later.. but my brother's been having trouble finding it in local CD stores... where the heck do they hide the good stuff away? I mean, you can't blame me for trying to complete the whole AC/DC CD collection simply because the albums I'm lacking are just a few ones to complete the picture, and also FYI, 'Highway To Hell' was the last studio recording Bon Scott did with the band before his premature death back in 1980.

I'll just hope I can get it soon then.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Back in Black (uh I mean blue!)


Well, I'm officially ok to go back to school, although I am still rather easily tired (and Sabrina's loud conversations with my classmates aren't helping much) I couldn't afford to miss my graphics lesson with Ms Tan today... although all I did was just two ideas on one miserable piece of A3 paper.

My throat and mouth cavity is littered with ulcers, so it is very much literally a pain during mealtimes... today was no exception and I couldn't even bring myself to eat my dinner, until my mum told me that:

'Unless you eat something, (place appropriate threat over here), and your ulcers will only stay the same'

Thankfully she had the grace to allow leftovers simply because I was having such a trying time having my dinner (imagine trying to swallow a mix of rice and veggies when you know that the feeling of that stuff going down your throat will induce a sensation akin to swallowing broken glass), but she wasn't kind when I couldn't finish off the veggies :p

I dunno... on one hand I feel mentally whole and sound, but on the other hand even drinking water induces the dreaded feeling of swallowing broken glass... when will it ever end???

Anyway, I skived off Vincent's lesson today because I know I can definitely get away with it (muahaha... I'm 'officially' on MC for monday and tuesday so muahahaha) but anybody who has attended his lessons know it's all a hugantic fiasco because he spends like 75% of the time rambling on irrelevant topics instead of focusing on how we can improve our ideas... listening to our ideas and giving feedback etc.

I mean so far all I can remember about learning something from him... the important stuff only emerged when we had to hand up stuff for a competition (and even then other lecturers were apprehensive about our entries because they were so 11th-and-a-half hour) other than that it's issues ranging from how he feeds his cat to the types of weird things he keeps in his place (including a hugantic chinese police issue clock which can be read from 400m, a wide assortment of Buddhist artefacts to usher in wealth and drive away bad spirits etc).

I mean.. he's a nice guy... he definitely can carry a tale, but I can't bear to give negative feedback when he requested it from us regarding his lessons... it's just too weird to say to a teacher as blatantly as possible:

'Sir, with all due respect, we find that your lessons are a singular waste of time, and frankly we'd rather have you focus on OUR work instead of what your cat's feeding habits are, and where you typically enjoy to have your kopi...'

Can you imagine ANYBODY saying that??? And what's worse is that I can't evade his lesson next week anymore.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Crawldaddy does the Istana Part II


Let's try something else*


C: 'So, madame First Lady, are you happy your husband has been re-elected as our nation's classic figurehead?'

Mrs P: 'Huh? You have to shpeak up, boy... the amount of false applause from those gahmen people has temporarily deafened me'

C: 'uh, anyway, (increases voice level) your husband says your cooking sucks, what do you have to say to that?'

Mrs P: 'He WHAT???? You tell that lousy idiot from now on he can cook his meals himself.. wait they've got that lovely french guy who does all our meals... pity he's a fruitcake or he'll make a nice meal himself'

C: 'righty-oh... and what plans do you think your husband has in store for the country?'

Mrs P: 'He's just a damn figurehead.. he used to be of use, you know. Now all he does is smile and kiss little babies (so cute) and shake people's hands and go to fancy dinner parties where they do have very good cocktails, but I suppose with great resposibility comes great power'

C: 'you mean with great power comes great responsibility'

Mrs P: 'huh? Uh whatever lah, dear, and do you know? I once knew that lovely Agnes Kuan'

C: 'You mean.. uh nevermind, tell me more, please'

Mrs P: 'Oh, I met him once before he ever thought of entering the Presidential Erection, but I guess it's all a men's issue as to whether they're really eligible, no?'

C: 'I'm not sure what you mean.. Madame First Lady.. an elaboration, please?'

Mrs P: 'He invited me backstage because it was an awards presentation, and then he flashed at me his.... his... you know, 'bullet' and asked me whether I thought he could be able to match my husband for the title'

C: 'and what did you reply to him?'

