Lazing on a Sunday morning
Well Alvin and I have officially wrapped up our 'Modus Operandi' chair (don't ask me why our chair has that Latin name, all I can say is... Alvin's very much into making people confused at the moment, after all he's taking a break from gassing them to death).
Over the course of two weeks we have managed to convert an old-styled outdoor chair into a sexy, comfortable, beyatch capable of making anyone who comes too close in the vicinity tempted to sit on it... and thereby snoozing on it for the rest of the day.
As to why it took so long for us to 'Officially' wrap it up.. it traces back to SFIC's original requirements for the submission. As far as we were informed, we only needed to hand in a CD-ROM, including digital photos of 5 views of that chair, and a 300-word write-up. Oh, then guess what?
Those buggers called Alvin up and asked for 2 A3 p-boards by monday morning.. which initiated a scramble to cobble the p-boards together and print them yesterday at Peace centre... I'm unnecessarily poorer by 10 bucks... and I'm annoyed by this 'last-minute' requirement which took up time for my research and preparation for Tuesday's FLY presentation.
While at Peace centre waiting for the p-boards to come out, Alvin and I went to City Music to look at some of the guitars and one acoustic bass. Then this shop assistant asked us:
Shop assistant: 'excuse me, are you interested in that guitar?'
...and without realising it...
C: 'no, we're just idling our time away'
...I had become a snooty bastard
SA: 'right, because you're not allowed to jam in here'
I apologised, but thing is.. I knew one of the guys over there.. and he didn't have a problem with me trying out the guitars.. or Alvin picking ever so softly on the bass. That darn shop assistant probably just can't stand good country music, and that's his issue, not mine.
After I decided to leave City Music, I went into a 2nd-book store, and found this 'Giant Book of Insults', which I deem to be one funny book as it contains loads of high-brow stabs at people who may deserve it. It sure serves as something which might come in handy one way or another.
Anyhow, I've got to go have breakfast now... Dad's calling me.
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