It's just Another Day and a Half III
Wow, great day today.. managed to finish off a couple of rhino renders, and still pull it off pretty well. Then highlight of the day:
I officially went around the SAV (aka St. Andrew's Village). Anybody who says that place lacks sass can kiss my arse.. frankly, I'd love to go back there everyday and just soak in the atmosphere. I went through the entire place with Benjamin Lee (who's back from Oz until early Jan) and Giant Zucchini, who promptly made me trudge through the entire village, INCLUDING the frickin' JC, which used to be the secondary school.. haha so many memories popped back into our minds as we discovered one by one the various familiar places, and all the old memories kept flooding back.
Now, it was great to finally see the JC was getting it all in order (omg, the stadium just took our breath away), particularly when we had contributed good money ($20 bucks back in those days was and still is alot of money) to the construction of the place, and we were probably the first of the old boys to go and see the place. Alvin told me that the JC was officially moving back there sometime in the very near future, and I'm like.. whoa.. that's fierce.
Invited Benjamin back to my place (GZ tagged along, understoodably) and we let him hear 'Burnt Holidays' and thank God he liked 'Searchaway, Spring in Christchurch'... which is really a Magnum Opus to me... kind of how 'Shine on You Crazy Diamond' is to Pink Floyd. Funny thing, I just met another Pink Floyd fan yesterday.. and he's younger than me. I couldn't imagine someone else of my generation enjoying Pink Floyd, but yet again.. I'm no loner... Thankfully.
I recently started listening to Coldplay's "X&Y", which I think is a completely phenominal album. I couldn't put myself into the position where I could comfortably say I was a Coldplay fan, until I heard "X&Y" the second time... although considering the fact that my favourite Coldplay song was and still is "Trouble".
Now I can safely say that I account myself amongst the many Coldplay fans worldwide, because I think at least their sound is progressing... lyric-wise very mature, but when I heard "X&Y" again, I was strongly reminded of a youthful U2 rhythm section along with Pink Floyd's musical sensibilities and of course Chris Martin's trademark fragile yet agile vocal stylings.
For those who are still skeptics of Coldplay's latest album (I know this review is at least 5 months late) there is nothing for you to lose apart from an obviously closed state of mind. That said, I'm still lusting for The Darkness's Latest album "One Way Ticket To Hell... And Back", which I've heard is absolutely fricktastic. Muahaha.. hopefulyl I can get it soon *looks to Brother Dearest*.
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