Mrs P: 'Oh, I just ran away, because I was sooooooooooooo embarrassed, but you know, boy, that guy could have beaten my hubby flat just with his bullet!'

C: 'Holy crike, must've been whoppin'!'

Mrs P: 'I have no idea, but when he pulled that thing out and asked me that question.. I think he must have wanted an answer really bad, and he even followed me with that thing hanging out until my bodyguards told him to pack it in or risk getting thrown out of the door.'

C: 'Must've been weird, huh?'

Mrs P: 'It sure was weird, but it was so cool to finally se another man's dick instead of the same old thing every night'

C: 'Uhh... righty-oh... and just one final question, who do you think they'll ask to be the girl on "Whell Of Fortune Singapore" now Eunice has gone and become an MP?'

Mrs P: 'I hope they'll ask Brad Pitt'

C: 'uhh.. Brad Pitt's a man.'

Mrs P: 'SO? We women deserve to have some eye candy once in a while right? I mean sly is such a turn-off, and Taufik's almost too gay to be allowed. Noticed how they're ALWAYS together one?'

C: 'Yes.. I know what you mean... but thank you for your time.. and i hope your wish will come true!'

Mrs P: 'Yes, dear boy, now scurry off because I want to take a crack at that french chef of ours... '



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Crawldaddy does the Istana


Let's try something today:

We all know that our president has recently been re-elected, mainly because he was the only presidential candidate that was not torn apart by our ever vigilant gahmen, which "aims to provide our country with the best leader possible, through the best possible ways".

So let us take a peek at a little something (the below is fiction, btw):

Crawldaddy: 'so, Mr President, tell me, how does it feel to be re-elected once more?'

Mr P: 'Feels great.. I feel good now that I know my meals won't have to be cooked by my wife (who sucks at cooking, by the way)'

C: 'Righty-oh... and what are your comments now that your (former fellow) presidential candidate was ruthlessly crushed by the government in his attempt to run for presidency?'

Mr. P: 'Oh I feel so sorry for him.. after all he went thr- I mean.. it was a fair fight, and he just lost out at the early stages'

C: 'early stages...? but just a day or two after he was cut from the race you were announced as President, does the duration of two days constitute a fair timing for voters?'

Mr. P: 'what vot- uh I mean... yes, there is plenty of time for the voters, depending on how ready the general population is to make their decision'

C: 'Decision, Mr President? I was under the impression you knew you were the only presidential candidate?'

Mr. P: 'I was? I mean of course I was... that Agnes Kuan would have known that only I could have survived to the end'

C: 'Of course, with the Prime Minister behind you, what doubt would have entered your mind, right?'

Mr. P: 'Yeah, and his father, and the whole cabinet as well.. wait I mean, I did it unassisted. Yeah.'

C: 'Don't you think it is rather boring to only have one person running for the job?'

Mr. P: 'well, bland sells in this forsaken country anyway... can't you see? It's reflected in the way all the nation's females wear their hair the same, the way our singers always turn to acting, and of course the way the PAP keeps their hold unto the govenrment since independence, but you didn't hear me say that'

C: 'Well said, Mr President, and once last thing, what do you think you can do to improve the increasing petty theft cases in the heartlands?'

Mr. P: 'Vote for the oppo- umm I mean people must take care of their belongings, there really isn't any better way to safeguard your belongings than to keep them with you all the time.'

C: 'I was referring to the bicycles being parked at the MRT stations'

Mr P: 'oh.. uh then maybe I could try and talk to the PM, he's coming over for some snakes and ladders in a moment.. you know... keep the mind active.'

C: 'righty-oh, anyway, thank you for your time, Mr President and congratulations on your successful re-erection - I mean, re-election as our nation's President'



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Dengue fever update


Oh well, folks... sorry to keep you guys waiting... the past few days have been significantly horrible enough to merit me hoping they will NEVER happen again:

1. I managed to develop two or more ulcers in the throat which makes every single meal a dreaded affair.

2. Every meal is porridge and veggies (silent tears).

3. I've completely lost my sense of smell.

4. I've had to visit the polyclinic twice (and just spending time waiting for the doctor constitutes 97% of the time), both times I had to do a blood test where a nurse kindly pushed some hugantic needle into my arm (I could even see the bloody hole in the needle).

