First the Bad:
It's been 3 weeks in my new camp since I left Tekong, and well everything seemed to go alright until this week. I succeeded in getting annoyed with 5 different people and had shouted at 4 of them. This is one of the few times I have ever lost my temper at a stranger.
This situation kind of reminds me when I was back in Secondary school, where I would encounter individuals whose characters were starting to form, you would have such characters such as:
1. The Wankers - these people had no other role in life other than to be utterly self-indulgent, petty and selfish.
2. The Stoners - people who, well, stone. In this case, the folks who love a good nap on the job.
3. The Jokers - guys who love a laugh, but often at the expense of others regardless of race, language and religion. Such indiscriminate people.
4. The Jesters - similar to the jokers, but rather these guys tend to imagine that everyone is open to tom-foolery, and that it is perfectly fine to disturb others while one is at work or trying to have a bit of a rest.
5. The Retards - guys who seem six bricks shy of an full load. Nothing seems to enter their brains despite one's persistence. They are also prone to outbursts of unnecessary laughter. No apologies here.
6. The Quiet Ones / Good Guys - folks who just prefer to keep their head down and stay out of trouble.
The Repulsively Ugly:
Now, I'm sure you have a better understanding of what sort of company I'm in. I'm rather appalled by the way in which the persons within my department tend to be childish, immature, violent, petulant, petty and irrational persons. I'm not proud of the fact that I'm associated with certain people who are a vicious and uninviting combination of some of the less desirable characters as mentioned above.
I am glad that despite the majority of persons having an attitude problem and the inner urge to disregard higher authority, a select few are thankfully normal, hard-working individuals, with the usual quirks here and there. I had a rant with Steph earlier in the day and I'm just happy to get this off my chest. I pray that things will improve as soon as one of the undesireable individuals ORDs next week (good riddance, asshole) and that no one desires to take his place as Asshole-in-residence.
Finally, the Good:
On a brighter note, I'm glad to announce that my band Ark Analogy will be performing Live at The Cathay outlet of Ben & Jerry's on the 1st of September, Saturday evening, 9pm.
We will be performing for 2 sets of a half-hour per set. Over the past few weeks we've been practising hard honing our songs and writing a few more. In addition to that, I had invited a few of my friends to our jam sessions in order to understand how our music would be accepted (or not) by the other youths of my generation. So far the reactions have been relatively positive, and we have every intention of not letting our supporters down.
Make no mistake that I have been working on my craft as much as possible so much so that I can barely remember a moment of my precious weekends out of camp when I was practising guitar, making improvements to my gear or jamming with my mates.
Therefore, on behalf of the guys, I cordially invite you to join us for an evening of unbridled rock and roll, mixed with a dash of Jazzy Pop and a healthy dose of Blues. If you have any problems finding your way there, you can tag for my number.