5. (Unlike Alvin), my bowels seem to have clenched up more than usual.

6. I have never discovered how uncomfortable my usually inviting bed has been.

7. It just sucks being ill.

8. I have to do another blood test on monday.

Thankfully, things are much better today (execpt for the above 1, 2, 3 and 5) and my head has not been as clear as now although I would love to have my sense of smell back... it's getting rather boring nowadays.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Do I have A Disease? IV


Following my skull-ripping headaches which I experienced since monday morning, my sense of smell and taste have now deteriorated to the point where they are now working at only 15%.

How do I know? For some odd reason or another I can taste the chlorine even after the water has been thoroughly boiled... my mum's specially stewed pork tasted bland, when I walked pass the perfume section of Robinson's Raffles City I couldn't smell anything, and what's worse is that my normally nice and minty fisherman's friends now taste somewhat bitter and unwholesome.

Gosh.. what the sam hill is happening to me?

Anyway, I recently checked out a Vox AC15 solid-state amplifier, and goodness gracious me: the clean and dirty sounds just blew the socks right off off me. I mean, the moment I strummed a simple G chord it was like a wave of warmth and solid tone... kicker is.. it's going for less than 200 bucks (OMG!!!)

However Lawrence (guy who works at the shop), told me that if I liked that amplifier, he could get me the AC30 for a negotiable price... and the AC30 has even much better tone. I was just thinking to myself... well, there's always a bigger fish, and when do we (sick-tone freaks like myself who are constantly searching for the ultimate guitar sound) ever stop in our quest, apart from the lack of dough?

I mean, it's just like the quest for volume in the early days of guitar amplification: amplifiers were initially availible only at a maximum of 50 watts? Then came along this psycho guy called Pete Townshend (guitarist for The Who) who commissioned the first 100-watt amplifier.. and that started a whole new trend which culminated in the biggest output an amplifier (Marshalls of course) which tops the bill at around 350 watts. For the record, the reason why I called Pete Townshend a psycho is because he used to thrash is amplifiers and throw his guitars into the speaker cones... ouch.

Anyway... it seems to me that this amplifier could be a reasonable substitute for my Marshall 15 watt (I mean, I fell in love with it from the very first strum.. what can I say, folks?) especially since the dirty sound is much bigger and cleaner than my Marshall (Malcolm Young, watch out!) and my guess is that once I kick in my overdrive pedal on top of the dirt and play some leads... it will be a whole new redefinition of the term 'blues rock'.

But untill then, I'm still stuck with my Marshall, but I hope and pray... I'll hope and pray.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sick Again III


Well, it's National Day for singaporeans, and I'm down with a headache and fever (on top of a mysterious sprained back)... some way to spend a day off from school... I still have to complete my part of a Comm Skills group-work and hopefully have time to work on my handphone model.

Thing is, I'm usually jaded when it comes to National Day because of all the cliched stuff which flies around in the air... you can see it in the newspapers (all the people who say how brilliant Singapore is, says that Singapore will forever be embedded in their lives)... and I'm just tired of watching the national day video.

You can say I'm perfectly non-patriotic because I simply find nothing to be patriotic about: the ever-rising transport fares, the NKF scandal, the PAP's perpetual political hold which then leads to Sitoh Yi Pin's picture being flashed outside St. John's home, which I pass by everyday due to the journey to and from Nanyang Poly. I mean these political candidates have a way to thinking that the people's hearts can be bought through their stomachs (the PAP's attempts at winning over the people in Potong Pasir from under the constituency of main opposition leader Chiam See Tong has culminated in a sort of gathering programme called Makan Fiesta) which is completely out of whack because I'm already irritated by the grinning visage of Sitoh Yi Pin topped with a chef's cap.

In any case, I'm more impressed with Chiam See Tong because he came around to my place last year to visit the residents in Sennett Estate in the middle of the afternoon, when the sun was shining to brightly and fiercely. Even more impressionable was the fact that he willingly asked us for our opinions on what should be done to improve the area and what we find dissatisfactory. That, to me is worth more than being exposed to lame PAP gimmickry.

Sigh... I think I'm feeling better already, but I'm still feeling wobbly mentally.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Murky Waters of Songwriting XXII


I went down to the pub yesterday, got changed and fully prepped for a night of rugby and flowing beer, when my supervisor informed me that I wasn't supposed to be working on saturday. Righty-oh.. so I spent like two hours in the pub sipping on my Kilkenny* (which someone had bought for me, but I hadn't managed to find time to give it a go) and producing a small sketch of the pub's bar back area on a tiny scrap of paper no bigger than the palm of my open hand.

*FYI, Kilkenny is a beer of Irish origin... lighter than Guinness, but it still managed to give me a numb brain after only ONE pint. I'm no great shakes at alcohol, anyway.

So I came home and pulled out my mandolin to owrk out a song based on a small mandolin chord progression which I had come up with last year right after I got back from New Zealand (yes, I'm still whacked about NZ, and you'd be too if you actually went there, of course being an LOTR fan does perpetuate the feeling even more). This riff I had originally recorded down and put under the title of: 'Walking to Franz Josef', after the glacier in the south island. For more details, visit this blog's NZ posts.

Anyway, I sort of came up with the complete structure by 9pm or so last night, and proceeded to cut the Mandolin track.. which I promptly EQed and set as a stereo track (mandolin on left-hand-side, with reverb of the signal on the right).. but I had a lot of trouble with the acoustic guitar track, because the strumming style of the mandolin could not be easily used on an acoustic guiar, I just cut the vocal and bass tracks before working on the acoustic this morning.

I managed to cut the guitar track this morning, but I had to do it twice because the first one wasn't exactly the epitome of a successful guitar track. Anyway, I just did the same job like what I did with the mandolin track, only that the guitar was now on the right channel, and the reverb signal was on the left.

Using this configuration, I sort of created a 'live' feel, because the mandolin's reverb signal is underneath the acoustic guitar, and vice versa... it was a rather successful attempt despite the to instruments are only a titch one of timing with each other in certain places. In fact, this song (now titled 'Sound of Promise') is so high-energy, it can match 'Introduction' for a high-energy song.

I'm now contemplating putting thsi song on the blog now... ok fine, I'll do it anyway.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Burnt Holidays!!!


Well, I've done a complete overhaul of 'Burnt Holidays' and I'm managed to smoothen out the volume of all the different songs and also modified the channel mixing for 'Joanne' and even wide panning for 'Introduction' and 'Searchaway, Spring In Christchurch'. I have to say that I was so dissatisfied with the guitar and vocal track for 'I'm Gonna Find My Own Way', I've re-done them both and now they're in the waitlist for Alvin's things-yet-to-be-done.

Anyway, I was just reminiscing on my wishlist for my birthday, and while it's still very early (my birthday is in November, btw), I just can't stop thinking of all the things I might want for my birthday:

1. J. R.R. Tolkien's 'The Silmarillion' which I briefly owned before misplacing it in school and now it's disappeared. Duh. Considered a literary classic, and only slightly more chim than LOTR the book. Did I mention I read it like five times before I lost it?

Price: Approx. $15-$20

2. AC/DC's 'Highway To Hell' album... a classic hard rock album filled to the brim with rock anthems, Malcolm Young and Cliff William's biting rhythm, Phil Rudd's thumping drums, Angus Young's slicing leads and Bon Scott's trademark sandpaper bark. Availible in remastered, paper-clad edition.

Price: Approx. $17-$22

3. Harmonicas in the Key of D & B. I've got harmonicas in the keys of G, A, E and C, but what's music without the full spectrum of instrumentation? Answer: more instruments to desire for.

Price: Approx. $5-$12 (each)

4. Led Zeppelin 'The Song Remains The Same' DVD. Classic footage from the film and of Led Zeppelin in concert from their 1973 US tour which features classic songs such as 'Dazed and Confused', 'Stairway To Heaven' and 'Whole Lotta Love'. I'd love to have that DVD to add to my bursting Led Zeppelin audio and video collection. Try and get the album CODA as well... I dunno where I misplaced the CD.

Price: Approx. $20-$30

5. A Thin Lizzy t-shirt. I dunno, I've looked in all the shops possible, but I can't find a shop which sells t-shirt with the Thin Lizzy logo on it... can't blame them.. who listens to 70's classic rock nowadays, especially since the band was Irish, dissolved in 1986 and the lead singer is a black, afro-ed bassist who died from drug abuse? Yet again, their songs aren't too bad... sort of like a classic rock version of Judas Priest (who are like heavy metal, btw). I'm guessing you guys have no idea what I'm talking about right?

Price: Approx. $12-$14

So there you have it in a nutshell, some things which I would dearly love to have... I've given you guys ample time to get it for me (pls inform me if you do intend to get me anything on that list, it may spoil the surprise, but I'll let you keep the individual item secret) :p Alvin owes me some stuff: quid pro quo, mate.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Gone Shooting


Today's Design Seminar was rather interesting, they brought in this guy called Erich Elkins who's also an Industrial designer. Apparently, he's got like 15 years of ID experience under his belt, and I guess he's got lots of things to say to us.

However, when he asked whether the audience had any questions, he was disappointed when only myself and a few others asked him some meagre questions... and his Q&A session was largely consisting of awkward silences.

So I guess We'll be having another Design Seminar with Erich next month, and I pray it'll be more exciting for the usually inexcitable ID audience which tends to be late almost everytime.

Oh yeah, I've already updated my Legends Of Zelda blog.. go check it out.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Oh My Goodness (*tock* be lay!!!)


Oh well, it's been a really crazy past week for me: M&M test, getting ready for graphics dateline, Alvin getting appendicitis and the visit to the hospital (he even had HBO, lucky bastard), but as I cheerily reminded him, he was back in his grandmother's clothes once more. ROFL.

Anyhow, it's tuesday, did my graphics presentation... played my song 'I'm Gonna Find My Own Way' in front of the whole class and including Ms Tan... I suppose I can't be pai seh anymore especially since I could sing something like 'Highway To Hell' in front of 60-something strangers in the pub, and still scream my heart out during a song like 'Hey Jude'. I guess the impromptu performance was anticipated (on my part), but I guess nobody would have guessed that I would have the gall to pull out my guitar and start strumming simply because XiWai asked me to sing the song.

I suppose I can hardly blame the rest of my class for demanding the performance, mainly due to the fact that no-one in class has ever heard 'I'm Gonna Find My Own Way', much less understand what my CD packaging would be about, and the meaning behind the packaging, which would have been inspired by and tie-in with the song itself.

Then steffo called me up today regarding 'It's All Joon Kiat's Fault', and asked me if I had a more upbeat song... the moment she mentioned the word 'upbeat', my mind immediately flashed upon an image of myself and Alvin pounding away at our instruments, in a heated moment playing 'Countryboy, Breakaway'.

FYI, those who have no idea what I'm talking about, 'Countryboy, Breakaway' is one of the Fuzzy Green Grass's earliest original songs... based loosely upon a simple G-Bb-F-G chord sequenced which is improvised underneath a fast-picking banjo (courtesy of Alvin). This song was a milestone for Alvin and myself because we recorded down a live session of us just playing the song for the first time, and we didn't know what the heck we were playing, hence you get muddled lyrics, wacko rhythm guitar, a 3-minute-long banjo solo and afterwards... sore fingers and elbows.

Maybe Alvin and I should put it down once more just for the sake of Steffo's Livewire soundtrack requirements... she did ask for an upbeat song.

I have to say that I didn't offer to let Steffo have a go that song because it was poorly recorded (we used Alvin's crappy computer microphone) and you can even hear the hum of Alvin's CPU in the background. The only song which barely tops 'Countryboy, Breakaway' is 'To You', which I feel has more balls to it, and possibly more commercial value, but I still like 'Countryboy, Breakaway' all the same.

I've just been blog surfing for a while, trying to ease the pain of having to spend a grand total of 27 bucks just for the 2nd Graphics project.. I shudder when I think of all the amount of money I waste just printing in colour at the school print shop. I've still got a few more blogs to visit, so see you folks for now.



Hard rockers unite!!! Someday rock will rule again...